Chapter 633
On the battlefield to the west of the Ming Dynasty, the army of the Xiliang Royal Court and the army of the Ming Dynasty fought countless times, and both sides suffered heavy losses.

Finally, the royal court of Xiliang sent envoys to negotiate with the Ming Dynasty, hoping to fight with the Ming Dynasty.

If the royal court of Xiliang loses the battle with the Ming Dynasty, then the royal court of Xiliang is willing to withdraw its troops and build a friendly frontier with the Ming Dynasty.

If the Ming Dynasty loses, then the Ming Dynasty only needs to pay 100 million dans of grain.

Moreover, the rules for fighting generals in front of the battle are very simple, that is, the Ming Dynasty sends a strong man, and the Xiliang Royal Court sends a strong man to enter a small space of an ancient secret realm together.

Whoever escapes from the small space of the ancient secret realm first will lose, and the small space of the ancient secret realm is guarded by the troops of the two countries, which can guarantee absolute fairness.

Originally, the Ming Dynasty's war was tight, and Zhan Feitian was very confident in his cultivation, so he agreed to fight with the Xiliang Royal Court.

However, Zhan Feitian didn't think that Xiliang royal court could retreat in one battle. Zhan Feitian wanted to delay time, delaying time with the least damage.

That's why Zhan Feitian agreed to have a pre-battle with Xiliang Wangting, and the time for this pre-battle was about ten days later.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang, the current sage of the Ming Dynasty, also agreed to this matter, and Zhu Yuanzhang also sent two powerful men from the imperial realm to help the battle.

The Xiliang royal court has only two imperial realm powerhouses, so even if the Xiliang royal court wants to adopt a siege policy against Zhan Feitian, it will not work at all.

Even if the Xiliang royal court borrowed powerful men from the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhan Feitian was not afraid at all. Only then would it be possible to leave one or two powerhouses in the imperial realm, otherwise it would be impossible to keep a powerhouse like Zhan Feitian.

The 10 days passed in a blink of an eye, this day!The 100 million troops of the Ming Dynasty stationed at the periphery of the ancient inheritance secret space of Blood Soul Valley, and the 100 million troops of Xiliang Royal Court also stationed at the periphery of the ancient inheritance secret space of Blood Soul Valley.

Naturally, it was impossible for the defenders of the royal court of Xiliang and the Ming Dynasty to pull all their troops out of the space of the ancient inheritance secret realm of Blood Soul Valley.

Moreover, the army of Xiliang Royal Court was obviously more than that of the Ming Dynasty's defenders. Naturally, it was impossible for the Ming Dynasty to agree that both sides would bring all the troops here.

The ancient inheritance secret realm of Blood Soul Valley is a relatively large ancient inheritance secret realm, and it is very suitable to be used as a battlefield for the emperor's realm.

Why hasn't the ancient secret land of Blood Soul Valley been occupied by big forces? That's because the ancient secret land of Blood Soul Valley is not suitable for human survival.

Even if any big force occupied this ancient inheritance secret realm, it would be of no use at all.

That's why Blood Soul Valley, the secret place of ancient inheritance, was abandoned by people, and no forces occupied it.

The three imperial realm powerhouses from the Ming Dynasty and the Xiliang Royal Court entered the Blood Soul Valley, a secret realm inherited from ancient times.

The three imperial powerhouses of the Ming Dynasty are Zhan Feitian, the Patriarch of the King of Zhongshan County, and the Second Elder of the Royal Family, Heitian.

Of the three imperial realm powerhouses of the Xiliang royal court, two of them are the king realm powerhouses of the Xiliang royal court itself, and the other is Lu Bu sent by Zhuge Shensuan.

Among Zhuge Shensuan's subordinates, the most powerful person in the imperial realm is naturally Lu Bu. Even if the three imperial realm experts join forces, they may not be able to take advantage of Lu Bu.

So in this important play, Zhuge Shensuan intends to let Lu Bu play the leading role.

After entering the Blood Soul Valley, Lu Bu stood up directly and said to the three imperial realm powerhouses of the Ming Dynasty, "Who are you three to fight with me?"

The three imperial powerhouses of the Ming Dynasty looked at me and I looked at you, and there was a trace of doubt in their hearts.

At the beginning, they thought that Lu Bu was invited by the Xiliang court to lead the battle, but they didn't expect that the Xiliang court would actually be the invited person.

It's not the imperial powerhouse of Xiliang Royal Court's own country.

Zhan Feitian stood up and said to Lu Bu very plainly: "Who is your Excellency, this battle is between our Ming Dynasty and the Xiliang Royal Court, it would be unwise for you to get involved.

What price did the royal court of Xiliang pay?Your Excellency, please, if you are willing to come and help our Ming Dynasty, then my Ming Dynasty is willing to pay double the price. "

Zhan Feitian thought that Lu Bu was invited by the Xiliang royal court with benefits, so he wanted to win Lu Bu over.

You must know that the current situation is very unfavorable to the Ming Dynasty, so it is very important to be able to win over a strong man in the imperial realm.

This is also the reason why Zhan Feitian wooed Lu Bu from the very beginning.

Lu Bu said unmoved: "Don't tell me these things are useless. I don't value anything but credit. This time the Xiliang royal court spent a lot of money to invite me to defeat you.

So I have to help Xiliang royal court to defeat you, if none of you make a move, then you just admit defeat, in this case, my mission can be regarded as successfully completed. "

The reason why Lu Bu said this was to relax the opponent's vigilance, and then use powerful means to slander the opponent later in the battle, and then join forces with the many imperial realm powerhouses who have already ambushed to completely solve the three imperial realm powerhouses of the Ming Dynasty. By.

Once the three imperial powerhouses of the Ming Dynasty are resolved, then the Ming Dynasty is really not far from extinction.

Zhan Feitian, seeing that you are not so ignorant, his heart is secretly burning with anger.

Zhan Feitian turned to you and said: "Since Your Excellency wants to fight against the strong in the Imperial Realm of my Ming Dynasty so much, then let me, the Generalissimo of the Ming Dynasty, fight against Your Excellency with two moves."

In this way, Lu Bu and Zhan Feitian stood in the center of the secret realm of the ancient inheritance, while the other 4 people stood aside to watch the next battle between the two.

Zhan Feitian and Lu Bu saluted each other, and after saying a word of please, they began to fight.

At the beginning, Lu Bu didn't shoot with all his strength, but only used 1/3 of his strength. The reason why Lu Bu did this was to wait for a while to explode suddenly.

Although Lu Bu only used 1/3 of his strength, Lu Bu deserves to be a strong man who can withstand the encirclement of the Three Kingdoms.

Lu Bu and Zhan Feitian fought evenly, but Zhan Feitian had used more than 90% of his strength, while Lu Bu had only used 30% of his strength.

Lu Bu secretly guessed, if he broke out with all his strength from the beginning, would he be able to completely suppress Zhan Feitian, would he be able to solve Zhan Feitian?
But a negative answer was formed in Lu Bu's mind. If a strong man in the imperial realm cannot fight against another strong man in the imperial realm, if he wants to escape, the opponent has no way to do it.

To be continued!

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