Emperor Martial System

Chapter 573 Auction ends

Chapter 573 Auction ends

"With these twenty pills, you can break through to the late innate stage. In this way, we can suppress the Wang family after we join hands with the Wang family to eliminate the Zhang family." Li Zhengdao said:
"Father's lesson, it seems that it is impossible to use this innate fruit to make Bin'er break through to innate, and I don't know if the auction house has it in stock.

If possible, trade one, so that Bin'er can break through to innateness. In this case, if he is sent to the Banyue Sect, the chances of competing for core disciples will be much greater. " Li Xiuyuan said:
"Well, I will leave this matter to you, but you must be polite and don't make the auction house unhappy." Li Zhengdao said:
In the entire Banyue Island, families with strong innate consummation realms are eligible to send their elite disciples to the Banyue Sect to practice.

Moreover, once these elite disciples enter the Banyue Sect, most of them are inner disciples, and a few of them can become core disciples.

This is also why there are not many people who are in the consummation state of the acquired state, let alone those in the innate state, in the recruitment competition held by the Banyue Sect.

The reason why Ban Yuejiao held an enrollment competition was to attract talents among casual cultivators.

"55 taels of gold!"

"My royal family has given up."

"Patriarch Zhang bid 55 taels of gold, is there more? 000 taels of gold once." Tie Shiliu said:
"6 taels of gold."

"Master Li thinks you are ruthless, and my Zhang family will also give up." Zhang Liang said: he secretly smiled and said, you idiot, it would be better to give a little more.

"I want to compete with the Li family with this little financial resources, I really don't know how to live." Li Zhengdao laughed loudly:
"Master Li bid 6 taels of gold, is there more? 6 taels of gold once, is there a higher one? 6 taels of gold twice, sure there is no higher one, 6 taels of gold three times."

At this time Zhang Fan was sitting on the top floor, but he didn't expect the scene to be so hot, even though his grandfather raised the price both times.

But Zengling Pill was sold at a price seven times higher.Zhang Fan saw the shining gold beckoning to him.

The one hundred and one auction item,

The one hundred and second auction item,
The one hundred and third auction item,

The [-]th auction item is also today's finale auction item.A fully ripe congenital fruit can help a person [-]% break through to congenital.If there is a junior with excellent aptitude in your family, as long as you give him a Xiantian pill, he can instantly enter Xiantian.

In this way, at least five years of penance can be saved.How much wealth would Wang Nian be to a genius?Maybe he can enter the Banyue City Banyue Sect to practice, break through the realm of true martial arts and become a real powerhouse of the generation.

Well, I won’t talk about the rest of the nonsense. There is no reserve price to start the auction, and the price cannot be lowered maliciously. Each price increase should not be less than 1000 taels of gold.Well the auction has officially started.

"10 taels of gold."

Zhang Liang bid directly.

"Is this Zhang Liang crazy? This is all the current assets in his family and he has to sell some of the fixed assets to make up for it." The city owner thought to himself:
In fact, how could the city lord have thought that Zhang Liang was afraid that once the city lord made an offer, no one would dare to follow the price, which would lead to the sale of congenital fruit at a low price.

That was really painful, so he directly bid 20 taels of gold. The auction house in Banyue City usually sells for around 20 taels of gold.

Zhang Fan also didn't expect his grandfather to bid. In fact, he held the auction with no reserve price just to give the city lord's mansion a chance to make friends. After all, the city lord of Beishan is a strong man in the realm of true martial arts. It is also very good to have a relationship with such a strong man. things.

Although this matter was ruined by his grandfather, he didn't have any opinion. After all, there were not no beasts in the real martial arts realm who died under Zhang Fan's hands.

If Zhang Fan really worked hard, even if he was a real martial artist, he would still have a chance to kill him.

Whether you can establish a good relationship with the city lord of Beishan City is nothing in Zhang Fan's eyes.

"25 taels of gold!"

The city lord made an offer without thinking too much. One plus was 5 taels of gold, which shows that the city lord is rich and powerful.

At this time, Zhang Liang did not bid again, as long as the goal was achieved, it would be fine, so he did not offend the city lord.

And my grandson should have many congenital fruits.Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why all the Black Iron Guards were innate.So what you want is not a matter of minutes.

"25 taels of gold for the first time,
25 million taels of gold for the first time,
25 million taels of gold for the first time,
Congratulations to the city lord for getting the congenital fruit"

The first auction of Tianrenge Beishan City has officially ended here. Those who have auctioned items please go to the backstage to complete the transaction.
After that, a small auction will be held on the first day of each month, and a large auction will be held on the first day of each year.Reveal that every big auction is no less than today's items.

You can send any items to this auction house for auction, and a [-]% handling fee will be charged.

"Old ghost Zhang didn't get anything, is he feeling chilly?" Li Zhengdao said:
Wang Bochuan, the old head of the Wang family, also replied: "You have committed evil, you cannot live."



The hall recalled the laughter of Li Zhengdao and Wang Bochuan.

Trade all items.All the people left one after another.

Three days is the time when the number of disciples of the Banyue Sect will be released, and this matter has spread throughout Beishan City.As long as the age is under 22 years old and the cultivation base is above acquired consummation.And can participate in the selection competition.

Lee House
"It seems that the city lord is already dissatisfied with our results in the past few years. That's why this time, all the people in the county are allowed to participate in the selection competition." Li Zhengdao said:
"The main reason is that Banyue Sect's recruitment is too strict, and none of the innate members of the previous family have become core disciples.

As a result, the City Lord's Mansion can no longer hold its head up in the entire Banyue Island, so this approach of the City Lord's Mansion is also a wake-up call for us. " Li Xiuyuan said:
"Go down and make arrangements! If you get that innate fruit, you'll be sure. But now, hey." Li Zhengdao turned around.

Wang family.

The same scene happened.

Everyone in the city was overwhelmed by this news, because in the past these places were directly taken away by big families.

Now they too have a chance.It is natural to seize the opportunity.

And those who are most excited are those second-rate families. The strong ones who did not have the innate consummation state before are not qualified to directly send their disciples to the Banyue Sect to become inner disciples. Now that the Lord of Beishan gives them a chance, they will naturally have to do well. grasp.

For everything in Beishan City, you give your disciples the greatest cultivation resources, and pray that they will perform well in the trials three days later, and then be sent to the Banyue Sect to become inner disciples.

Of course, when they become core disciples, they don't have this kind of thinking, because they didn't achieve innate talent before the age of 22.There is no chance to become a core disciple at all.

Become the core disciple of the Banyue Sect, as long as you don't die halfway, 100% of them can break through to the realm of true martial arts:
(End of this chapter)

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