Emperor Martial System

Chapter 575 Re-entering the Mountains

Chapter 575 Re-entering the Mountains
"Based on your current cultivation level, you can definitely become a core disciple of the Banyue Sect, but after entering the Banyue Sect, you must not be too proud and arrogant, you must be humble and cautious.

Because there are too many geniuses in Banyuejiao, the death rate of competition in Banyuejiao is 10 points high. "

"Grandpa, I don't know how to get the quota to enter Banyue Sect?"

"The number of places to enter the Banyue Sect is allocated by the city lord. We have a total of 5 places in Beishan City. Originally, the city lord's mansion got two places, and then our other three major families shared one.

It's just that the 5 quotas that we joined the Banyue Sect in Beishan City last year failed to pass the selection of the Banyue Sect, and all became outer disciples. That's why this year, the city lord allocated the quotas to the young talents in the entire Beishan City. "Zhang Liang said.

"Grandpa, how did you get the quota this year?" Zhang Fan continued to ask.

"This is half a month after you, all the contestants entered the periphery of the Bailing Mountains to hunt down the monsters who wanted to buy the periphery.

The point system is adopted, and the top five points can get places.And the top three can also get rewards from the City Lord's Mansion, "

"No.1 can get a third-level martial skill, 5 taels of gold;

No.2 can get a second-level martial skill, 1 taels of gold;

No. 3 can get a second-level martial skill, but the martial skill can only be cultivated by oneself, and it is not allowed to pass it on to others, or it will be shot to death. "

"None of the three major families have Tier [-] martial skills, but this time they are actually used as rewards, which shows how much money the city lord spent this time.

As long as you get the first place, you can get the third-level martial arts book, and you will get better development when you enter the Banyue Sect. "

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely get the first place."

"Go down and get ready"

Zhang Fan returned to his yard
There is still half a month before the start of the trial.So Zhang Fan planned to take advantage of this time to practice hard and improve his strength.

Half a month passed in the blink of an eye.People in every town signed up, and the number of people who signed up has reached 50 people.

After half a month of training, Zhang Fan has already completed more than half of the second innate realm at this time, and his strength has doubled compared to half a month ago.

On this day, a large number of people gathered in Qingyu Town outside the Banyue Mountain Range.

The city lord stood on a high platform.

Now it's up to me to read the rules:
"Now you have ten days to enter the Half Moon Mountains to hunt down monsters.

One point for hunting an early acquired monster.

Hunting a mid-acquired monster is ten minutes,
One hundred points for hunting a late-acquired monster,
One thousand points for hunting an innate initial stage monster.

Hunting and killing a congenital mid-stage monster with [-] points,

Hunting and killing a congenital peak monster is one hundred thousand points.

After hunting the monster, take its left ear as evidence of hunting. "

"Ten days later, the five people with the most points will be recruited as disciples of the Ban Yue Sect, and the top three will receive special rewards.

But everyone should do what they can, and don't use the monster ears from long ago to fool the City Lord's Mansion, otherwise the consequences will be serious.We have our own way to borrow the death time of monsters. "

"After entering the mountains, it is allowed to snatch the ears of monster beasts from each other, but they are all from the same county. Try not to kill people if you can. Now you can enter the mountains."

People walked into the mountains one after another, and more than 10 innate realm powerhouses from the City Lord's Mansion also entered the mountains one after another. They only entered the mountains to serve as supervisors.

Beishan City has not yet had the right to block the mountains, so it can only send people to supervise.

Like the last Ban Yuejiao's enrollment, the mountain range was directly blocked, and there was no need for anyone to supervise it.

The city lord returned to Beishan City, leaving Butler Fang here to watch.Naturally, it is impossible for the city lord to stay in this place for ten days, but to come here after ten days to announce the result.

Seeing people walking into the mountain range one after another, Zhang Fan naturally followed. After a preliminary look, almost all of them were from the late day after tomorrow, and there were only a few people in the middle of the day after tomorrow.

People in the innate realm didn't see it. It may be that Beishan County's resources are not enough to train innate people under the age of 22.Zhang Fan naturally also concealed his cultivation, revealing his cultivation in the later period of the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Fan has mastered the earth escape among the five elements escape techniques, and his safety has been greatly improved.

So this time Zhang Fan is going to go to the inner circle, so that he can quickly hunt and kill monsters in the innate realm, so that he can become No.1.

The other people don't have escape skills, so naturally they dare not enter the inner circle, because there are no acquired realm monsters in the inner circle.

They are all monsters of the innate realm and deep in the inner circle, there are monsters of the real martial realm. If Zhang Fan didn't have the heavenly bottle space and only had escape techniques, he wouldn't dare to enter the inner circle.

Just after entering the periphery, he encountered a late-acquired peak monster, the Fire Demon. Naturally, Zhang Fan was not afraid, and instantly killed the Fire Demon with a single move of Feiyu swordsmanship.Just moved on again.

Soon Zhang Fan beheaded several Houtian late stage monsters and came to the edge of the inner circle.

The inner circle really deserves to be the inner circle, and after a while Zhang Fan found a big guy, a monster crab in the early stage of congenital.

Zhang Fan sneaked secretly, preparing to attack this giant crab monster.But before sneaking halfway, he was attacked by a crab leg, and Zhang Fan dodged it. The Xiantian Realm Monster Beast is indeed a Xiantian Realm Monster Beast, and this perception is not what a Houtian Realm Monster Beast can have.

Zhang Fan didn't intend to hide anymore, so he used the fireball sword technique to attack.Zhang Fan's strength was still slightly better, and he seized an opportunity. Zhang Fan used the flying knife technique to severely injure the giant crab monster, and then quickly dealt with the monster.And obtained the left ear of the monster.

At this time, Zhang Fan's internal strength in his body was greatly improved in the advanced innate stage, and he could use the flying knife technique five times, so he dared to use the flying knife technique.

At this time, there are actually three innate monsters around, and the innate monsters are indeed the beginning of spiritual wisdom.There was a battle here, and all the monsters around came to take advantage of it. At this time, these monsters were all staring at Zhang Fan.

You are all my prey, I will kill you all sooner or later, and then I used the Great Five Elements Escape Technique to escape from the encirclement of the three monsters, and quickly jumped away.

Fleeing to an uninhabited place, Zhang Fan entered the creation space, and began to restore his inner strength with the pill.

The three monsters ate the giant crab's corpse and left. At this time, Zhang Fan had recovered all his internal strength and left the creation space.

Zhang Fan followed the first routine and killed ten innate early-stage monsters in a row within a day.At this time, it was getting dark, Zhang Fan found a cave and was about to enter.

At this time, a giant tiger monster in the early stage of congenital life grabbed a first-order giant deer and entered the cave, Zhang Fan naturally would not be relentless.

"Flying Knife Technique,"

The giant tiger was directly killed with a single blow in the early days of Xiantian. It wasn't that Zhang Fan had become stronger, but that Zhang Fan was in a very secret position, sneak attack and the powerful Lingbao flying knife dagger that used the flying knife technique.

(End of this chapter)

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