Emperor Martial System

Chapter 559 Breakthrough Again

Chapter 559 Breakthrough Again

After the mysterious woman's injury was dealt with by Zhang Fan, Zhang Fan never took care of it again.

Instead, he sat on the sidelines and practiced. Zhang Fan needs very strong strength now, so he seized every minute to practice hard.

The mysterious woman sat cross-legged on the boulder and began to heal her injuries.

Zhang Fan didn't bother with her, but started to roast the meat.In less than half a quarter of an hour, the entire cave was filled with fragrance.

The mysterious woman was also awakened from the healing process by the fragrance, but the mysterious woman did not speak, but looked at Zhang Fan silently.

After a while, Zhang Feng had roasted the meat.

Then he appeared in front of the mysterious woman with the roasted meat. "Beauty, it's time to eat, by the way: Beauty, what's your name?" A frivolous word came out of Zhang Fan's mouth.

Who would have dared to speak like this in front of him before?He must have been slapped to death by himself.But now he doesn't even have the strength to stand up, so naturally he can't deal with this hateful man in front of him.

The mysterious woman turned around, trying not to see Zhang Fan, nor the barbecue, so get the hell out of here.

"Gollum, Gollum, Gollum"

"Beauty, your stomach has betrayed you, even if you don't tell me, you still have to eat some food. My name is Zhang Fan." Then Zhang Fan put the barbecue on the boulder.He went back to the stove and started to grill the meat.

The mysterious woman felt inexplicably warm when she saw that Zhang Fan brought it to herself before eating.

"My name is Ye Zirou." Then he picked up Zhang Fankao's meat and slowly tasted it.

The short conversation ended slowly like this, and the two who lost the topic fell into an atmosphere of silence.
Not long after, the meat I roasted was cooked.Zhang Fan started to gobble it up.After a while, I was full, and then walked towards the mysterious woman.

The mysterious woman was taken aback, and she lost her voice: "What do you want to do?" At this time, the mysterious woman was sealed, and the spiritual power in her body could not be gathered at all.Now it is not even as good as an ordinary person.If Zhang Fan wanted to do something at this time, his innocence would be ruined.

Zhang Fan smiled and said, "What are you thinking? I did what I want to do to you as early as when you were healing?"

The mysterious woman thought for a while, then nodded slightly, but she still didn't let go of her guard.Quietly be wary of Zhang Fan, if Zhang Fan makes any changes?I would rather die than take advantage of Zhang Fan.

"Since your name is Ye Zirou, I will call you Zirou from now on."

The mysterious woman didn't object. Although Zhang Fan's words were a bit frivolous, the way he looked at himself was completely different from the way those people looked at him before.So he acquiesced to Zhang Fan calling himself Zirou.

"Zi Rou, how did you get here? How did you suffer such a serious injury?"

"You'd better not care about these things. You have a small acquired eightfold cultivation base. Knowing too much is not good for you."

Ye Zirou took out a bottle from the storage bag and handed it to Zhang Fan.

The storage bag, Zhang Fan's eyes lit up, and he saw the legendary storage bag, even the entire Zhang family didn't have a storage bag.

The entire Beishan City is only owned by the city lord. Those who have storage bags must be masters in the realm of true martial arts, and masters in the realm of true martial arts do not necessarily have storage bags.Ye Zirou actually has it.

One can imagine how difficult Ye Zirou's identity is.

Zhang Fan took the pill bottle and asked, "What is this?"

"Meridian Pill,"

Zhang Fan looked confused, and then asked in a low voice. "What is Huamaidan?"

It was Ye Zirou's turn to be surprised, "You don't know what Huamai Pill is? How did you cultivate to the innate realm?"

"I used to concentrate on cultivation, and I didn't know much about pills."

Ye Zirou's beautiful eyes flashed. "Huamai Pill is the best of the second-grade elixir. But it only works for people in the innate realm. It helps people in the innate realm unconditionally advance to the first level, and has no side effects."

Ye Zirou waved her hand, and there was a book in front of Zhang Fan. (Detailed explanation of the basics of martial arts)

I'm going to start healing, you stay away from me.

Zhang Fan picked up the elixir and the basics of martial arts and explained them to the side. If he really fell asleep, someone would give him a pillow.

Zhang Fan didn't know much about this world, and he didn't know much about martial arts. Now that he has a detailed explanation of the basics of martial arts, it's really like adding wings to a tiger.

Seeing the stunning beauty healing on the boulder, Zhang Fan began to practice.We must improve our strength as soon as possible, so that there is no pressure to chase after girls.If you don't have the strength to chase a girl, you will be tied up.

Zhang Fan was not in a hurry to take out the Huamai Pill.Instead, he started to practice by running the Creation Scripture.

When the spirit, energy and spirit reached their peak, Zhang Fan took out the Huamai Pill and took it.At this time, Zhang Fan only felt a huge spiritual power moving in his body. Zhang Fan suppressed the spiritual power riot by running the Good Fortune Scripture, and channeled the spiritual power in his body to start to circulate one big cycle after another.

In one night, Zhang Fan refined all the medicinal power of Huamai Pill, and his realm broke through to the peak of the second innate level as scheduled.

Zhang Fan did not rush to stop his cultivation, but continued to stabilize his cultivation.Although it is not necessary to stabilize his cultivation base when his cultivation reaches the peak of the second innate level, Zhang Fan pursues perfection and does not want to leave any regrets for his future realm.

It was not until noon that Zhang Fan withdrew from his practice.

Zhang Fan opened his eyes, but did not see Ye Zirou in the cave.Maybe it's already gone?
Zhang Fan also got up and went out of the cave, ready to go hunting and come back to cook.

Zhang Fan heard hurried footsteps outside the cave, and went out to have a look.

It turned out to be a two-headed snake, a monster in the early stage of true martial arts, chasing Ye Zirou closely, and Ye Zirou was about to be overtaken by the monster.

Of course, Zhang Fan would not do things and ignore his body, he hurriedly jumped to Ye Zirou's side, and hugged Ye Zirou's waist.Dodged the fatal blow of the double-headed snake.

Zhang Fan didn't have time to savor the beauty of Ye Zirou's slender waist.The double-headed snake had already caught up, spitting out black venom.Zhang Fan picked up Ye Zirou again to escape the attack.

And quickly moved to the side of the cave, and said loudly to Ye Zirou: "Go into the cave and hide, I will block this big stupid snake."

Ye Zirou also knew that she had not recovered her cultivation.The seal has only been lifted a little bit, and now his strength is comparable to the peak of the day after tomorrow.

Staying here can only hold Zhang Fan back, don't say something affectionate to Zhang Fan. "Be careful." Then he quickly entered the depths of the cave.

Zhang Fan didn't dare to be careless in the face of the double-headed snake. Although he had broken through at this time, he was at the peak of the second innate level, but he still couldn't match the innate consummation powerhouse.Not to mention the monsters in the realm of true martial arts, they are all ants under true martial arts.

Recommend a new book, Kyushu Good Fortune System.

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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