Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 120 Yu Mako who broke out of bad luck

Chapter 120 Yu Mako who broke out of bad luck
Yu Zhenzi's martial arts and combat experience are not weak, but in the case of losing the upper hand, facing Longer's hundreds of fingers attacking the acupuncture points of his whole body, he can only hug his head and be beaten. Hard to resist.

After more than 30 strokes, Yu Zhenzi was hit by three fingers, and hoarfrost appeared on his body. He threw the iron sword at Ah Jiu with all his strength, and turned and left when Long Er was protecting Ah Jiu.

Long Er guessed Yu Zhenzi's identity based on his martial arts. Remembering Gao Miao's entrustment, he didn't chase after him. Instead, he carefully checked the sword that could resist dozens of fingers from him without any damage.

The appearance of this iron sword is extremely bad, it is black and not slippery, and the more you look at it, the more ugly it becomes. However, this sword weighs forty to fifty catties.

With Long'er's finger strength, even a sword made of refined iron can be shattered into pieces with at most five hits, and it can definitely be broken into pieces with ten hits. Obviously, no matter how ugly this sword is, it is a top-quality sword.

After Longer comforted Ah Jiu, he went out of the palace with the sword to show off with Gao Miao.

When Gao Miao was wearing a vest and fighting with Yu Zhenzi, he discovered that this sword was the version of TVB TV series. Kumozhi, oh no, after Yu Zhenzi was defeated by Xia Xueyi relying on the strength of the weapon, he was unwilling to hold this sword Fighting against Xia Xueyi again, the Iron Sword and the Golden Snake Sword went head-to-head without any damage.

If this is a small sword like the head token, Gao Miao will naturally give it back to Mu Sang, maximizing his favorability, and get all the mysteries of the magic movement, but this is a long sword, and the material is so good, although it sells It's not good and I have the Golden Snake Sword, but I can also fuse two swords to make a new sword.

"The heart is not enough to swallow the elephant, and Yu Mako deserves to be unlucky."

For Longer's outstanding performance in protecting Ah Jiu, grabbing the sword of the head of the Iron Sword Sect, and injuring Yu Zhenzi but letting him go on purpose in the end, Gao Miao gave full appreciation and promised Longer to draw five portraits of her by himself. As a bonus.

Gao Miao's P-picture stunt has never been shown before, and even Chen Yuanyuan didn't know that Gao Miao still had such "painting skills". Seeing Gao Miao's portrait of Long Er, he also came over and asked for two pictures. Ah Jiu was frightened Seeking comfort as a reason to order two, Wen Qingqing also agreed to order two by the way.

Compared with the charming Chen Yuanyuan, Long'er is more heroic. The main difference is his eyebrows. Long'er's eyebrows are slightly thicker and straighter, full of heroic spirit, and he can captivate many girls even when he puts on men's clothing.

Just painting is meaningless. Gao Miao thought about those cover photos and art photos from his previous life, and re-dressed Long Er. To be honest, Long Er's men's clothing is more handsome than Gao Miao.

Gao Miao's appearance tends to be gentle and warm-hearted, full of bookishness, and can be compared to Duan Yuhuamanlou and other gentle and elegant noble sons. Longer's men's clothing is the kind of unrestrained and unrestrained young heroes, such as the majestic and heroic feather fan towel. Zhou Yu, who was sent, and Di Qing, who recruited son-in-laws from the twelve kingdoms on a snowy night to conquer Kunlun.

Gao Miao had a great time painting some beauties here, but Yu Zhenzi was out of luck again.

This guy's bad luck seems to have all exploded this month, and he desperately left the palace. It took five days to completely expel Long'er's finger force, and the injuries on his body were completely healed. , Tie Jian wanted to take it back, and then, as soon as he went out, he was blocked by Mu Sang.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the news about Yu Zhenzi's assassination of King Chuang was still spread. Mu Sang hated his junior brother's evil deeds deeply, and wanted to get rid of this evil obstacle with his own hands.

Yuan Chengzhi saved him face and didn't spread it all over the street, and it is said that Yu Zhenzi found Tie Jian, the head of Tie Jianmen, somewhere. It was inconvenient for him to deal with it. After thinking about it, he came to the capital to find his wise man My Wangnian friend Gao Xiaoyou asked for an idea.

Unexpectedly, just arrived in the capital, before looking for Gao Miao, I saw the sneaky Yu Zhenzi. The most important thing is that Yu Zhenzi didn't hold the master iron sword in his hand. This time, he made a casual move.

"Surrender to death!" Mu Sang looked at Yu Zhenzi more and more angrily, and roared, and the iron chessboard weighing more than 200 kilograms was smashed directly.

But Mu Sang usually plays with the younger generation, doesn't put on the airs of the elders, and doesn't seem to care about the rules and other constraints, but in fact he cares about the rules very much. In the novel, Yu Zhenzi would beat him casually with the master iron sword He won't fight back, and at this time he can make a sneak attack, but he still has to yell to prepare for time.

"Ah!" Yu Zhenzi also yelled, but Mu Sang was angry, he was frightened, the senior brother he feared the most in his life came, and the iron sword in his hand was not in his hand, so it was difficult to deal with it now.

But Yu Zhenzi is also a master, the iron chessboard is thick and the attack speed is slow, so he dodged it this time.

The iron chessboard is easy to dodge, but the iron chess pieces are not easy to dodge. Following the iron chessboard are a dozen iron chess pieces. Mu Sang is best at light skills and hidden weapons. These dozen pieces fly out and block all the routes of Yuzhen. No matter how dodge , but also suffer.

Yu Zhenzi was not easy to provoke, so he reached out and pulled out his newly bought sword. Using the sword as a gun, he used the "Phoenix Random Nodding" move in the marksmanship to knock down all the chess pieces that were hitting him, and then rubbed the soles of his feet with oil. leave quickly.

Mu Sang chased after him, but Yu Zhenzi was very naughty, and ran directly to the street, relying on the people as cover, where would there be more people.

No matter what Mu Sang said, he was also an upright person, and he would never do indiscriminate killing of innocent people. So many people did not dare to attack with hidden weapons.

When martial arts masters fight, the hawkers who set up stalls on the street are the most unlucky. Not only are things beaten all over the sky, but no one pays compensation, so they can only knock out teeth and swallow blood.

There is no way, ordinary people in the world of martial arts are like this. After reading martial arts novels, only Hu Fei will chase and kill the bully Feng Tiannan thousands of miles away for a small commoner.

While running, Yu Zhenzi pushed ordinary people towards Musang, or overturned several stalls, hindering Musang's pace.

But Mu Sang's lightness skill is better than him, and he has just healed his injuries, he lacks physical strength and can't run fast, and in the end he was really in a hurry, so he grabbed someone and threw him towards Mu Sang.

After all, Mu Sang is not hard-hearted, and catches the people who are thrown over one by one, while Yu Zhenzi has long since taken the opportunity to run away without a trace.

Yu Zhenzi beat Mu Sang by relying on countless meat shields, and was looking for a place to rest and eat something. After walking for a while, he found a house and jumped into it.

After walking a few steps in the house, before finding the kitchen, I saw four beautiful paintings.

(End of this chapter)

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