Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 112 The Dharma is Boundless

Chapter 112 The Dharma is Boundless
After getting the elixir he wanted most, Gao Miao did not go down to Hengshan, but asked to see the Buddhist scriptures in the library of the Hengshan School, and by the way, he wanted to discuss Buddhism with two masters, Yuqing Yuda.

Buddhism has been passed down for thousands of years, and it has been thoroughly localized long ago. To practice Buddhism is actually to cultivate wisdom.

Gao Miao does not reject Buddhism, because in Gao Miao's view, Buddhist culture is also a kind of culture, which can be passed down for thousands of years and has countless audiences, which has its own reasons.

To be honest, the 72 stunt martial arts secret books in the Sutra Pavilion of Shaolin Temple may not be comparable to the micro-speaking French left by the eminent monks in the Buddhist scriptures. Martial arts are all created by people, and many of the annotations on the Buddhist scriptures are the insights from creating kung fu and practicing martial arts. , the method of fishing is here, you have to pick up the fish caught by others, the sweeping monk thinks that it is to buy a basket and return the pearls to make a laugh, but Gao Miao thinks it is right.

Xiao Yuanshan once brutally abused the masters of the Central Plains, and Murong Bosser trembled and did not dare to make a move. He hid in Shaolin for 30 years. In the end, his martial arts equaled Murong Bo's, and he even got injured all over his body.

The Hengshan School's collection of books is naturally not as rich as Shaolin Temple's, and the background is even less common, but there are disciples like Yilin who have a deep connection with Buddhism, and the commentaries on Buddhist scriptures are not bad.

Gao Miao didn't know much about those stunned youths who were going to destroy Buddha after crossing, and felt that those people were really sick in their minds, and that every culture had its own advantages and disadvantages. To say that it is overgeneralization is a short-circuit of the brain.

Gao Miao likes to read books, Buddhist scriptures, and Taoist scriptures. He has read countless classics of various schools of thought. Relying on his god-level memory, he can still remember most of them.

However, Gao Miao's understanding of the content of the Buddhist scriptures is not very deep. He memorized the advanced mathematics textbooks without a deep understanding.

The Hengshan sect is a female sect, so their temperament is naturally relatively gentle, and they mostly focus on compassion for Buddhism. Most of Hengshan's disciples are also soft on the outside and strong on the inside. The best of the Five Sacred Sword Sect.

This kind of personality is in fact deeply in line with the true meaning of the Shaolin school's finger-picking. If the secret book of finger-picking is given to the Hengshan school, I am afraid that there will be a large number of peerless masters who are intensively practicing fingering.

Anyway, Gao Miao, the most brilliant swordsmanship in Hengshan, has also seen it, so he is not afraid of Gao Miao stealing martial arts. There is no need for others to worry about my three melons. Master Yuda thought for a while and agreed to this request. Opened the library of Hengshan School to Gao Miao, and discussed Buddhism with Gao Miao in person every day.

In these hundreds of years of Buddhist sects, light a furnace of sandalwood, listen to the Pu'an mantra played by Chen Yuanyuan with a thousand-year-old piano, look at the subtle French comments commented by senior experts, and there are two highly respected Buddhist scholars. The highly educated teacher and wife discussed together, and the time passed quickly without realizing it, so fast that Gao Miao felt that a big blue man had come to steal his time.

Gao Miao lived on Hengshan Mountain for more than half a month. Apart from practicing martial arts every day, he was either reading books or discussing Buddhism with others.

Gao Miao felt a little sorry for disturbing the head of the other faction for so long. Before leaving, Gao Miao left a box of gold and silver and donated a Guanyin Hall. You save the suffering; if you can change your mind, why should I be so merciful?"

Gao Miao liked this couplet very much in his previous life, and now it is appropriate to give it to the Hengshan School. After all, the Hengshan School is really kind and compassionate, and will never humiliate this couplet.

This half month is not only to see the difference between the Buddhist scriptures in the martial arts world and the Buddhist scriptures in the previous life, the key is to comprehend a certain amount of Buddhist teachings, understand some of the mysteries of Buddhist martial arts, and practice the flower finger.

For Shaolin stunts, it is enough for Gao Miaojue to refine a few disciplines that do not conflict with each other, and there is no need to be greedy for more. Moreover, his current internal strength foundation is enough to practice a high-level skill, and conflicts will be harmful if there are too many.

These martial arts can be used as a collection of "martial arts database". If you want to practice martial arts, it is more appropriate to choose the flower finger.

What I got from Boss Wen are all the mutant Shaolin stunts of the Diamond Gate, which are powerful, but the final potential and safety are much worse than the genuine Nianhuazhi I got from Hui'an. The muscle brother Guifeng of the Diamond Gate It's not Gao Miao's dish either.

With a foundation of magical skills such as Shenzhao Kungfu, in the past few days, he has fully absorbed some unique Buddhist teachings in the world of martial arts, and understood some characteristics of Buddhist martial arts.

Even Chen Yuanyuan, whose internal strength is not as good as Gao Miao's, is also handy in practicing the flower finger.

After leaving Mount Heng, the two headed straight to the capital. Nowadays, there are few safe places in the world. Before going home for the New Year, let's go to the capital to stay!
During the journey, I didn't encounter any bad things. With Gao Miao's reputation at this time, he was half of Song Jiang as soon as he went out. A sentence of "I'm Gao Miao" can at least make most people treat each other with courtesy. It's good wine and good meat.

As for the bandits who didn't open their eyes and wanted to rob, they were used by Gao Miao to experiment with the novice flower finger.

Not to mention, this fingering is really powerful, the fingering force is soft, silent, the attack distance is long, and the penetrating power is strong. In line with the principle of Buddhist martial arts and compassion, Gao Miao is just a lesson for ordinary gangsters. Go, if you encounter something extremely vicious, it will be Buddha's Wrath Vajra descending demons.

When we arrived in the capital, the people in the capital were also panicked. A few days ago, Li Chuang beheaded Uhak in public, passed on the lead of the Sixth Army, greatly boosted morale, and looked like the real man.

At least in the eyes of the common people, the Seven Provinces Wulin League is under Li Chuang. These heroes killed traitors and tartars. Compared with Zhu Ming, who mistakenly killed loyal officials and corrupt gangs, Li Chuang was much wiser. At least at this time Everywhere Li Chuang went, he still opened warehouses to release grain and recruit militiamen.

No matter how much you try to whitewash the peace, anyone with a little bit of wisdom knows that Zhu Ming is finished. Unless there is an all-rounder in civil and military affairs or a transmigrator with a system plug-in who transmigrates to Chongzhen, the gods will be hard to save.

Gao Miao is confident that he was also a top talent in his previous life, but he knows nothing about military governance. If he wants to resist the Manchu Qing Dynasty, he finally has to rely on Yuan Chengzhi, a genius with a talent for leading troops.

Long Er had been waiting in the capital for a while, and as soon as Gao Miao arrived, he immediately joined Long Er, and after a while, Ah Jiu also arrived.

The country is about to be destroyed and the family is about to die, Ah Jiu is also a little depressed, but the relationship between her and Wen Qingqing is rapidly improving, and they are both degenerates, and it won't be long before her situation will be even more miserable than Wen Qingqing's.

(End of this chapter)

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