Emperor Martial System

Chapter 611 Bidding

Chapter 611 Bidding
Zhuge Shensuan teased at the Taoist saint, and said, "Xiao Mengmeng, I didn't expect you to know a lot.

After I find out the background of Tianren Pavilion, I will definitely tell you the background of Tianren Pavilion. "

But the Taoist saintesses didn't pay attention to Zhuge's divine fortune-telling.

While Zhuge Shensuan was molesting the Taoist saint, an extremely violent voice said in a VIP room on the third floor: "Master Fang's work, I will offer 20 taels of gold."

In another VIP room on the third floor, a soft voice sounded, "It's only 20 taels of gold, how could it be possible to get the treasure armor made by Master Donghaifang?

"What is Master Fang's status? Just because of the master's production, it is definitely worth more than 21 taels of gold. I will offer 30 taels of gold."

Not long after, the price of this precious armor was raised to 48 taels of gold. When the price reached 48 taels of gold, the VIP room on the fourth floor also started bidding.

Earth-level weapons are quite tempting even to the king-level powerhouses.

After all, weapons are not one-time consumables, and they can be inherited, so they are naturally sought after by people.The acquisition of each ground-level weapon represents an increase in the strength of the forces behind him.

Zhuge Shensuan naturally looks down on earth-level weapons, but Zhuge Shensuan only looks down on sky-level weapons.

Because there are already people under Zhuge Shensuan who can refine earth-level weapons, so Zhuge Shensuan has a lot of earth-level weapons.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't make a move on this earth-level treasure armor.

The 4 factions who came to participate in the auction house this time.

The first one is Dongzhou King of Dongzhou.

The second is one of the four great families, the Eastern Family.

The third one is the Ten Thousand Swords Demon Sect.

The fourth one is the Emei School.

The first one to make a move was the king of Dongzhou. In the private room of the king of Dongzhou, the king of Dongzhou said in a very flat tone: "I will offer 40 taels of gold."

Just when the voice in the private room of Dongzhou King on the fourth floor fell, a strong voice came from another private room on the third floor, saying, "I will offer 41 taels of gold."

The person who bid for 41 taels of gold was none other than the master of the Wanmojian Sect. He already had an earth-level weapon and just needed an earth-level treasure armor to improve his combat power, so he made a decisive bid.

In the VIP room where Dongfang's family was located on the third floor, a handsome young man dressed in white was drinking tea.

Standing behind him was a young man who was three points similar to him, but the standing young man seemed to be very afraid of the young man who tasted tea, and the standing young man was very obedient and did not dare to speak.

These two people are the two sons of the patriarch of the Dong family. The person sitting and drinking tea is Dongfang Wudi, who is ranked first in the land list, and the one who is obedient is Dongfang Pingtian.

Dongfang Pingtian whispered to Dongfang Wudi submissively: "Brother, our Dongfang family only has eight earth-level weapons. Should we go out and fight for them?"

Dongfang Wudi put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at Dongfang Pingtian, hated that iron could not be made into steel, and said: "How can I have a younger brother like you, you really do things without thinking through your brain, it is really embarrassing to me.

I will definitely fight for the earth-level weapons, but not now!
As the largest family among the four major families, our Dongfang family should have the demeanor of the largest family. We should make the final bid and directly decide the outcome. "

Dongfang Pingtian nodded and bowed, not daring to argue with Dongfang Wudi at all, and whispered: "What brother said is true! What brother said is true!"


Dongfang Wudi looked at Dongfang Pingtian's careful look, and his heart was full of disappointment!He thought to himself how could he have such a good-for-nothing brother.

Although he beat and scolded Dongfang Pingtian in recent years, it was all to make Dongfang Pingtian a talent, not because he didn't like his younger brother, but he didn't expect that his younger brother would become more and more useless the more he beat him.

Dongfang Wudi shook his head in disappointment, and did not continue to pay attention to Dongfang Pingtian.

Dongfang Wudi's cultivation had already reached the half-step King Realm, and he escaped from the hands of a King Realm expert.

That's why he was listed as No. 1 on the list.

Of course, it is also because Zhao Ritian and Zhuge Shensuan that these people have already stepped into the king realm, otherwise, with his cultivation base and his strength, he would naturally not be able to take the first place in the list.

In just a short while, the price of the earth-level treasure armor was raised to 100 million taels of gold by the king of Zaizhou and the lord of the Demon Sect of Myriad Realms, but the other three parties never made it out of the rank.

A soft voice came from Dongzhou King's private room, "111 million taels of gold."

The master of the Wanjian Demon Sect also saw that the King of Dongzhou was bound to win the low-level armor, and knew that his financial resources were no match for the King of Dongzhou, so he did not increase the price.

The old man on the high platform saw that no one bid for it, and said loudly: "The king of Dongzhou bid 111 million taels of gold, is there a higher price.

111 million taels of gold once!
111 million taels of gold for the second time!
111 million taels of gold..."

"120 million taels of gold!" In the private room of Dongfang's house on the fourth floor, the voice of Dongfang Wudi Gujing Wubo spread throughout the hall.

Inside Dongzhou King's private room on the fourth floor, Dongzhou Wang calmed down, and said in a very calm tone to Dongfang Wudi's VIP room, "I will offer 4 million taels of gold!"

Dongfang Wudi said in a very flat tone: "I will offer 140 million taels of gold!"

Soon the purchase price of both parties was raised to 200 million taels of gold.

King Dongzhou said: "Boy, this is not Luoyang, the capital of the gods. Be careful that you can't get out of the East China Sea."

Dongfang Wudi said in a very flat tone: "Lord Dongzhou King Xuechen, although my strength is not as high as yours, our Dongfang family is an existence that you can't afford.

You'd better not threaten me with words, otherwise you won't be able to bear the anger of my Dongfang family. "

The Dongfang family has 4 king realm powerhouses, so Dongfang Wudi is not worried at all that the Dongzhou king dares to attack him.

If Dongzhou King dared to attack Dongfang Wudi, then the Dongfang Family would definitely attack Dongzhou King.

At that time, even if the Ming Dynasty wants to keep the King of Dongzhou, it will be impossible, because the Dongfang family is also the power of the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty will not favor any side at all, otherwise it will be quite detrimental to the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

Dongzhou Wangdao: "250 million taels of gold, I don't believe that you, a kid, have more assets than me, a strong man in the king's realm."

Dongfang Wudi said indifferently: "If it is more powerful than the family property, our Dongfang family has not surpassed anyone. 260 million taels of gold."

(End of this chapter)

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