Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 137 Retreating, Justified

Chapter 137 Retreating, Justified

After pointing at Broken Tieyi's right shoulder, Aobai added another palm, smashing Tieyi's dantian, the dantian was shattered, Tieyi had no strength to fight back, and fell limply on the ground.

Master Tie Yi looked at Ao Bai with a look of despair, he didn't need any begging for mercy or other small actions, since Ao Bai attacked him, he was destined to be a dead man.

If he was caught by Yuan Chengzhi, he might be caught alive and returned for interrogation. This way, he would have some way to survive. If he was attacked and knocked down by his own people, Oboi would kill him no matter what.

"Why?" Tie Yi looked at Ao Bai angrily.

"Give me the secret book of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu, and I will give you a happy ending." Obai looked at Tie Yi coldly, and stated the condition.

As for the foolish words like "hand over the secret book and spare you", Aobai didn't even mention it, he didn't have time to laugh.

Today's scuffle made Oboi fully see the majesty of the sky and the depth of the earth, especially seeing the majestic power of the Dharma King's attack and the profound and profound Shaolin unique skills, so that Oboi fully understood the power of this martial art that has been passed down for thousands of years.

King Kong Temple is also a branch of Esoteric Buddhism, which has been passed down for thousands of years. The master Jinlun Fawang also had outstanding achievements in the late Song Dynasty, and the name of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu spread from this.

Oboi himself is not as brainless as his rough appearance. The roughness he usually shows and his disdain for various cultures are mostly his disguise. In fact, he likes reading books very much, and he knows a lot of all kinds of martial arts allusions. Naturally, he also knows the name of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu.

Master Tie Yi is only at the eighth level of Dragon Elephant, and he can already draw a tie with Gui Xinshu. Aobai is confident that he will not be defeated by Tie Yi, but he has no means of winning. Whoever wins will definitely win miserably.

"Hehe! Aren't you afraid that what I gave you is a fake secret book? As long as you write a wrong word, it is very likely to go the wrong way. If I write a few wrong acupuncture points for you, it is enough to make you go crazy and die. Are you so relieved of me?"

Although Tie Yi had no strength to fight back, his words were like knives, piercing Aobai's heart.

"I am from the Vajra Sect. Although the name of your Vajra Temple is only one letter different, my martial arts are very different. The martial arts in my sect evolved from the unique skills of Shaolin, especially the hard skills.

The blow I gave you is called the Great Vajra Finger, pinching gold to create seals, and twisting iron to make mud. At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, it once smashed the limbs and bones of two of the Wudang Seven Heroes of the Wudang School. This is helpless, do you want to try? "

Aobai looked at Tie Yi fiercely, stretched out his hand and rolled it continuously on Tie Yi's left arm, only heard a few crisp sounds, Tie Yi's left arm ulna and radius had been smashed to pieces.

"There are a total of 100 bones in the human body. What I just crushed were the two bones in your left arm. In addition, I just crushed your right shoulder in a sneak attack. I'm removing a few vital points, and I'm doing the math. , you still have more than [-] chances to lie."

Aobai doesn't know much about anatomy, but he has fought countless battles and participated in torture to extract confessions, so he is very familiar with human bones.

Tie Yi knew that he would definitely not be able to endure the pain of his bones being broken, so rather than wait for Oboi to crush most of his bones before confessing, it would be better to confess in advance, at least he could have a good death.

As for suicide, the dantian is broken, and there is no way to commit suicide by relying on internal strength. The other methods are watched by Aobai here, but they are not effective at all. Bite your tongue to kill yourself, not to mention that you will not die immediately after biting your tongue. Before you bite off your tongue, Ao Bai It's time for Bai to come over and give his chin a lift.

Aobai was also cunning enough, not only asked insanely, but also intentionally broke Tie Yi's bones, making Tie Yi feel dizzy in pain, in this state of confusion, even if he wanted to lie, it was very difficult.

After questioning for a long time and confirming that there was nothing wrong, Oboi killed Tie Yi with one palm, and then made a big hole with several consecutive palms, threw Tie Yi into it and buried it, destroying the body and destroying the traces.

Gao Miao didn't know what Aobai was doing, and even if he knew it would be meaningless, Gao Miao was busy finding the leaks.

At the end of the war, 24 monks of the Tantric sect died, and [-] monks of Shaolin died. It is not that there is nothing in these people.

People from the Tantric sect came to attack at night, naturally they would not bring secret books or the like, at most they would be some healing pills, but Shaolin monks would bring elixir like Xiaohuandan when they went out.

As for the Great Returning Pill, it is too difficult to configure this pill. In this year, it is not known whether Shaolin has any in stock. Anyway, these monks only have ten Small Returning Pills, and the rest of the medicines are not worth mentioning.

After taking their relics, Gao Miao also packed up their remains, put the [-] monks separately in the trolley in the barracks, and prepared to buy coffins and send them back to Shaolin Temple.

The martial arts battle was over, but the army battle continued until dawn the next day. Both sides suffered a large number of casualties. However, in the past two months, Gao Miao sent more and more artillery. With the support of this hot weapon , Man Qing could no longer support it.

After the war was over, Yuan Chengzhi was busy checking the casualties, and all kinds of things were piled up on the whole table, so naturally he didn't have time to see Qian Qianyi.

Qian Qianyi was also terrified by this battle. Twenty martial arts masters and eminent monks all died overnight. It is countless.

However, compared with a bloody battle involving tens of thousands of people, this kind of battlefield is still a thousand miles away. In one night's battle, both sides lost more than ten thousand people. .

Gao Miao was disgusted by Qian Qianyi and asked him to help count the casualties. Qian Qianyi looked at the battlefield and vomited so hard that he almost vomited out the gall.

After this battle, Man Qing made up his mind, and after a few days, he slowly retreated, and Yuan Chengzhi did not pursue it. After fighting for so long, the soldiers were tired and needed to rest. A "name" is needed, a "name" that can call on heroes.

If the name is not correct, the words will not go smoothly; if the words are not smooth, things will fail.If things are not accomplished, rituals and music will not flourish; if rituals and music are not flourished, punishments will not be delivered;

When the Manchus did not retreat, they could still use the name of defending the country of the Han people. Now that the Manchus are retreating, it is difficult to disband these hundreds of thousands of troops. Anyway, let’s use a banner!

Qian Qianyi, Shi Kefa and others all have their own descendants of the Zhu family who support them. Relying on these talents, if Yuan Chengzhi has no name, the morale of the army will be weakened sooner or later.

As for making Yuan Chengzhi himself the emperor, this is just a joke, he is not expected to be an emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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