Emperor Martial System

Chapter 597 Negotiations

Chapter 597 Negotiations
With three people surrendering, Zhuge Shensuan was not so eager to make a move.

Zhuge Shensuan believed in the remaining people, as long as he was intimidating, he would definitely be able to scare everyone into surrender.

The three King Realm powerhouses who surrendered quickly came to Zhuge Shensuan's camp.

The remaining 6 uninjured King Realm powerhouses did not stop them, because they knew that if they did it now, they would do it too.

At that time, they will be more passive in the situation.

After the three injured King Realm experts arrived at Zhuge Shensuan's camp, Lu Bu quickly sealed the dantians of the three injured King Realm experts.

If there is no one who is also a powerful person in the imperial realm to lift the seal for them, they will have no fighting power.

The king realm powerhouses who have been sealed in their dantian are at most stronger than ordinary people, and they can't beat the warriors in the innate realm at all.

Zhuge Shensuan said very calmly to the six uninjured King Realm powerhouses: "Everyone, do you still want to continue to resist.

Now that 6 of you are playing against 18 of us, and you have added a strong man from the imperial realm, do you think you still have a chance of survival?

If you surrender now, what I just said still counts. If you continue not to surrender, then we can only take action. "

Fang Yulong saw that the general situation was over, and he also knew that the chance of escaping today was slim among slim.

Fang Yulong said to God Zhuge: "City Master Zhuge, can you allow the six of us to discuss such a big matter?"

Although Zhuge Shensuan has many identities, this place is in the East China Sea after all, and Zhuge Shensuan is the city lord of Donghai City, so Fang Yulong directly called Zhuge Shensuan the city lord.

Zhuge Shensuan said with a calm smile: "Okay, I will give you another 10 minutes to discuss. If you are still stubborn after 10 minutes, then don't blame me for being cruel."

Zhuge Shensuan had already given these nine people three or four chances to recruit these people peacefully and solve them by force. Zhuge Shensuan naturally chose to recruit these people peacefully.

However, recruiting these people in a peaceful way will inevitably take a lot of talking, and Zhuge Shensuan is naturally not afraid of wasting a lot of talking.

Anyway, Zhuge Shensuan was not in a hurry, and now all the king realm powerhouses in the East China Sea were gathered here, and Zhuge Shensuan was about to wipe them all out.

So even if the news is gone now, there is no major problem with Zhuge Shensuan, so Zhuge Shensuan has time to talk to them here.

If it was to deal with the ancestor of Banyuejiao, Zhuge Shensuan would naturally not have so much time to mess with him, so Zhuge Shensuan was very decisive in killing him during Banyuejiao.

The remaining six King Realm powerhouses in the East China Sea gathered together and began to discuss.

After a while, the 10 minutes was up, and they had already discussed the results.

Zhuge Shensuan asked Fang Yulong: "Sect Master Fang, can you tell me the result of your discussion now?"

Fang Yulong said to Zhuge Shensuan: "City Master Zhuge, after discussion among the six of us, the six of us are willing to return to the Heaven and Earth Auction House.

However, Zhuge City Lord has to promise us a few conditions, otherwise we will never surrender even if we would rather die. "

Zhuge Shensuan said coldly: "When you are about to die, you still make terms with me. If I agree to your terms now, will it be unfair to the three people who have surrendered to us?

So don't tell me any conditions, either you will surrender according to the method I said, or you will die, you choose yourself. "

Fang Yulong was not angry when he heard Zhuge's divine fortune telling, nor did he do anything irrational.

Fang Yulong said to Zhuge Shensuan very flatly: "City Master Zhuge, you can listen to my conditions and say whether it is okay or not."

Zhuge Shensuan said indifferently: "Okay, I will hear what conditions you have."

Fang Yulong said, "City Lord Zhuge wants us to surrender, so he has to agree to three conditions.

The first condition is that after our power surrenders to you, we must control our own power in our own hands.

The second condition is that after we join the Heaven and Earth Auction House, we must receive the same treatment as the Heaven and Earth Auction House and other King Realm powerhouses.

The third condition is that after you capture us, you can't scare us with any drugs. "

After Fang Yulong stated these three conditions, he was very confident. He was confident that Zhuge Shensuan would definitely agree to his conditions.

Because it can receive 9 strong kings as subordinates at one time, and it also comes with such a large territory and power in the East China Sea, I believe that no power in the world will have such courage to refuse.

Zhuge Shensuan glanced at Fang Xilong, his face became cold and silent, Zhuge Shensuan said coldly: "I really don't know what to do, I can only agree to the second of the three conditions you mentioned.

If you continue to tell me about these things, I will let you know why the flowers are so red.

And after you surrender to our Heaven and Earth Auction House, what you get must be different from the three who surrendered just now.

The three of them can enjoy the treatment of the strong kings of our heaven and earth auction house, while the 6 of you can only enjoy the treatment of the 6th floor. "

After hearing Fang Yulong's suggestion, the three injured King Realm experts regretted it very much, why did they surrender so early.

If they wait a while longer, they can also enjoy this kind of treatment.

But now hearing what Zhuge Shensuan said, they were even more thankful that they surrendered early.

Otherwise, they would not be able to enjoy such treatment.

Fang Yulong said to Zhuge Divine Fortune teller: "City Lord Zhuge, do you want to be caught to death?

In the end, it really developed to the stage where the fish and the net were broken, and it would not be easy for both parties. "

Zhuge Shensuan said coldly: "The fish will definitely die, but the net will never break.

So the result is that you die, but we don't have any loss. "

Lu Bu also said, "Lord Zhuge, there is no need to mess with these people at all. Get rid of these wastes as soon as possible, and let's do other things earlier."

Zhuge made a fortune, and said calmly to the people under him: "Everyone act immediately, and kill all these ignorant guys.

You don't need to leave anyone alive, I really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the land is, and you dare to bargain with me here. "

As soon as Zhuge Shensuan's words fell, more than a dozen king realm powerhouses sacrificed their weapons one after another, as if they were about to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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