Emperor Martial System

Chapter 631 The Strategic Policy of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 631 The Strategic Policy of the Ming Dynasty
The army of the Ming Dynasty fought with the army of Zhuge Shensuan for two months. The army of the Ming Dynasty lost more than 100 million, and the army of Zhuge Shensuan also lost more than 100 million.

At this time, the elite troops of the Ming Dynasty began to dispatch and launched a fierce attack on the city guarded by Zhuge Shensuan.

But Zhuge Shensuan's reaction was also 10 points fast. He quickly dispatched the trapped camp to defend the city, and the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

Although there are many elite troops in the Ming Dynasty, it can be said that the elite troops of the Ming Dynasty are 10 times that of the trapped camp, but the elite forces of the trapped camp are much more elite than the elite forces of the Ming Dynasty.

Moreover, the elite troops trapped in the camp are still defending the elites of the Ming Dynasty on the city wall. The elite troops trapped in the camp already have an advantage in terms of cultivation. The strong in the innate realm are against the strong in the acquired realm, even if it is 1 against 10 Pass.

So the two sides fell into a stalemate again. The army of the Ming Dynasty did not capture the city defended by the Donghai army, and the Donghai army did not repel the attack of the Daming Dynasty army.

And at this time, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty heard a shocking news.

The Southern Song Dynasty poured the power of the whole country and led an army of 220 million to attack the south of the Ming Dynasty.

The Northern Song Dynasty poured all its power and led an army of 230 million to attack the north of the Ming Dynasty.

The royal court of Xiliang led an army of 250 million to attack the west of the Ming Dynasty.

For a while, the Ming Dynasty was like a pile of eggs, and everyone in the army of the Ming Dynasty was in danger.

In the big tent commanded by the commander of the Ming Dynasty army stationed on the border of Dongzhou.

The 16 generals of the Ming Dynasty, together with the three imperial powerhouses of the Ming Dynasty, the 4 envoys of Jin Yiwei of the Ming Dynasty, and Zhu Yuanzhang gathered in a big tent.

Zhu Yuanzhang sat on the main seat in the big tent, and the four envoys of Jinyiwei stood behind Zhu Yuanzhang.

And the three imperial realm powerhouses sat below Zhu Yuanzhang.

The remaining 16 generals stood facing Zhu Yuanzhang in the big tent.

Zhu Yuanzhang asked the ancestor of the king's family in Zhongshan County: "Sun Huang, what do you think of the Southern Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty and the Xiliang Royal Court, and the three armies jointly besieged our Ming Dynasty?"

Sun Huangzhe said with a calm smile: "My vision of war is not as good as that of the generals here, and even worse than that of you, Your Majesty. I can't answer this question even if you ask me."

Zhu Yuanzhang asked everyone present: "What do you think of this matter?"

General Zuo Weiwei Wang Xiaojie said respectfully to Zhu Yuanzhang: "My Majesty, this time the Southern Song Dynasty, the Northern Song Dynasty, and the Xiliang Royal Court of the Three Kingdoms poured all their power into attacking our Ming Dynasty. Come to attack the East China Sea.

They want to take the opportunity to take advantage of my Ming Dynasty, but when they encounter our army's resistance, they will fully understand the strength of our Ming Dynasty.

Understood, after our Ming Dynasty is strong, they will understand that even if they attack our Ming Dynasty, they have no chance of winning, no matter whether they devote all their strength to attack our Ming Dynasty, they have no chance of winning at all, and at that time they will naturally retreat . "

General Longwei said respectfully to Zhu Yuanzhang: "General Wang Xiaojie is right, no matter if it is the monarchs of the Southern Song Dynasty or the Northern Song Dynasty, they are not masters of great talent and strategy at all.

If they had half the courage of His Majesty, they would not have been suppressed and beaten by our Ming Dynasty all these years.

Not to mention the Xiliang royal court, the Xiliang royal court is a foreign race, at most they enter the customs to grab resources and products, and they will never attack our Ming Dynasty, because it will have no effect on them.

Even if they captured the land of our Ming Dynasty, it would be of no use at all, so they would at most rob food in villages and towns.

As long as the army is ordered to guard against death, the Xiliang royal court has nothing to fear at all. After we have completely eliminated Zhuge Shensuan, it will not be too late to deal with the Xiliang royal court's army at that time. "

Other generals agreed one after another. In their cognition, the monarchs of the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty were not masters of great talent and strategy at all, and they might not even be able to control all the rights in their own countries.

Many of my rights are controlled by the powerful people in the imperial realm in their country, that's why the generals present said so.

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard what everyone said, he said lightly: "What you generals said is very reasonable, and I think so too.

Then our strategy of attacking the East China Sea will not change. For the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, the Xiliang Royal Court will adopt a policy of active resistance, as long as the troops of the three countries are not allowed to move forward.

After we clean up the East China Sea, we will go back and clean them up. This time, I must complete the great cause of unifying the world.

General Longhubao Sanwei listened and ordered you to completely take down Dingcheng in the shortest possible time. No matter how much you pay, you must take down this city in the shortest possible time.

As long as we win this city, we can completely open the route to attack Dongzhou.

After opening the route to attack Dongzhou, the Ming Dynasty will regain Dongzhou just around the corner. "

The dragon, tiger, leopard and three guards all knelt on the ground and respectfully said to Zhu Yuanzhang, "Observe the order!"

In this way, Zhu Yuanzhang made a final decision on the next step of the Ming Dynasty's strategic policy.

Zhu Yuanzhang has always had a dream in his heart, that is to bring the Ming Dynasty to its heyday, to a heyday of world domination.

It's just that he was blocked by the interest collection system of the Ming Dynasty before, but after these two wars, Zhu Yuanzhang has basically been able to completely control all the troops of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, Zhu Yuanzhang, the current emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has a great goal in his heart, which is to unify the world and complete the great cause of unification that the first ancestor of the Ming Dynasty did not complete.

Although there are many threats in this, Zhu Yuanzhang is not threatening. When Zhu Yuanzhang took over the Ming Dynasty, the situation was even more threatening than this situation.

Although the Ming Dynasty did not face as many external enemies as it does now, the Ming Dynasty was facing internal and external troubles at that time, and the internal regime was extremely unstable.

At that time, Zhu Yuanzhang quelled all internal and external troubles, and completely laid the foundation for the Ming Dynasty to reach its peak.

So now that Zhu Yuanzhang relies on the power in his hands, he is more confident that he can dominate the world.

He wants the whole world to be the land of the king, and the land on the shores of the land will be the king's ministers.

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