Chapter 123 Chongzhen
Not only Yuan Chengzhi, Gao Miao also wanted to meet Chongzhen.

Chongzhen is considered a very famous emperor in the history of Ming Dynasty, not only because he is the last emperor, but also because he is not useless, but tried his best to change the situation of Ming Dynasty. ability.

One month later, when Li Zicheng entered Beijing, Chongzhen Meishan hanged himself. He would rather die than escape, which can be said to have integrity.

I have been around the palace several times before, and the structure and layout of the palace are all in Gao Miao's mind. He led Yuan Chengzhi to turn left and right, and finally arrived at Qianqing Palace.

It's just that what people didn't expect was that when Li Chuang's soldiers approached the city, there was actually a scene of forcing the palace in the palace.

There is also this drama in the novel, but He Tieshou has long been "recruited" to become He Yushou, and those who dissatisfied with the Five Poison Sect have been dealt with. There are a lot fewer allies, and it is only today that they come to force the palace.

To be honest, what's the point of being an emperor for you? At this time, unless Qin Huang Han Wu, Tang Zong Song Zu and other peerless heroes cross over, it is meaningless. Even if King Cheng succeeds, it will only take a month The emperor is addicted.

If he was really capable, it would be ridiculous for Chongzhen to be emperor at this time.

"I didn't expect to see this kind of drama. It's better to come early than coincidental." Lying on the roof and watching Cheng Wang Yizheng's criticism of Chongzhen, Gao Miao felt absurd for a while.

"Alas!" Yuan Chengzhi sighed, and directly appeared into the Qianqing Palace.

"Who are you? How dare you come here!" King Cheng looked at Yuan Chengzhi who suddenly appeared, thinking it was Chongzhen's backhand, and shouted in a hurry. At the same time, four or five little eunuchs stepped forward and surrounded Yuan Chengzhi.

These eunuchs have always been the guards of the royal family. They are not loyal to the emperor, but loyal to the royal family. King Cheng and Chongzhen are in civil strife, and they can't control it, but this unidentified Yuan Chengzhi is an assassin, and they must control it.

What these eunuchs practiced was "Sunflower Treasure", but this is also a remnant copy. Time has passed, and the secret books collected in the imperial city also left a remnant copy. It is a pity that only the remnants of god-level cheats like "Sunflower Treasure" are inherited. .

"Do you know this?" Yuan Chengzhi looked at Chongzhen, raised his hand, and picked up his Jade Blood Sword.

"The righteous man is here to assassinate the foolish king. The righteous man is slow to act. After the foolish man writes down the letter of succession, it will not be too late for the righteous man to act. Why don't the righteous man report his name and defect to me? I guarantee that he will not treat the righteous man badly."

Seeing Yuan Chengzhi taking out the sword to Chongzhen, King Cheng thought it was an assassin, so he hurriedly spoke out to solicit.

At the same time, several eunuchs also pulled out their short swords and pointed at Yuan Chengzhi. These people's internal skills are not very good, but with the speed brought by the sunflower true energy, even Yuan Chengzhi will feel very uncomfortable when they form a formation. trouble.

"Yuan Chonghuan's sword, you are the leader of the martial arts, Yuan Chengzhi?" Chongzhen glanced at King Cheng with disdain, then looked at Yuan Chengzhi's sword, and said firmly.

"Yes. My late father made great contributions to the country, but was executed by the emperor." Yuan Chengzhi said angrily.

Chongzhen was silent for a while, then sighed: "Now I also regret it, did you come to kill me for revenge?"

"No, I ask the emperor to issue an edict to wash away the great injustice of my late father." Yuan Chengzhi looked at Chongzhen, both cheeks of Chongzhen were sunken, there was a lot of white on the side of his beard, his eyes were full of red silk, and his expression was very haggard , What else did the emperor do besides suffer?
Kill him, kill him for what, let the descendants of the Yuan family bear the title of regicide?

"Since ancient times, the emperor has never made mistakes." Chongzhen has a stubborn personality, not the one who admits mistakes when he makes mistakes.

In the past, the properties left by the Gao family in the capital were swallowed up by several ministers. Ah Jiu directly knelt down and apologized to Gao Miao on the grounds that "the father's rule of the country is not good, and the father's debts are paid by the daughter". Gao Miao also recognized Ah Jiu as a good man Sister, Chongzhen, forget it.

"It turns out that after Governor Yuan, I deeply feel that Governor Yuan was wronged. In this way, my brother waits to kill this stupid king. After I succeed to the throne, I will issue an edict to rehabilitate Governor Yuan. How about it?" King Cheng rolled his eyes, Immediately speak out to recruit Yuan Chengzhi.

"You deserve it too! Did Daming suddenly become like this today? Yesterday? The day before yesterday? The day before yesterday? One year ago? Two years ago? Three years ago?

What did you do long ago? Now that soldiers are approaching the city, what you think is to force the palace to be the emperor.

Let me ask you, what do you use to stop Li Chuang's million-dollar army? If you can't stop Li Chuang's army, you are still a shitty emperor! "

Before Yuan Chengzhi could answer, Gao Miao came out more and more, and yelled at King Cheng, and blamed Chongzhen for his bad governance when he was about to die.

"Who are you?" Chongzhen looked at Gao Miao and said restlessly.

"Gao Miao, Ah Jiu's elder brother, I have taken Ah Jiu out of the palace, no matter what happens to you, Ah Jiu will live well." Gao Miao looked at the nervous Chongzhen and said softly.

"That's good. What are you doing here? Are you asking for a reward?" Chongzhen looked a little better when he heard this.

"What else can you reward me! My Gao family has built bridges and paved roads and opened porridge sheds for more than ten years. I have done good deeds for more than ten years. In the end, all the shops in the capital were swallowed up by your corrupt officials. What do you want?" Ask me what reward I want?" Gao Miao looked at Chongzhen with a sarcastic expression.

"You righteous man, all you have to do is..." King Cheng stepped forward quickly, and was about to recruit Gao Miao. Gao Miao was too lazy to listen to this guy's nonsense, so he stretched out his hand and broke his heart.

King Cheng was very close to Gao Miao, and Gao Miao shot very quickly. The eunuchs were on guard against Yuan Chengzhi, but they didn't react at all, and King Cheng fell dead to the ground.

"I'm too lazy to listen to your nonsense. Do you want to issue an edict to vindicate Governor Yuan's grievances?" Gao Miao said coldly to King Cheng's body, and then looked at Chongzhen.

"Since ancient times, the emperor..."

"Even Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty issued an imperial edict to sin against himself. How are you compared to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty? Moreover, you have issued an imperial edict to sin against yourself several times. Now, why not avenge your grievances for a loyal minister?"

Gao Miao really didn't want to waste time. If Chongzhen didn't issue an edict, he could only steal the imperial edict and forge a copy himself. At that time, he would hand over the forged one to Yuan Chengzhi, and fool him into fighting the Qing Dynasty, alas!
"I have to think about it. Before the city is broken, I will give you an answer and let them go." Chongzhen looked at Gao Miao and Yuan Chengzhi, and said very seriously.

Those eunuchs were only protecting the emperor's safety. Now that King Cheng failed to force the palace, he was naturally a traitor.

(End of this chapter)

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