Emperor Martial System

Chapter 565 Chapter 1

Chapter 565 First
Zhang Canzhen was afraid that Zhang Fan would step on his face.Then my life was wise, but it was really ruined, and I really couldn't hold my head up in the Zhang family.

"Zhang Fansheng, Zhang Fan ranks No.4, Zhang Canshun ranks fifth, and the other ranks fall back in order." The Great Elder said:

If it wasn't for Zhang Can admitting defeat so quickly, Zhang Fan really wanted to step on Zhang Can's face.The feeling of stepping on Zhang Batian's face in public is really refreshing.Zhang Fan smiled evilly at Zhang Huangxie on the main platform.

Zhang Huang was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, his face was ashen, if there was no one here.Zhang Huang definitely jumped on stage to kill Zhang Fan.They tortured Zhang Fan to death.

Zhang Huang turned his face away so that he would not see Zhang Fan.So as not to be annoyed by Zhang and get sick.

The battle for the top ten is still fierce.

Zhang Xinrui challenged Zhang Han for sixth,
As soon as the two came to the stage, they frantically displayed their cultivation. The strength of the two was about the same, so they fought back and forth, and it took about half a stick of incense.Zhang Han accidentally knocked off the ring by Zhang Xinrui.

"Zhang Xinrui challenged Zhang Han to change the rankings." The Great Elder said:

Except for Zhang Xinrui, after the first challenge was successful, the others did not succeed in the challenge. After all, their cultivation bases were different, and they did not have such a heaven-defying opportunity as Zhang Fan, so they could not challenge beyond the level. almost the same.So it is normal that no one succeeds in the challenge.

After some challenges.Temporary ranking.

Long Zhang, first
Jeff Chang, second
Zhang Chi, third

Zhang Fan, fourth

Can Zhang, fifth

Jane Zhang, sixth
Zhang Huaxin, seventh
Zhang Han, eighth

Zhang Huiru, ninth
Zhang batian, tenth
Zhang Fan successfully entered the semi-finals.

In fact, Zhang Fan didn't want to compete for the No.1, because he didn't like the rewards of the first and fourth, so in his eyes, the first and fourth were similar.But the last time in the Shufa Pavilion, Zhang Long felt ashamed of Zhang Fan, and it is not a gentleman not to take revenge.

"I challenge No.1," Zhang Fan said flatly:
Great Elder Dao: "Are you sure."

"Elder, I know very well, what am I doing? I'm just challenging No.1." Zhang Fan replied:

"Zhang Fan, is this eating the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard? How dare you challenge the No. 1 of the younger generation of the Zhang family? Isn't this the old birthday star who hanged himself to seek death?" A Zhang family disciple in the audience said:

"Who says it's not? Zhang Long is even more heaven-defying than the current Patriarch. The 17-year-old Acquired Sutra is at the peak.

The current Patriarch only broke through the peak of Acquired Sutras at the age of 23. "Another Zhang family disciple said:

"Not necessarily, maybe Zhang Fan has a hole card, didn't you see that he defeated Zhang Batian and Zhang Can?" Another Zhang family disciple said:

"How can Zhang Batian and Zhang Can be comparable to Zhang Long, just wait for Zhang Fan to be beaten to the bum." Another Zhang family disciple said:

The elders on the stage also talked a lot, saying that Zhang Fan didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, and dared to challenge Zhang Long.

"Great Elder, I shall fight." Zhang Long leaped into the high platform gracefully.

"Competition of the same clan, click until the end, the competition begins" the elder said indifferently:
"Zhang Fan is a good-for-nothing who has the consciousness of a good-for-nothing. Do you know that when a salted fish turns around, it is still a salted fish. In the Zhang family, I, Zhang Long, are the gods of the younger generation. See if I don't beat you to your knees and beg for mercy." Zhang Long disdained the way:
"Whoever kneels and begs for mercy will only know after the battle," Zhang Fan said:

Zhang Long is worthy of being the leader of the younger generation, he has two martial arts in one shot, a burst martial art in his left hand, and a fireball martial art in his right hand.

At the same time, it was photographed to Zhang Fan, it seems that he wanted to defeat the enemy with one move, and then improve his prestige in the family.

But Zhang Fanqi was made of mud, so he dodged Zhang Long's attack with a dodge.And hit back with fireball martial arts.

How could Zhang Fan's speed be so fast? This is at least the speed of the acquired scriptures.As for Zhang Fan, he had acquired meat, Zhang Long couldn't believe his eyes.

Zhang Fan and Zhang Long fought each other on stage.

The audience is directly dazzled,
"How is it possible that Zhang Fan is so powerful that he can compete with Zhang Long." A member of the Zhang family said humanely:

"Who says it's not? This Zhang Fan is really hiding something," another member of the Zhang family said humanely:

The pot exploded on the main stage.

"You can learn how to practice the acquired scriptures by refining the meat the day after tomorrow. He is truly a genius. The old Patriarch, Patriarch, we must vigorously train him." The third elder said:

The elders on the stage got back together one after another.

Although Zhang Tian was unhappy, he didn't express it, but said: "You are right."

Zhang Liang also said indifferently: "Well, it is true that both of them need to be cultivated."

At this time, Zhang Huang's face was livid and he didn't say anything.

The battle is still in full swing.But Zhang Fan only had one fireball skill in the past.It is impossible for Zhang Fan to use Meteor Martial Skill and Feiyu Martial Skill, and Zhang Huang, that old fox, would not be able to notice it.

On the other hand, Zhang Long used the four martial arts alternately, and the two were evenly matched.

After fighting like this for an hour, Zhang Fan felt that the time was right, and relying on his powerful innate spiritual sense, he casually caught a loophole in Zhang Long.Zhang Long was knocked off the stage with one palm.

"Zhang Fan, you are lucky this time, and I will make you look good next time." After Zhang Long said this, he turned and left.

"Take care of your mouth, or it won't be so easy next time." Zhang Fan said flatly:
If it wasn't for Zhang Long's cheap talk, he didn't deliberately target Zhang Fan.Otherwise, Zhang Fan must teach this person a lesson.

"Zhang Fansheng, is there anyone else who wants to challenge?" the Great Elder asked:

After a while, seeing that no one was speaking in the audience, the Great Elder announced the final result of the competition.

Zhang Fan, number one.

Zhang Long, the second.

Zhang Xinzhe, third.

Zhang Chi, fourth.

Zhang Can, fifth.

Jane Zhang, sixth.

Zhang Huaxin, seventh.

Zhang Han, eighth.

Zhang Huiru, ninth.

Zhang Batian, tenth.

In the end, Jin Jin and Hou Tian Dan were sent to Zhang Dan, and he also got a family order.And was told that martial arts can be obtained by going to the Shufa Pavilion with the family order.

Finally, the Great Elder announced that the New Year Festival was successfully concluded, and Zhang Fan returned to his small courtyard.The people on the square also dispersed.

But people everywhere are talking about Zhang Fan,

"Isn't Zhang Fan useless before? How could he become so powerful now? I can't believe it." A family member said:
"Don't talk about it. The current Zhang Fan is not something we can provoke." Another family member said:
"That's right." Another family member said:
Zhang Fan, it can be said that he became famous in one battle, but this has nothing to do with Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan returned to his courtyard and had dinner first.So he asked the two girls to call for hot water, and prepared to take a hot bath and enjoy life, which is a treatment that is not available in the Banyue Mountain Range.

To be continued…………………

(End of this chapter)

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