Emperor Martial System

Chapter 600 Marines

Chapter 600 Marines

And Zhan Feitian, who can lead the military to fight against the royal court, is naturally not a fool. The reason why he is fighting against Heitian is because he expresses it in this way, and he is also one of the controllers of the entire Ming Dynasty.

Among the three major interest groups of the Ming Dynasty, although Zhan Feitian is not the strongest, he also has his own opinions.

At this time, Zhu Yuanzhang knocked on the table, and said very flatly: "Marshal Zhan, Elder Heitian, don't engage in these unnecessary fights here.

If we are not united, the interests of our Ming Dynasty can only be damaged in the end, and damage to the interests of the Ming Dynasty will naturally damage the interests of everyone present here.

I believe that everyone will not want their own interests to be harmed.

I think extremely severe measures must be taken against Zhuge Shensuan, otherwise, what is the prestige of my Ming Dynasty, and how will my Ming Dynasty govern the world in the future.

If Zhuge Shensuan was not a member of our Ming Dynasty's forces, his current behavior is naturally understandable, but this Zhuge Shensuan grew up in my Ming Dynasty.

Now that he actually did such a thing, and even took refuge in the Heaven and Earth Auction House, we must not make this matter into a trivial matter. "

Zhu Yuanzhang always believed that Zhuge Shensuan must have joined the Heaven and Earth Auction House after joining the Ming Dynasty.

Zhan Feitian asked Zhu Yuanzhang: "My lord, what should we do about this matter.

If we start a war with Zhuge Shensuan now, we will definitely fight against the Heaven and Earth Auction House. Until now, we have not figured out how powerful the Heaven and Earth Auction House is.

The Heaven and Earth Auction House is like a cloud of fog, a force that emerged suddenly. Before that, there was no Heaven and Earth Auction House.

Naturally, I am not worried that the Ming Dynasty will not be able to compete with Zhuge's magic calculation. The reason why the Ming Dynasty can be so powerful is that it has the capital to be so powerful.

But now our enemies are not only Zhuge's magic fortune, but also external threats from the Southern Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty, and the royal court of Xiliang.

Moreover, our internal affairs are not very stable. Although the Jinyiwei and the Six Doors are coercing the Jianghu, the forces above the Jianghu dare not make any moves.

But if the Ming Dynasty is in crisis, you will definitely make trouble in the world, and even stir up trouble.

The peace and prosperity you created 60 years ago may not be ruined by this war. "

Zhu Yuanzhang said very flatly: "Sixty years ago, I was able to solve all internal and external troubles and stabilize the Ming Dynasty. Now that the Ming Dynasty is even stronger, am I still afraid?

Even with the addition of Zhuge Shensuan and the Heaven and Earth Auction House, I, the Ming Dynasty, have no fear. "

Zhu Yuanzhang continued: "Assemble the main force of the Left and Right Guards, the main force of the Yinzhou Guard, and the main force of the Donghai Guard, a total of 130 million troops will be transferred to the East China Sea.

The Imperial Family Shrine Hall and the Military Shrine Hall dispatched 1/3 of their forces, and this time the East China Sea must be completely pacified.

Do the four of you have any opinions? If you have opinions, you can raise them now. "

Elder Bai Tian and Second Elder Heitian respectfully said to Zhu Yuanzhang, "The imperial family worship hall has no meaning."

The Flying Tiger Condor with the six doors also said: "The six doors don't make any sense either."

Zhan Feitian from the military also said, "The military is meaningless."

Zhan Feitian continued: "My Majesty, although I agree with my suggestion, I think that if the world only uses 130 million troops, it may be difficult for the 180 million troops in the East China Sea.

If you want to calm the East China Sea, it will be even more difficult.

Moreover, our army is fighting on land and is not suitable for fighting at sea. There is a huge gap in numbers. Coupled with fighting at sea, our chances of winning are even smaller.

If it is to be dispatched, I think at least 200 million troops must be dispatched. "

Zhu Yuanzhang said very flatly: "Don't worry, I have been training the elite navy all these years. The so-called main force and the main force of the right guard have been trained by me to become the Marine Corps.

It shouldn't be difficult for Guang to rely on Zuo Weiwei's main force to completely wipe out the East China Sea. After all, those people in the East China Sea are just a group of mobs, and it is impossible to confront the elite marines trained by my Ming Dynasty.

The reason why the Donghaiwei and others are added is for the sake of insurance, and if the entire Ming Dynasty dispatches too many troops, I am afraid that the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty will unite with the Xiliang Royal Court to attack our Ming Dynasty.

If the troops dispatched by our Ming Dynasty are not many, and most of the main forces are still in our Ming Dynasty, they will definitely not dare to act rashly.

As long as we completely eliminate the army of Zhuge Shensuan in the East China Sea, then our Ming Dynasty will expand its territory again, and when the time comes to overwhelm the Southern Song Dynasty, it will be even easier for the Northern Song Dynasty.

After obtaining this piece of land in the East China Sea, we only need to continue to recharge our batteries. In less than 30 years, it is possible to wipe out the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty. "

Zhan Feitian respectfully said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "I understand the meaning of the Holy Majesty, and I will definitely do it strictly according to the meaning of the Holy Majesty."

Zhu Yuanzhang's words completely convinced Zhan Feitian, but Zhan Feitian seemed to see Zhu Yuanzhang, the Holy Lord of Ming Dynasty who had just taken over the precarious Ming Dynasty.

The reason why Zhan Feitian competed with the Ming Dynasty for control of the army these years was because he was afraid that after Zhu Yuanzhang completely controlled the Ming Dynasty, he, the Marshal of the Ming Dynasty, might become a poor commander.

But at this second, he seemed to understand that if he continued to fight against Zhu Yuanzhang in this way, his result would definitely not be good in the end.

So he planned to bow his head and ears to Zhu Yuanzhang, as long as Zhu Yuanzhang didn't do too much, he would obey Zhu Yuanzhang's orders.

You know, when Zhu Yuanzhang first took over the Ming Dynasty, the royal family only controlled 1/3 of the army, and now Zhu Yuanzhang has controlled 3/4 of the entire Ming Dynasty's army.

Zhu Yuanzhang's horror has long been understood.

Now Zhu Yuanzhang is training elite marines. It is obvious that Zhu Yuanzhang has already made up his mind about the East China Sea.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to train the Marine Corps so early.

Zhu Yuanzhang said very flatly: "Okay, since Marshal Zhan agrees, then Marshal Zhan will lead the army to attack the East China Sea.

Elder Bai Tian served as the deputy marshal in charge of commanding the masters, striving to win the entire East China Sea in one fell swoop. "

To be continued……………

(End of this chapter)

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