Emperor Martial System

Chapter 580 The Injured Old Man

Chapter 580 The Injured Old Man

There was only one and a half days left, and Zhang Fan was going to go outside to snatch some monster inner alchemy and transform back.After all, there is no [-]% guarantee that the points obtained by these monster inner alchemy will definitely enter the top [-].

Zhang Fan was about to leave the inner circle when he suddenly heard the roar of two giant beasts.Then I heard the sound of fighting in the east.Zhang Fan thought for a while, or is he going to take a look?See if there are any cheap picks?After all, Zhang Fan has Tudun in his body, so his safety is still guaranteed.

The last time it was blocked by a second-order late-stage monster in the cave due to not surveying the terrain well.That's why the serious injury was caused, otherwise even Zhang Fan, the second-order peak monster beast, would be confident that he could escape.

As soon as he said it, Zhang Fan quickly sneaked towards the direction of the fight.Soon the scene of a man and a beast fighting appeared in Zhang Fan's eyes.

It was an old man fighting a giant python. Looking at the spiritual power emitted, Zhang Fan could tell that this monster was a peak second-order monster, and the old man was injured all over his body at this time.

And Zhang Fan could see that the old man seemed to be seriously injured, and the strength he displayed at this time was roughly equivalent to the second innate level, but he was fighting with the giant python.

Zhang Fan felt that the old man's injury was not caused by the second-order peak monster python, if this second-order peak monster python could injure the old man so severely.I'm afraid that the old man has already become the meal of this monster at this time.

But if this drags on, the old man's injuries will get worse and worse, and he will definitely be defeated by the second-order peak monster beast giant python.

The old man glanced at where Zhang Fan was.Suddenly, his eyes froze, and at the place of the battle, a huge cyan tornado storm swept away towards the second-order peak monster beast giant python with a violent whistling sound between the injured old man's waving hands.

At this time, the old man sat down cross-legged and ignored the giant python.It seems that this storm will definitely kill this giant python.

Zhang Fan didn't notice that the old man treated him strangely, and he was still watching the battle.

Wherever the storm passed, the giant trees in the forest were blown upside down.If it is the core of the storm, it will directly tear the giant tree into powder.And that second-order peak monster beast giant python

Fortunately, Zhang Fan was far away. Fortunately, he was not blown away by the strong wind. He tightly grasped the tree trunk with both hands. Looking at the ruined forest around him, he couldn't help swallowing.

"Huh!" Looking at the storm that was sweeping in, the giant python let out a roaring hum, and then moved its body to avoid the storm, but the storm seemed to have eyes, and it chased the giant python abruptly. hold on.Finally the python was swept into the storm.

An unbelievable scene happened, the giant python was slowly decomposed, and finally only a monster inner alchemy was left in the storm.

And Zhang Fan is considering whether to snatch this inner alchemy.The inner alchemy of the second-order peak monster beast can be worth [-] points.

If you get this inner alchemy, then No.1 must be your own.But the last attack made by the old man made Zhang Fan have to carefully consider whether to make a move.

Zhang Fan hasn't considered whether to make a move yet,
The injured old man appeared in Zhang Fan's Sea of ​​Consciousness, and charged at Zhang Fan's spiritual sense. Spiritual sense is the foundation of a person. If the divine sense is destroyed, he can only become a walking dead.

"What are you going to do?" Zhang Fan muttered:

"Old Ancestor, I am seriously injured, and I need a puppet to protect me. You are very lucky to be favored by the Old Ancestor." The injured old man said:

With a slight shake of the Good Fortune Sky Bottle, the old man in Zhang Fan's sea of ​​knowledge was wiped out.

The old man originally wanted to use his powerful spiritual consciousness to erase Zhang Fan's spiritual consciousness, and then inject a trace of spiritual consciousness into Zhang Fan's body to make Zhang Fan his own puppet.But he didn't expect his spiritual consciousness to be destroyed by Zhang Fan, and he was taken aback.

Seeing that the old man's consciousness was destroyed, Zhang Fan thought for a while, should he run away immediately, or kill the old man?After a fierce ideological struggle, Zhang Fan still decided to make a move.

First of all, it was because the old man attacked himself with his spiritual consciousness, and he had the heavenly bottle of good fortune.Not afraid of the spiritual attack of the injured old man.

And now that the old man is hurting more and more, his strength should be lower than his own. Otherwise, the old man should capture himself first, and then refine himself into a puppet, instead of taking the risk of attacking himself with his consciousness.

The last point is to kill this old man, there will be huge gains. This old man should be a great power whose cultivation base exceeds the realm of true martial arts.Because the realm of true martial arts can't hurt people with spiritual consciousness, and this inner alchemy of the second-order peak is worth shooting.

In addition, even if he failed to use the earth escape to escape in front of this injured old man, it shouldn't be a problem.So Zhang Fan decided to make a move.

It is Zhang Fan's personality that he will not be soft when he decides to make a move.Zhang Fan attacked the old man.The old man had to be forced to fight.But now the old man can only display the first level of innate cultivation, how could he be Zhang Fan's opponent?

"Stop, boy, don't you want to be like that monster. Stop now and spare your life, and I will accept you as an apprentice to pass on your peerless martial arts."

The injured old man said:

"Old guy, you didn't say that in my consciousness just now. I think you were injured too much! I can get more benefits by killing you." Zhang Fan said:

Although Zhang Fan was talking with the injured old man, the attack in his hand did not let go.The forced old man is in danger.

"Boy, stop quickly, or I will die with you. I still have such means." The injured old man said:

"Old guy, you are at least a martial artist beyond the realm of real martial arts. As for me, a small congenital martial artist, it is worthwhile to exchange my life for yours." Zhang Fan said:

Zhang Fan remained unmoved and continued to attack the old man, who was really panicking now.Even though he was seriously injured, he didn't panic in the face of the peak second-order monsters. With his current situation, it was impossible for him to kill Zhang Fan now.

Even if they die together with Zhang Fan, they are not fully sure.Because just now my spiritual consciousness entered Zhang Fan's sea of ​​consciousness and was destroyed, now I am deeply injured and my spiritual consciousness is my biggest reliance.But Zhang Fan seems to have a treasure to restrain his spiritual consciousness.

"Boy, what do you want?" The injured old man said helplessly:

"Unless you swear the oath of heaven and recognize me as the master. After the injury is recovered, I will transfer it, otherwise I will die with you. I will never let you have a chance to heal your injury." Zhang Fan said:

"No, I will at best swear an oath of heaven. I will never attack you after my injury is cured. I will give you great benefits. It is impossible to recognize you as the master." The injured old man said angrily:

"That won't work, you go to die. You have no other choice but to recognize me as the master? With your current injury, you want to die with me. That is simply unrealistic. Now I haven't exerted my full strength. If you don't do it again Then you will have no chance." Zhang Fan said:

(End of this chapter)

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