Chapter 623
Zhuge Shensuan finished his work in the fun-themed room of the City Lord's Mansion.

He left the fun-themed room directly and came to an underground secret room, where Zhuge God was working hard in retreat.

After intercourse with the yin-yang biochemical divine body, it is not that one can break through the imperial realm immediately, but an extra energy in the body, which can assist in breaking through the imperial realm.

With this kind of energy, whether you can break through the imperial realm in the end depends on whether your good fortune is enough.

Because even if it is 99% able to break through the imperial realm, some people may not be able to break through after taking it.

There are many reasons for not being able to break through, some may be due to the mutual restraint of physique and energy, and some may be due to insufficient cultivation of one's own state of mind.

Time flies, like a fleeting moment, half a month has slipped away in the blink of an eye, within this half a month.

Zhuge Shensuan didn't do anything else, but has been practicing in closed doors.

During the retreat, Zhuge Shensu controlled his time to the greatest extent, except for eating, he didn't even sleep for a day.

During his usual practice, he would sleep every three or five days, but during this half month of practice, he never slept once.

The reason why Zhuge Shensuan practiced so hard was to quickly raise his realm to the realm of the emperor.

Because every day his realm falls below the imperial realm, his plan cannot be implemented for a day.

If he hadn't broken through to the imperial realm after the truce, then he really wouldn't have a chance to realize his shocking plan.

In order to implement the plan and prolong his life for hundreds of years, he naturally worked harder and practiced harder.

Half a month has passed, and Zhuge Shensuan's cultivation base has also found the perception of breaking through the imperial realm as expected, and his energy has also been molested to the peak.

Just today he is going to charge towards the imperial realm, and he feels that he will be able to succeed.

He has reached the peak of the King Realm, and his whole body has been [-]% integrated with the heaven and the earth.

Now what Zhuge Shensu has to do is to expand the support of martial arts transformation in his body. When his support of martial arts transformation reaches the size of his real person, he will be able to successfully step into the imperial realm.

Wangjing can walk through space with the help of the power of heaven and earth, but Huangjing can integrate with heaven and earth, they themselves are part of heaven and earth.

Ten at noon!The scorching sun hangs high in the sky above Donghai City.

The aura of heaven and earth above Donghai City gathered more rapidly, and the aura of heaven and earth from all directions quickly gathered in the sky above Zhuge Shensuan's practice courtyard.

Zhuge Shensuan sat cross-legged quietly in the underground secret room. At this time, the power of heaven and earth was constantly seeping out from the surface of his body.

This is an extreme manifestation of his inner strength filling to the extreme!

In each level of realm, the internal force contained in the body has its limit!

Zhuge Shensuan has reached the limit of the king realm at this time!
In this situation, if it is not done well, it is very easy to cause the internal force in the body to be too full, and instead damage the meridians.

That is to say, if you can't break through the imperial realm, you will be countered by the power that breaks through the imperial realm, and you will suffer a lot of injuries in the end.


Zhuge Shensuan let out a deep breath, the breath was full of purple brilliance, obviously mixed with internal force.

"It's almost there." Zhuge Shensuan also smiled slightly as he felt the aching feeling of fullness in his body.

This kind of behavior is actually quite dangerous, but fortunately, there are four internal powers and mental methods operating in his body at the same time, which can control these abundant internal forces.

Don't let them move around and cause damage, otherwise, he wouldn't dare to do such a bold thing.


It took three full hours for this scene to stop, and the power of the sky and earth cultivated by Zhuge Shensuan returned to normal again.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan, who was sitting in the very center, let out a long breath. He had successfully broken through to the emperor's realm.

Although this realm has not been completely stabilized, Zhuge Shensuan feels that he is full of strength at this time.

At this time, if Zhuge Shensuan is allowed to fight against the strong kings, Zhuge Shensuan can guarantee that most people will not be his enemies in a few moves.

This is the improvement of a realm, the confidence brought to Zhuge Shensuan.

At this time, Zhuge Shensuan felt that his speed, strength, and agility had all increased by more than ten times.

The Martial Dao Huashen support in Zhuge Shensuan's body has also expanded by more than ten times.

In fact, it is impossible for ordinary people to rely on the martial artist who has just cultivated to the imperial realm to expand to such a large extent as the Zhuge God.

However, the simultaneous operation of Zhuge Shensuan's four internal skills and mental methods allowed him to absorb more power from heaven and earth when he broke through to the emperor's realm, which caused his support of martial arts to transform into gods to expand by more than ten times.

If he can only cultivate one inner skill and mental method, and only use one inner skill and mental method when he breaks through, then his support for five ways of transforming gods will be expanded by five times at most, and it is impossible to reach more than ten times.

It has to be said that the speed of Zhuge Shensuan's practice is unprecedented in the entire continent. He has reached the peak that no one else can reach in his lifetime before he came to this world for ten years.

Before Zhuge Shensuan broke through to the emperor's realm, the fastest one on the continent to break through to the emperor's realm was Emperor Tianyun.

It took him only 60 years to break through the imperial realm, but Zhuge Shensuan far surpassed him.

Emperor Tianyun is born with amazing luck, no matter where he is, his luck is the best, even if he stays in his own home every day, he may pick up the treasures of heaven and earth.

Just as Zhuge was rejoicing, the mechanized voice of the system sounded in his mind.


"Congratulations to the host who has broken through to the realm of the emperor. The system detects that out of the twelve natal gods of Sushou, eleven of them are still in the king realm. The system will take the initiative to raise the cultivation base of 11 people to the emperor realm. Boundary.

The system prompts that Qin Shuyu, the host's natal god, has been promoted to the realm of the emperor.

The system prompts the host's natal god, Zhang Jiang, to have been promoted to the realm of the emperor.

The system prompts the host's natal god, Xiahou Dun, to have been promoted to the realm of the emperor.

The system prompts that the host's natal god has raised the cultivation base of the earth demon to the realm of the emperor.

The system reminds the host that Lu Lingqi, the natal god, has been promoted to the realm of the emperor.

The system prompts the host's natal god, Huang Zhongxiu, to have been promoted to the realm of the emperor.

The system reminds the host that Zhang Fei's cultivation has been raised to the realm of the emperor by the God of Destiny.

The system reminds the host that the God of Destiny has raised Ma Chao's cultivation to the realm of the emperor.

The system reminds the host that Zhao Yun's cultivation level has been raised to the imperial realm.

The system reminds the host that Guan Yu's cultivation has been raised to the realm of the emperor by the God of Destiny.


To be continued…………………………

(End of this chapter)

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