Emperor Martial System

Chapter 583 Chapter 1

Chapter 583 First
Wang Long: Three monster ears at the beginning of the second level, 100 monster ears at the peak of the first level, and 500 monster ears at the end of the first level, with a total of 72 points.

"Why is this Wang Long so powerful? Although he is at the peak of the Xiantian early stage, it is impossible to hunt and kill so many monsters within ten days." A strong man said:

"What do you know, this time the City Lord's Mansion has presented a third-level martial skill to reward, this Wang Long must have got the monster ears of all the members of the Wang family.

This is to abandon the car to protect the handsome.Although only one member of the Wang family can join the Banyue Sect, after obtaining the third-level martial arts, Wang Long's chances of entering the Banyue Sect and becoming a core disciple will increase greatly.The Wang family intends to take the elite route," a young man replied:

"The matter of the three major families, how can we discuss it? Be careful that the misfortune comes out of your mouth." A man with a pockmarked face said:
Li Mie: 10 monster ears at the beginning of the second level, 300 monster ears at the peak of the first level, 1211 monster ears at the end of the first level, with a total of 660 points.

Zhang Dao: One monster ear at the beginning of the second level, 10 monster inner alchemy at the peak of the first level, and 100 monster ears at the end of the first level, with a total of 120 and five points.

Zhang Long: 120 first-tier peak monster ears, 210 first-tier late-tier monster ears, with a total of 560 points.


"Old Zhang? It seems that your Zhang family is getting worse and worse. This time, the No. 1 is decided by my Li family." Li Zhengdao smiled brightly like a chrysanthemum.
"Yes, yes? The Zhang family is really getting worse and worse. I think the Zhang family is about to be expelled from the three great families?" Wang Bo said.

Although the Wang family couldn't get the first place, but there was a chance to beat the Zhang family, Wang Bochuan naturally refused to let go of this opportunity.

"Hmph, if you didn't use despicable methods, you little bastards still want to take the first place." Zhang Liang said:

"To maintain the demeanor of the three great families, don't quarrel at every turn? Let the people below see that it will damage the face of Beishan City, just keep watching." The city owner said:

"Yes. Lord Shangguan."

"Yes, Lord Shangguan."

"Yes, Lord Shangguan."

Fang Lan: Three first-level peak monster ears, and 35 first-level late-level monster ears, with a total of 310 five points

Gu Le: 3 first-order peak monster ears, 12 first-order late-stage monster ears, a total of 210 three points

the last one

Zhang Fan: A second-order peak monster beast inner alchemy.There are 27 ears of monsters at the beginning of the second level, 347 ears of monsters at the peak of the first level, and 698 ears of monsters at the end of the first level.A total of one hundred and four thousand four hundred and forty-eight points.

"Who is this kid? How could he be so powerful?" The strong man said again:
"Where did this freak come from? The inner alchemy of the second-order peak monster. Even the three major families may not be able to hunt and obtain the inner alchemy of the monster." The young man said again:
"City Master Shangguan, this kid from the Zhang family must have cheated, otherwise he would absolutely not be able to hunt and kill a peak second-order monster. It can be done." Li Zhengdao said:
"Yes, Lord Shangguan. This is challenging your authority, Lord Shangguan. This kind of person must be severely punished." Wang Bochuan said:
"Shangguan City Lord and the Wang family are absolutely bloody." Zhang Liang said:

"Quiet, Mr. Fang, whether this second-order peak monster inner alchemy was hunted within ten days," the city lord said:

"If you go back to the city lord, all these monster ears and inner alchemy are produced by monsters that died within ten days." Mr. Fang said:
"Zhang Fan's results are valid, Manager Fang, you announce the top five rankings." The city owner said:

When the city lord spoke, the old Patriarchs of Zhang and Wang naturally didn't dare to say more.Then he gave Zhang Fan a bitter look.

"The top five will be announced next,"

Zhang Fan, No.1, one hundred thousand four thousand four hundred and forty-eight points:
Li Mie, No.2, 160 points.

Wang Long, No.3, 72 points.

Zhang Qingyu, 4th place, 230 and [-] points.

Zhang Dao, No.5, 110 five points.

"One month later, those who have won the ranking will gather at the City Lord's Mansion, and I will personally take you to Banyue City. After three days, the top three people will receive their rewards at the City Lord's Mansion. Are they all gone?" the city lord said:

"This Zhang Fan is really lucky. With his first-time innate cultivation, he actually got No.1. But even if he is given a third-level martial skill, what can he do?" An angry youth said:

"That's out of your control. This Zhang Fan is a member of the Zhang family." Another angry youth said:

Zhang Fan followed the Zhang family team back to the Zhang family.

Inside the secret room.

"Fan'er did a good job this time. After you learn the third-level martial arts, it will be easier to enter the Banyue Sect and become a core disciple." Zhang Liang said:

"Well, grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely work harder." Zhang Fan said
"Everyone has their own secrets, and I don't ask how you got the second-order peak monster beast inner alchemy, but you have to be careful in everything you do, safety first, and your future is limitless with your talent," Zhang Liang said. :

"Well. I will follow my grandfather's teachings, and I will definitely pay attention to my own safety." Zhang Fan said:

"You probably won't be able to learn the third-level martial art of the City Lord's Mansion in a short time. Take this token and go to the Shufa Pavilion to learn a few more martial arts, so that you won't suffer in future battles.

It's not impossible if you want to pass on your family's martial arts skills to the outside world, but you must have a sense of proportion when doing things.go down! " Zhang Liang said:

Zhang Fan took the token and withdrew.

It seems that Grandpa knows that my black iron guards have no martial arts, so he allows me to pass on the family's martial arts to the outside world.

For others, the third-order martial skill is definitely impossible to learn in less than a month.

But the third-order martial skill is not difficult for me. It only took me ten days to learn a fourth-order martial skill.Grandpa didn't know that I had already learned a fourth-order martial art, otherwise my jaw would drop from shock.

Zhang Fan returned to his bedroom, sat down cross-legged and began to practice the Heavenly Creation Scripture.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and today is the time to officially go to the City Lord's Mansion to receive the reward.

At noon, Zhang Fan arrived at the City Lord's Mansion and was led in. At this time, Wang Long and Li Mie had already arrived early.

"A mere kid in the early days of birth, who got No. 1 by shit luck, dared to be late. If he has the opportunity, he must teach this kid who doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth." Li Mie said:

"Brother Li said that even if you give him a third-order martial skill at the initial stage of Xiantian, he won't be able to cultivate it. If you give it to you, a person who is perfect at the early stage of Xiantian, you may still be able to cultivate to the entry level in a month." Wang Long said:

Zhang Fan didn't engage in verbal disputes with the two, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is the kingly way.

(End of this chapter)

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