Emperor Martial System

Chapter 567 Create a force

Chapter 567 Create a force
"Are you sure that's the case, this matter involves a lot, Fan'er, let me investigate first."

"Grandpa, I'm worried that your poison was also poisoned by him, then your family will know about your situation. In that case, our family."

"Well, now you are also a strong person in the innate stage, I will give you the most elite guards of the family, the Iron Blood Guard, if something really happens to the family.

Let the Iron Guard escort you away, you are the hope of the whole family.And don't tell anyone about your breakthrough.you go down"

Zhang Liang took out a black token with the family's totem on one side and the three big characters "Iron Blood Order" on the other side, and handed it to Zhang Fan.Iron Blood Guard is in the family forbidden area, you can transfer it at any time.

Every family has its own death guards secretly cultivated. Although there are not many of them, they are all masters. Fan, it can be seen how much he valued Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan retreated.

After a while, Zhang Liang arrived at the Shufa Pavilion.

The old man in Shufa Pavilion stood up instantly and said, "Old Patriarch."

"Spy on Huang'er's every move for me, and report back to me immediately if anything happens."

After giving this order, Zhang Liang seemed to be a few years older, and slowly left the Shufa Pavilion.

Zhang Fan returned to his courtyard and called Xianxian. I was going to renovate my courtyard, and then I gave Xianxian a blueprint.Find someone to renovate to this design.Then he walked into his room.

Zhang Fan began to practice while meditating and running the Creation Scripture.The night passed quickly.Zhang Fan felt that his cultivation had improved a bit.

This cultivation speed is very slow.According to this speed, it will take at least a year to cultivate to innate consummation. It seems that he needs to get some second-order pills to assist his cultivation.

In fact, this cultivation speed is not too slow. Without the aid of pills, it would take at least 50 years for an ordinary person to cultivate from the early stage of innate to the middle stage of innateness; even some geniuses would need 20 years; some peerless geniuses would need at least ten years.

However, Zhang Fan has the Heavenly Scripture of Creation, even without the assistance of pills, it only takes one year, which shows how against the sky the Heavenly Scripture of Creation is.

Construction of Zhang Fan's courtyard has already started. With money and strength, Zhang Fan will naturally not treat himself badly.It will be of great use in the future after renovating the courtyard.

Zhang Fan came to the Zhang Family's Forbidden Area, but was stopped by someone who was actually the peak of the Houtian Nine Layers, which shows that the Zhang Family's Forbidden Area is not simple.

Zhang Fan took out the iron and blood order, and then Zhang Fan was led into the forbidden area of ​​the Zhang family.

After entering the forbidden area, Zhang Fan was led to a square. At this time, a man about 30 years old came out and said to Zhang Fan, "I'm under the Deputy Commander of the Iron Blood Guard, what's the matter with the Commander?"

When Zhang Fan got the Iron Blood Order, he had already learned from Zhang Liang that the person who got the Iron Blood Order was the leader of the entire Iron Blood Team.

Zhang Fan took out the iron and blood order and said to the deputy commander: "Gather all the iron and blood guards, I have something to say."

After a while, 48 people gathered on the square,

"Vice Commander, the iron and blood guards are here."

"Report to the commander, except for the two guards, the rest are here."

Zhang Fan scanned the 48 people, and the people here are basically 25 to 30 years old, and their cultivation bases are from the acquired scriptures to the peak of the acquired ninth level. As for the half-step innate person, there is only one deputy leader.

Because the Zhang family's resources are not enough, it is impossible to waste the innate resources of the breakthrough on these foreigners.The resources to break through the innate were all given to the clansmen, so none of these iron and blood guards had a breakthrough in the innate.

"Call in the two gatekeepers," said fifty people gathered in the square.

"You are all the death guards of the Zhang family, and there is nothing to say about your loyalty, but your cultivation is really useless, right?" Zhang Fan said lightly:

Although Zhang Fan's voice was very low, everyone in the audience could hear it.These people's faces were very angry.But nothing was said.

"You seem to be dissatisfied. Can you speak out if you are dissatisfied? Don't hold back." Zhang Fan said:

"Commander, soldiers can be killed, but not humiliated. You can kill us, but you can't insult us." A man with a peak acquired cultivation said:
"Well, you are slightly better than them. At least dare to refute me."

"We're not trash."


There was a lot of noise in the square.

"Is it trash? I didn't say it. It needs to be proved by strength. If you go together and can support half a stick of incense under my hands, I will take back what I just said." Zhang Fan said with disdain:

"Commander, this is what you said." Another person said

"That's right, I said it." Zhang Fan said:

"Come on, brothers, don't be looked down upon by the commander." After saying this, only 50 people attacked Zhang Fan at the same time.

Zhang Fan displayed his innately powerful cultivation base and used the fireball martial art to fight it.After half a stick of incense, everyone was lying on the ground, and no one could stand up.

"It's really a bunch of trash, even me, a person in the early innate stage, can't beat me. If other families in the innate stage attack, you can only deliver food." Zhang Fan said flatly:
At this time, no one below dared to object, because they lost. At the beginning, they thought it was.

Zhang Fan is in charge of the Black Iron Guard through his connections, and now they fully understand.The young man in front of him is in charge of the Black Iron Guard by virtue of his own strength.

"I'm in charge of the Black Iron Guard, are you convinced?" Zhang Fan said flatly:
"We're done."

"We're done."


This group of Black Iron Guards surrendered to the Black Iron Order just now, and the 15-year-old Zhang Fan defeated them, and now he has completely surrendered.

"Now the first order, those who are at the peak of the day after tomorrow and above, stand on my left. Those who are below the peak of the ninth level of the day after tomorrow, stand on my right." Zhang Fan said:

After a while, ten people gathered on Zhang Fan's left and 40 people gathered on his right.

"That's right, you're still well-trained. At least let me see a little hope. Now I want you to completely submit to me. My sword is pointing at it. That's the direction you are going." Zhang Fan said lightly:
"Report to the commander, we obey the commander's arrangement," the deputy commander said:
"You may not understand what I mean, I mean that now you only follow my orders.

Even the family cannot mobilize you.I wonder if you have any opinions?But I will definitely not oppose the family.I plan to form my own faction. " Zhang Fan said.

People in the audience began to discuss, but actually following Zhang Fan was not much different from following the Zhang family.Because Zhang Fan got the Black Iron Order from the Zhang family and has already controlled the Black Iron Guard, and Zhang Fan has advanced to the innate level at such a young age, so he will definitely do more in the future.Following Zhang Fan can be said to have a bright future.

"Swear allegiance to the commander to the death." The deputy commander took the lead in expressing his position.

Others also expressed their allegiance one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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