Emperor Martial System

Chapter 562 Homecoming

Chapter 562 Homecoming
Zhang Fan sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the Heavenly Scripture.This time Zhang Fan did not take the Houtian Pill, because Zhang Fan had already reached the peak of the second innate level at this time, and taking the Houtian Pill had no effect at this time, so naturally he did not take the Houtian Pill.

And at this time, Zhang Fan didn't have the elixir of the innate realm, so he didn't take the elixir:
The sky was gray and bright, Zhang Fan had already left for Qingyu Town, why did he rush to Qingyu Town?Because Zhang Fan planned to exchange his income from hunting monsters in the Bailing Mountains into gold.

Although it can also be exchanged in Beishan City, there is a corpse of a real martial arts monster.The size is too large, if it is shipped to Beishan City for sale.

It may remind people that they have storage space, so Zhang Fan planned to rush back to Beishan City after dealing with it in Qingyu Town.

Moreover, Qingyu Town is the site of the Banyue Sect, basically no one dares to do anything in Qingyu Town.

When he arrived at the entrance of the town, Zhang Fan found a place where no one was around and released the corpses of the real martial arts monsters and all the inner alchemy of the monsters.

Carrying it on his back, he walked towards the Yulou, and Zhang Fan came to the Yulou in a short while.

Yulou is a store opened by Banyue Teaching Institute. Although the price is a little cheap, it is absolutely safe.

On the contrary, it is because of this, that's why they come to Qingyu Town Yulou to sell.

Seeing that Zhang Fan was carrying the corpses of two real martial arts monsters, the clerk quickly went up to him and led Zhang Fan to the counter.

Zhang Fan traded all the inner alchemy and monster beast corpses, and in exchange for a total of 10 taels of gold, Zhang Fan got up and left the Yulou.

But Zhang Fan didn't know that this scene had already been seen by a tall and thin young man hunter.A tall and thin young man came to Dongfeng Inn and entered Room No. [-] Tianzi. "Brother has a good business"

"Oh, what good business does the second brother have?" A short and fat man said:
"Brother, I saw a young man selling a corpse of a real martial arts monster and a real martial arts monster inner alchemy in Yulou today, and the value is more than 10,000+ taels of gold.

We vote for him, and we can eat for at least a few years after doing this vote. "

"Second brother, isn't the eldest brother talking about you, so keep your eyes open. Are we capable of offending people who hunt and kill monsters in the realm of true martial arts?"

"Brother, that person only has the cultivation base of the second innate realm, I guess it was the two monsters fighting each other that made that kid take advantage of it.

With the cultivation bases of the two of us at the third level of innate realm, taking down a kid who is at the second level of innate realm is not easy.

Brother, if we don’t do this vote, we will have to regret it for three years. "

"Are you sure that person only has the cultivation of the second innate realm,"

"Brother, I'm sure."

"Well. Then let's follow him for a while, and we will make sure there is no problem before we do it. If there is a problem, we will withdraw immediately."

While talking, the two had already chased in the direction where Zhang Fan left.

In half a day, Zhang Fan had already completed half of the journey, and he would be able to return to Beishan City in about half a day.

This time Zhang Fan was not in a hurry to go to Banyue Reef and join the Banyue Sect, because he had to settle his family affairs first before joining the Banyue Sect.

The most important thing is that his current strength has fully joined the Banyue Sect without any hindrance.

This is the benefit of strength improvement. It took three days when I came here, but one day is enough when I go back.

"Friends show up!"

At this time, two men, one fat and one thin, came out from behind a big tree.
The fat man said: "Hand over all the spirit stones on your body, and we will let you go. Otherwise, this will be your burial place today."

Zhang Fan said: "After a long time, the two of you are robbing money, but it's a pity that the two of you have miscalculated. Now the young master is in a good mood, hand over all the valuable things on your body, get out immediately and I will let you go. Otherwise, this place is yours today." A place of burial."

The thin man said: "The boy's tone is crazier than ours. Do you know that we are fat and thin hunters? There are not ten or eight people who are killed by us in the innate realm. You don't know how to live or die, big brother, don't talk to him." Crap him together."

After speaking, the two of them attacked Zhang Fan together. Zhang Fan was not afraid. He could fight even at the real martial arts level. Would he be afraid of two innate third-level warriors?Zhang Fan went all out to fight the two of them.

Although Zhang Fan was very powerful, the two people who besieged him were one level higher than him, and they were 2v1, so Zhang Fan didn't take them down for a while.

But Zhang Fan was full of confidence. Although he fought equally with the two, he would be able to drag them to death sooner or later by relying on the effects of the Heavenly Scripture.

And the two robbing gangsters also had the same idea. They were born warriors of the third level. They believed that Zhang Fan's explosive power would definitely not last long.

So as long as it drags on, Zhang Fan can be dragged to death, so although the two sides fought fiercely, they didn't make any real fire.

After a full half a day, the two robbing Zhang Fan were the first to exhaust themselves. Only then did they realize that Zhang Fan was not made of mud.

At this moment they wanted to run away, but how could Zhang Fan give them a chance? Zhang Fan shot directly, and within a short while, the two of them were completely injured.

The two knew they could not escape.

The two knelt down together, and said in unison: "My lord, please forgive us! My lord, please forgive us! I will never dare again next time."

How could Zhang Fan be merciful?One move of Meteor swordsmanship sent the two of them to the west, which should be the [-]th floor of hell.

After cleaning the battlefield, they turned out to be two poor guys who only had one second-order martial skill, the fat and thin double-click technique. If they knew that Zhang Fan looked down on their martial skills, Zhang Fan would be so angry that they would crawl out of the grave to find Zhang Fan desperately.

This was the two people's biggest reliance back then, when they got this martial skill book, they were so excited that they didn't sleep for three days and three nights.

After another half day, Zhang Fan finally returned to the gate of the Zhang residence.Zhang Fan walked into the gate and walked straight to his courtyard.

"The good-for-nothing young master who disappeared for two months has come back. I thought he died outside." A servant said:

"Be careful that the misfortune comes out of your mouth, don't talk about it. No matter how useless he is, he is a young master after all. It is not easy to kill us." Another servant said:

Zhang Fan had already returned to his courtyard at this time,

"Congratulations, young master, for returning home," the two girls congratulated in unison.

"Well, Immortals and Shishi are the second tier of Houtian, not bad. Continue to practice hard, there are still forty Houtian pills here, you can share them."

Xianxian replied: "Master, we don't need it. We haven't used up the elixir you gave us last time."

Zhang Fan said: "I have a lot of pills, don't need to save with me. It's better to reach the postnatal peak sooner." He stuffed the pills into Ouyang Xianxian's hands.

You go down!
(End of this chapter)

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