Emperor Martial System

Chapter 621 The Stalemate Battlefield

Chapter 621 The Stalemate Battlefield

After a while, Zhuge Shensuan had arrived at the place where the prisoners were held.

Of course, Zhuge Shensuan is going to study those captives who are in the realm of true martial arts, because only captives in the realm of true martial arts are eligible to be studied by Zhuge Shensuan.

Those captives in the innate realm are not even qualified to be studied by Zhuge Shenshu.

A total of 30 real martial arts experts were captured this time, and each of them was a local expert in the East China Sea.

If it weren't for being controlled by the Creation Lotus produced by Zhang Fan's Creation Scripture.I'm afraid they are still enjoying a life of luxury now.

It's just that now one or two of them have become prisoners, and their lives are also at stake.

Zhuge Shensuan conducted three days and three nights of research on those strong people who had been planted with lotuses, and even used many systematic methods, but they failed to find out what a lotus was.

In the end, Zhuge God gave up directly, and he did not continue to study these captured strong men.

However, Zhuge Shensuan did not order all of these people to be executed, because Zhuge Shensuan still had some use for keeping these people here, and if they were all executed now, Zhuge Shensuan would not gain the slightest benefit.

Moreover, it will lose the hearts of the people, so Zhuge Shensuan will naturally not do such thankless things.

Zhuge Shensuan understood that it was useless for him to study like this, so he went straight back to his City Lord's Mansion and began to practice martial arts.

Now Zhuge Shensuan has to wait for the two daughters of Ouyang Xianxian to successfully break through the Tiangang realm, and then let them assist Zhuge Shensuan to break through the imperial realm.

Now the war in Dongzhou is 10 points anxious, and the army in Donghai has gone to 130 million, and it also includes the trapped camp.

But it didn't destroy Dongzhou's defenders completely, and completely took Dongzhou.

There are only 80 defenders in Dongzhou, but Zhuge Shensuan's army has been fighting for a month and a half, and only half of the city in Dongzhou has been captured, and only 10 defenders in Dongzhou have been wiped out.

Of course, it wasn't just Zhuge Shensuan's East China Sea army that was blocked, the Southern and Northern Song dynasties, as well as the Xiliang royal court were all blocked like never before.

The Southern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were at a stalemate in the south, and the battles between the two sides could be described as victorious and negative. The Southern Song Dynasty won the city of the Ming Dynasty, and it was captured again within a few days.

After fighting for a month and a half, both sides had their own losses.

The Northern Song Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty also formed a stalemate in the north. The Northern Song Dynasty only won three cities of the Ming Dynasty, but the Ming Dynasty wiped out the 20 army of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The royal court of Xiliang only dispatched troops to rob the property of the Ming Dynasty in the north, and had no intention of attacking the troops of the Ming Dynasty.

So the Ming Dynasty only lost some properties and damaged some troops, but the army losses were not very large.

But the common people in the west of the Ming Dynasty suffered a lot. Their products were snatched by the army of the Xiliang Royal Court, and the Ming Dynasty was only defensive, and did not take the initiative to attack the army of the Xiliang Royal Court.

As a result, the people in the west of the Ming Dynasty lived in dire straits, and had strong dissatisfaction with the Ming Dynasty.

Because the Xiliang royal court not only robbed property, but also robbed women, and even the villages and towns that dared to resist were basically slaughtered by the Xiliang royal court's army.

Even the supreme commander Liufan Flying Tiger Condor who guarded in the west got angry, regardless of the commander-in-chief of the Ming Dynasty and the defense policy of the Ming Dynasty.

A surprise attack was carried out on the army of the Xiliang Royal Court, which caused the Xiliang Royal Court to lose nearly 30 cavalry.

The royal court of Xiliang, which had lost 20 cavalry, became angry in an instant. The king of Xiliang personally led an army of 100 million to prepare for a decisive battle with the army to the west of the Ming Dynasty.

The Ming Dynasty was at war with four parties, and although it did not have an advantage, it did not fall into an absolute disadvantage either.

The Ming Dynasty is indeed a dynasty that has been passed down for 800 years, and its own strength can completely beat the enemies on both sides.

Even if you face enemies on three sides at the same time, you can still gain a little upper hand, but facing the enemies on four sides, the Ming Dynasty is also powerless.

Fortunately, the Ming Dynasty was in its heyday in the Spring and Autumn Period. If the current Ming Dynasty was in its weakest period, the Ming Dynasty might have lost a lot of land.

The reason why Zhuge Shensuan's attack in the East China Sea was the smoothest was because the Ming Dynasty deployed the least troops in the East China Sea, which was only half of the troops deployed in other places.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Zhuge Shensuan's army to attack so smoothly. The Ming Dynasty has sent envoys to the East China Sea 4 times in a row, hoping that Zhuge Shensuan can stop the war.

But Zhuge Shensuan didn't pay attention to the envoys from Luoyang, the capital of gods, and didn't even invite these envoys from Luoyang, the capital of gods.

The envoy from Luoyang, the god capital of Zhuge, said that this war was not started by Donghai, but because the Ming Dynasty attacked Donghai and Donghai was forced to fight back.

If you want to end this war, it is very simple, and that is to completely cede Dongzhou to Donghai.

Then Zhuge Shensuan agreed to withdraw his troops, otherwise there would be no talk at all.

After ceding Dongzhou, the Ming Dynasty would naturally not agree to such an unreasonable request.

Therefore, the negotiations between the Daming Dynasty and the East China Sea have been at a standstill, and what Zhuge Shensuan wants is not just a Dongzhou, Zhuge Shensuan not only wants Dongzhou, but also wants Youzhou, Quanzhou, etc. place.

After Zhuge Shensuan plans to capture these three states, he will then negotiate peace with the Ming Dynasty. As long as these states are digested by then, Zhuge Shensuan's victory will at least triple.

At that time, Zhuge Shensuan is even confident that he will remain undefeated in a 1-on-1 duel with the Ming Dynasty.

And Zhuge Shensuan was waiting for an opportunity, that is, the opportunity for him to break through the imperial realm, once Zhuge Shensuan broke through the imperial realm.

Then Zhuge Shensuan will have a lot of imperial realm powerhouses under him, and Zhuge Shensuan will have great maneuverability at that time.

It is even possible to not only win three states, because a huge plan has already been created in Zhuge Shensuan's mind.

After Zhuge Shensuan sent the army to Dongzhou, he recruited 50 new troops in Donghai, and almost everyone in Donghai who was suitable for joining the army has become an army.

Of course, according to Zhuge's divine calculation, the East China Sea played very smoothly, so there are still many people in the East China Sea who are willing to sign up for the East China Sea.

Moreover, Zhuge Shensuan paid the most salary among all the countries in the world, so those soldiers who were conscripted into the army did not have much resentment.

To be continued…………………………

(End of this chapter)

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