Chapter 14 Negotiations
The maids and servants of the Huashan School were all brought out by Ah Jiu from the palace, and they are extremely professional in serving people, at least more professional than the maids arranged by the local inn.

Gao Miao wandered around in his previous life, and the world of adventurers was not peaceful. Fighting and killing were commonplace, so Gao Miao had a strong sense of danger, and when strangers approached, he would react immediately, and even put on an offensive posture.

After Gao Miao was in a coma, they bathed and changed Gao Miao, but they didn't trigger Gao Miao's dangerous reaction. The method was really good.

Recalling the battle in the afternoon, Gao Miao secretly called luck.

Gui Xinshu's character in the movie version is much better than the novel version and the TV series version. Whether it is the attitude towards people or the younger generation, it is completely heaven and earth.

In the battle with Gui Xinshu, nearly [-] moves were fought. Gao Miao's various martial arts tended to be integrated. Great progress.

Secondly, the Huashan School's various sword techniques are worthy of being the only one of the Wuyue Sword School that is still resounding across the rivers and lakes. The various sword techniques that have been passed down for more than a hundred years are really extraordinary.

Not only did it not reduce its power with the passage of time, but with the modification and optimization of generations of Huashan masters, it made up for a lot of the shortcomings of the swordsmanship when it was first created.

This is a very normal and benign development model. This is how Shaolin Temple developed. Shaolin 72 unique skills were perfected by countless eminent monks over hundreds of years. Every unique skill can be called "unbreakable".

Moreover, Shaolin 72 stunts include internal strength, palm technique, leg technique, saber technique, sword technique, stick technique, finger technique, grasping hand technique, claw technique, strange weapon blade and countless other skills. There is always a kung fu that suits you.

Although the Huashan School does not have many martial arts, they also have palm, boxing, fingering, and swordsmanship. From the time of "Swordsman" to the present, both boxing and swordsmanship have fully developed.

And under the circumstances of such benign development, even if the Huashan School did not pass down the Dugu Nine Swords, its own swordsmanship inheritance is also extraordinary. Now the masters of the Huashan School are already the top of the martial arts, and the limelight has overshadowed Shaolin.

Relying on his super memory, Gao Miao memorized many martial arts moves during the two fights, especially the Kuangfengkuaijian and Yangwu swordsmanship, which he remembered even more clearly, at least [-]% of them could be imitated.

After resting for a while, Gao Miao got up, put on his shoes and went out, and was led by the door servant to Gui Xinshu's study.

This battle has gained a lot, and it is appropriate to express my gratitude.

At the same time, Gui Xinshu and Ah Jiu were also talking about Gao Miao.

"Master, I found out that the Gao family in the capital city have opened porridge sheds, donated grain and rice, built bridges and paved roads all over the country for more than ten years. They are known as the reincarnated Bodhisattva. They just didn't expect Gao Miao's martial arts to be so good."

As the honorable princess, Ah Jiu couldn't find any information about Gao Miao.

"It's just very strange! According to the news I heard, the Gao family has done good deeds for more than ten years, and the family resources have been greatly consumed. Now there are only dozens of inns and grain stores. There are still a few gold and silver jewelry buildings in the capital. He Sisandzhuang, this move is so much gold, silver and jewelry, where did it come from?"

Ah Jiu is extremely intelligent. Although he has no experience in the world, he quickly noticed something was wrong.

"Can you tell where these jewels come from?" Gui Xinshu's expression was serious at this time, without any trace of indecency.

"This big pearl should be from Hainan. The gold and silver utensils also have the style of a small southern country. I can't see anything else. Master, is there something wrong with the Gao family?"

Ah Jiu's knowledge is also extraordinary. After just a few glances, the origins of the most valuable things Gao Miao sent are already clear.

"No problem, the free porridge sheds are real, the food donated is real, the bridges and roads are real, and they are all spent with real money. Among the wealthy businessmen in the world, such as the Gao family, this is the only one. " Gui Xinshu said seriously.

has a problem?There is a fart problem!If half of the civil and military people in the Manchu Dynasty had the Gao family treat the people like this, the situation in Daming would be much better, and Li Chuang would not be able to raise an army with a single word.

It's just that Xin Shu can't say this, Ah Jiu is his apprentice, but he is also a princess of the Ming Dynasty.

Ah Jiu is also an exquisite character. She knows the current situation of the Ming Dynasty very clearly, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is precarious.

At this moment, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty are busy with corruption and fighting for power and profit. There is only one businessman who thinks of helping the victims, while those who read sage books and speak benevolence and morality don't care about the victims.

"Hey! Master, have you figured out the number of Gao Miao's martial arts?" Ah Jiu didn't want to talk about anything else, so he started talking about martial arts.

"It can be seen that I have fought with him for more than [-] moves as a teacher. The sword technique of dancing swords and reciting poems he used is the most profound. Every move and style is in line with the artistic conception of the poem. I don't know what kind of expert he is. Such a miraculous sword technique.

In addition, he also used the unique skill of the Taishan School of the original Wuyue Sword School, Seven Stars Falling into the Sky, and the Taishan School has long lost its inheritance, and it is not known where he got the sword art.

There is also a set of swordsmanship, although he only used a few moves, but if the master read it correctly, it should be the Huifeng Luoyan Sword of the Hengshan School, Hengshan School, heh!
As for the origin of martial arts, it's nothing. The Gao family has done good deeds for more than ten years, and it's normal for someone to teach martial arts. "

Gui Xinshu is worthy of being a master of martial arts. He still saw the core of the martial arts used by Gao Miao in a fight. Moreover, the martial arts of Taishan School and Hengshan School did not escape his discernment.

"Master, are there really so many martial arts masters in this world?" Ah Jiu said cutely.

If so, can you ask them to take action to save this Daming country.Ah Jiu couldn't say this sentence.

The court is full of short-sighted and mean-spirited people who are completely incapable of governing the people's livelihood and training armaments. They are good at corrupting and framing Zhongliang. Civil officials will not agree.

Even if the Ming Dynasty is destroyed the next day, they will continue to hold power today.

After all, when the Ming Dynasty is destroyed, they can surrender. Although these people have no serious skills, they have earned a good reputation of "loyalty and integrity" for decades. When the Ming Dynasty is destroyed, they can surrender. ", they will definitely accept them as "those who know the current affairs". As for the Zhu Ming royal family, they will die if they die, what do they care about.

When Gao Miao arrived at Gui Xinshu's study, the discussion between Gui Xinshu and Ah Jiu had already ended.

 Novice on the road, guarantee to finish the book, please bookmark and recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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