Chapter 158
"Miss Qiu, take Mrs. Yang's widow away first, these miscellaneous fish are not my opponents." Gao Miao glanced at Qiu Moyan, then at Mrs. Yang on the ground, and found someone to send away the monster-hunting Qiu Moyan excuse.

Qiu Moyan's martial arts is not bad. When Gao Miao killed more than 30 people, she also killed six or seven people. Her swordsmanship is light and changeable, and her internal strength is also very deep. However, she is not good at dealing with battle formations. , might as well leave early.

"Young Master Gao Yi, wait a moment, I'll be right back!" Qiu Moyan was not a person who talked nonsense, he grabbed Mrs. Yang decisively and returned to the Longmen Inn.

This time, Cao Tian led the black arrow team with more than 150 people, and they were killed by Gao Miao like this, and they would never retreat.

Dongchang has strict rules. If Cao Tian dies like this, and they don't kill or capture the murderer alive, they will also be severely punished. Not only will they die, but their family members may also be implicated.

Faced with round after round of charges and arrow rain from these people, Gao Miao gave full play to the advantages of martial arts masters, using various footwork flexibly, dodging and killing the enemy at the same time.

These cavalry were well-equipped, but Wu Ya's sword cut iron like mud. In Gao Miao's eyes, the armor on them was no different from white paper.

Soon, Qiu Moyan came back, she is a gentleman, no matter what, she would not leave Gao Miao alone to fight against the enemy.

The battle was fierce, and at some point, another figure joined the battlefield.

The man was dressed in black, wearing a bamboo hat, his face could not be seen clearly, and he had a samurai sword in his hand. His moves were ever-changing, just like phantoms.

Duan Tianya?It's too late, without this young master, your mission must fail.Gao Miao cursed in her heart.

The three of them worked together, and soon, Dongchang fanzi was completely killed, and the bloody smell attracted a large number of crows and vultures. They just perched on the branches of a tree beside them, waiting for a gluttonous feast.

"Duan Tianya, Hulong Villa, thank you Miss Qiu and this righteous man for your help." After killing Fanzi, Duan Tianya took off his bamboo hat and bowed to salute.

"Hulong Mountain Villa and I, Emei, have always been on good terms. Master Yang was murdered. After saving Zhongliang, it is my duty to save Zhongliang. Please be polite, Mr. Duan." Qiu Moyan and Duan Tianya have met on several occasions, and the relationship is still considered close.

"This guy killed himself, no wonder others." Gao Miao felt much less depressed after some killings. Since he still has a chance to see Chen Yuanyuan and Long Er, let's make a good living in this world.

This world can be said to be a world where there are not many good people, even half of the high officials are not good people.

The current emperor has used the strategy of checks and balances to the extreme. Cao Zhengchun, Yuhuatian, Feng Bao, Liu Jin, and Zhu Wushi, the five major forces fought against each other to ensure his position of power.

Cao Zhengchun is in charge of the East Factory, Yuhuatian is in charge of the West Factory, Feng Bao is the eunuch in charge of printing and the head of the inner court, Liu Jin is the eunuch of Bingbi and the commander of Jinyiwei, all of them are high-ranking and powerful, and there are countless people under them. Anyone who offends one of the officials without a backer will surely die.

Yang Yuxuan was a dignified Minister of the Ministry of War, but he was killed by Cao Zhengchun.

The civil and military officials were either in groups, a small part of them took refuge in Zhu Wushi, and most of the rest took refuge in these eunuchs. All the officials were in danger, and how could the common people have a good life.

Zhu ignored the deepness of the city and wanted to usurp the throne, but the secret agents under his command were real gentlemen.

Duan Tianya is calm, smart, kind, decisive, courageous and resourceful, emphasizing love and righteousness, and has leadership skills. He is proficient in the ninjutsu of the Japanese Iga School and the unique magic sword of the famous Japanese swordsman Shiro Shiro. One talent.

Duan Tianya came here for the orphans and widows left behind by Yang Yuxuan, and he would arrange a place for them through Hulong Villa.

Originally, Qiu Moyan planned to use the secret passage of the Longmen Inn to send these people outside the customs, but now that Duan Tianya intervenes, she will save trouble.


"The Dongchang dog thief is really vicious. Mrs. Yang has been seriously injured long ago, and now her hands and feet have been broken into several pieces. This injury cannot be healed by a famous doctor!" Several people went to see Mrs. Yang's injury, Qiu Moyan He slapped the table angrily.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. A broken bone is nothing to most people in the rivers and lakes. Once it is connected, some golden sore medicine, and some chicken, duck and fish meat to nourish the body are enough.

However, if the bone is broken into several pieces, with the current medical ability, there is really nothing to do.

Zhang Sanfeng, who is proficient in martial arts, is helpless in the face of the injuries of Yu Daiyan and Yin Liting, let alone Qiu Moyan and Duan Tianya.

"Black Jade Intermittent Ointment, a healing holy medicine of a Western Region sect at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, has a miraculous effect on broken bones. Miss Qiu, men and women are different, go and apply the medicine to Mrs. Yang!"

Prestige in the Jianghu is the invitation letter for most things. Now is the time to swipe your reputation, so Gao Miao will naturally swipe a little more.

Both Duan Tianya and Qiu Moyan are knights with profound backgrounds, leaving them with a chivalrous image will be extremely helpful in the future.

As for whether there is the Vajra Gate of the Western Regions or the Black Jade Intermittent Ointment in this world, Gao Miao doesn't care. There are so many strange people and strange things in the world, so how can I find out clearly.

Qiu Moyan took the medicine to treat Mrs. Yang's injury, and Duan Tianya began to talk to Gao Miao.

As a secret agent in the palace, he would not simply trust anyone. This has nothing to do with character, it is entirely a secret agent's unique caution. Without this vigilance, he would have died a thousand times long ago.

"In the next Duan Tianya, haven't you asked your brother Gao's name?" Duan Tianya pulled the relationship familiarly.

"Brother Duan, you're welcome. I'm Gao Miao. I've read thousands of books, traveled thousands of miles, and traveled so far. The road has been bumpy, and my hands are itchy. Thank you, Brother Duan, for your help today." Gao Miao made up a random set of words.

"Oh? Then I wonder what brother Gao's plan is?"

"Going back, I met a caravan yesterday, and I heard they said that there is a No. [-] farm in the capital, which is full of masters. I really want to go and see it." Gao Miao directly said the place he wanted to go the most.

Haitang's No. [-] village in the world, although the film and television performances are not very good, but there are many capable people in it, and communicating with them can be regarded as absorbing some new knowledge.

"Then I don't know which area Brother Gao wants to challenge to be number one in the world? Swordsmanship? To tell you the truth, Brother Gao, I have seen the number one sword in the world's number one village, which is a bit worse than Brother Gao."

Duan Tianya casually agreed that he knew everyone in the No. [-] village in the world. Although they are all capable people with real materials, it is still a bit arrogant to say that they are No. [-] in the world.

It's okay to be the first in reading, writing, calligraphy and painting. It's just a joke to be the first in lightness kung fu and first in swordsmanship.

(End of this chapter)

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