Emperor Martial System

Chapter 578 Layout Complete

Chapter 578 Layout Complete
The ancestor of Ban Yuejiao said very plainly: "It turns out that you are the people of the imperial court. The people of your imperial court attacked our East China Sea. Aren't you afraid that our entire East China Sea will unite to invade Dongzhou?"

Zhuge Shensuan said calmly: "Since I dare to come here, it means that I am not afraid of the whole East China Sea uniting.

If you are sensible, surrender as soon as possible, if not, don't blame me for being cruel. "

The ancestor of the Banyue Sect said: "Since the establishment of the Banyue Sect, I have not surrendered, and I don't know how to write the word surrender."

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "If you don't eat the fine wine for the toast, then don't blame me."

"Lu Bu, take this half-moon who doesn't know what's good or bad for me and call him Patriarch."


After listening to Zhuge's divine fortune telling, Lu Bu didn't hesitate any longer, and directly attacked the ancestor of the Banyue Sect.

In just a few strokes, the ancestor of the Banyue Sect was beaten so badly that he vomited blood.

Banyuejiao Patriarch vomited blood and said, "How is it possible for a strong man in the imperial realm.

Who on earth are you, that you can actually command the powerful in the imperial realm. "

It is very common for the Patriarch of Ban Yuejiao to be shocked, and the powerhouse in the imperial realm is the most peak powerhouse standing on the mainland.

Here, Zhuge can actually command a powerful person in the imperial realm, which has to shock the ancestors of the Banyue Sect.

But Zhuge didn't pay attention to the shock of Ban Yuejiao Patriarch.

Zhuge Shensuan made a direct and blatant attack, and in just a split second, Zhuge Shensuan abolished the elder Taishang who taught Tiangang realm in Banyue:.

In just 10 minutes, all the powerful people in the Tiangang realm of the Banyue Sect were completely controlled.

While the Ban Yue Sect Patriarch was still lying on the ground, Lu Bu was not in a hurry to deal with him.

In Lu Bu's eyes, only those who are also in the imperial realm are qualified to be valued by him. If they are only strong in the imperial realm, they are not qualified to be valued by him at all.

At this moment, the whole body of the ancestor of the Banyue Sect suddenly became bright red.

At this time, Lu Bu also noticed that Ban Yue Patriarch wanted to escape.

Lu Bu quickly displayed his unique skill, Jiu Changfang Tian drew a halberd, and shot towards the ancestor of the Ban Yue Sect.

After only hearing the screams of the ancestors of the Ban Yue Sect, they completely disappeared into the meeting hall.

Zhuge Shensuan and Lu Bu searched quickly, covering a radius of one kilometer, but the two of them didn't find anything.

Lu Bu knelt on the ground and said to Zhuge Shensuan, "My lord, my subordinate is incompetent. I let the ancestor of the Banyue Sect escape. Please punish me, my lord."

Zhuge Shensuan waved his hand and said: "I can't blame you for this, the point is that I didn't expect that the small half-moon reef actually has a teleportation formation, and the teleportation formation that was lost in ancient times actually exists here.

And it's a one-time teleportation formation. "

The ancestor of the Banyue Sect disappeared suddenly, so Zhuge Shensuan naturally knew that the ancestor of the Banyue Sect disappeared by using the teleportation formation.

Ban Yuejiao and other 6 Tiangang Realm powerhouses were shocked to see the Emperor Realm powerhouse kneel down with Zhuge Shensuan.

You must know that the strong in the imperial realm is the strongest in the entire continent, and no one in the entire continent can threaten the strong in the yellow realm.

Unexpectedly, they actually saw a strong man in the imperial realm today, kneeling down with a strong man in the royal realm like a slave.

At this time, the six people present had a more urgent desire to understand the identity of Zhuge Shensuan.

What kind of person are you?Even the powerful in the imperial realm would kneel down to him.

Zhuge Shensuan murmured to himself: "It seems that the plan must be implemented quickly, otherwise it would be too bad for the ancestor of the Banyue Sect to affect my operation."

Zhuge Shensuan thought, as long as he moves fast enough, he can call the ancestor in half a month and solve the king realm powerhouses of the other 10 islands without notifying others.

Zhuge Shensuan said to Lu Bu: "Hurry up and go back to Donghai City General, we can transfer all the strong kings who can be transferred here, and patrol the entire Donghai City for 4 weeks.

You must not let the ancestors of the Banyue Sect escape. This is an opportunity for you to make up for your mistakes. I hope you will cherish it. "

Lu Bu respectfully said to Zhuge Shensuan: "Now that I know the lord, the subordinates must complete the lord's explanation."

After Lu Bu left, Zhuge Shensuan said to the leader of the Banyue Sect very flatly: "You are the leader of the Banyue Sect.

Now I give you two choices, the first choice is to join me, the second choice is to die by my hands.

Take a look at which option you choose. "

The Supreme Elder of the Tiangang Realm of the Banyue Sect said coldly to Zhuge Shensuan: "Boy, don't get complacent too early, our Banyue Sect has no soft bones at all, and if you want people from our Banyue Sect to take refuge in you, that is idiotic nonsense. .”

"Bang" the elder of the Tiangang realm in Banyue Jiao flew backwards, spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and died.

The person who made the move was naturally Zhuge Shensuan. Zhuge Shensuan said in a very flat tone: "I really don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, and dare to speak wild words in front of me. I really don't know how to write the word dead."

Zhuge Shensuan continued to say to the leader of the Banyue Sect: "How is it?"How are you thinking, whether you choose to surrender or choose to die. "

The leader of the Banyue Sect respectfully said to Zhuge Shenshu: "The leader of the Banyue Sect chooses to surrender in the second half of the month."

The leader of Banyue Sect thought in his heart. , even the powerhouses in the imperial realm are willing to follow Zhuge's fortune telling, so he will certainly not suffer a loss if he follows Zhuge's fortunetelling.

Maybe he can get even higher achievements than he is now.

Zhuge Shensuan asked the others: "Then do you choose to surrender or die?"

The other 4 people also chose to surrender one after another.

Of course, I don't know whether to submit to Zhuge Shensuan on the surface or in my heart. .

But Zhuge Shensuan didn't care whether they surrendered outwardly or psychologically.

Zhuge Shensuan just wanted to use them to do one thing, and that was to recruit all the king-level powerhouses from the other 10 king-level islands in the entire East China Sea.

It is not necessary for them to surrender sincerely, and even if they are unwilling to surrender now, as long as they follow God Zhuge for a long time, they will definitely surrender willingly.

Zhuge Shensuan said to the 5 people: "I want you 5 people to rush to the nine islands with king-level powerhouses immediately, and deceive all the king-level powerhouses from the 9 islands."

Everyone agreed to Zhuge Shensuan's request one after another.

Zhuge Shensuan used control methods on everyone, and then used their relatives as a threat, and then Zhuge Shensuan released them.

In fact, according to the original intention of Zhuge Shensuan, these people should be educated for a period of time before they are released.

But now that the ancestor of the Ban Yue Sect had escaped, he couldn't wait any longer, that's why he released the five people in such a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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