Chapter 162
Martial arts practitioners have strong muscles and bones. Even Haitang, who is a woman, has been nourished by true energy all year round, and her own strength is no less than this strong man.

Gao Miao walked over, without using his internal strength, he raised the hanging basket with six people sitting on it with one arm, and went up and down more than ten times, and then said: "It's boring to play this way, I suggest a more difficult one, give me a few pieces of wood, a few pieces of wood. A strong rope, how about I make a mechanism that allows that little girl to lift that big water tank?"

"Okay! I want to see brother Gao's skills, so come here and bring me big logs and ropes." Shangguan Haitang closed the folding fan in her hand, and immediately agreed to the request.

"I have always believed in one sentence: Wisdom is power. After half an hour, it is the moment to witness a miracle."

Anyone who has studied physics in junior high school in this kind of organization knows the principle, and Gao Miao is purely for pretense.

Gao Miao first went over to test the weight of the large water tank. The water tank was filled with water and weighed about 95 catties. The maids in the villa weighed about [-] catties each.

Then, it is to use the principle of leverage to calculate accurately.

After calculating the data, Gao Miao took a few pieces of wood, cut them a while, and made a large seesaw. What if he lifted a large water tank, Archimedes would directly move the earth.

After the preparations were completed, Gao Miao called a maid and asked her to sit on a chair at one end of the seesaw. On the other side, a few ropes pulled the large water tank and directly hoisted the large water tank.

"As long as she can sit up, it doesn't matter how long the big water tank can be held up. Now, is there anyone who is not convinced?"

After winning ten times in a row, Gao Miao is still as gentle as jade, one is because he is used to this kind of style, and the other is because abuse of food is not worth being excited about.

Shangguan Haitang didn't want to be slapped in the face again, and said with a smile: "Young Master Gao is extremely talented and powerful in martial arts, Haitang admires him, and I am willing to admit defeat. Young Master Gao is the deputy owner of my No. [-] villa in the world. Is there anyone who refuses to accept it?"

As soon as Haitang said this, many people responded, especially those who lost. According to the rules, the losers leave automatically, but if Gao Miao becomes the deputy owner, the owner is better than the owner, then It is normal, they can continue to stay here.

The comfortable life of the No. [-] villa in the world flattened their arrogance. Most of them were turned into loyal dogs by Shangguan Haitang's sugar-coated shells. As long as they could stay, Gao Miao's vice-owner was no big deal. It's a matter of skill.

It's just that most people are just buying horse bones for a thousand catties. If they really need to contribute, they can't refuse.

Haitang ordered the world's number one thief to go to Dongchang to steal Bai Wuxia's whistleblower letter. Although it was dangerous, the thief had to go, and Cao Zhengchun slapped him into meatloaf in the end.

"I'm waiting for the owner's favor. We have no objection to the owner's words, but I just admit defeat. I'm not convinced. I'm willing to compete with this young master again. If I lose, I will be convinced from now on."

After discussing among the people, an old man with white hair and wrinkled face stood up, and he wanted to compete again.

What the old man did was tantamount to gathering a crowd to challenge the authority of the owner.

This old man's surname is Nie, he claims to be the number one scholar in the world, he is extremely arrogant, he often sells his elders, even for Shangguan Haitang, he doesn't have much respect.

But this old fellow has real skills, he can be said to know astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom, so Shangguan Haitang will tolerate him a little on weekdays.

"Mr. Nie, yesterday I answered a question that you have been thinking about for a long time but couldn't answer. Do you know where I got the answer from?"

Shangguan Haitang's energy-raising skills are pretty good, even though she was slapped in the face in public, she didn't show any impatience, and a warm smile was always on her face.

"Could it be that Mr. Gao answered it?" the old man said arrogantly.

"Exactly, I gave the question to Mr. Gao through Mr. Duan, Mr. Gao only thought about the time for a cup of tea, and then gave the answer.

If Mr. Nie wants to compete with Mr. Gao, he still has to come up with the bottom of the box. "

Shangguan Haitang had long wanted to slap the old guy in the face, but now he finally got his chance.

"Okay, okay, I'll take a look today, there are peerless geniuses in the world! Mr. Gao, we both ask each other a question.

I have been thinking about this question for 30 years and still have nothing. If you can’t answer it, it’s not considered a loss. If the old man can’t answer your question, the old man will take the initiative to admit defeat. "

Old man Nie still believed in Shangguan Haitang's words, so he decided to ask Gao Miao to answer the question he had been thinking about for the longest time.

"Okay, sir, please ask! I can't answer your question, so I'm the loser. I know the answer to my question. If you can't answer it, I'll tell you." Such an arrogant person, don't teach him a lesson, He doesn't know what it means to be the best and what is respect.

"Okay, young man, with ambition, 30 years ago, I went to Beijing to rush for the exam, but I didn't want to waste time halfway. One of my fellow countrymen wrote a joke about me in the Shanghai Union. I thought about it for 30 years, but I couldn't think of a strong answer. Mr. Gao, listen up.

A lone boat, with two or three students on board, with four oars and five sails, passed six beaches and seven bays, and went through ups and downs. It was a pity that it was very late. "

"Old man, don't you want to change the topic? Frankly speaking, this topic is a bit simpler. I don't like to make money."

"No change, no change, just this."

"Ten years of hard work, I entered nine or eight academies, put aside my emotions and six desires, studied the Five Classics and the Four Books hard, took the exams three times, and I must pass today!"

I have seen this couplet several times in my previous life, but I don't want to use it here today.

"Okay! You are so talented and bold." Haitang even praised Gao Miao's second couplet after hearing it. She also thought about how to deal with the second couplet, but the content of her thoughts was always not bold enough.

"Young master's quick thinking, I admire you, please ask!" Mr. Nie said tremblingly.

The answer that he hadn't thought of for 20 years was easily uttered by a young man. His only pride was whether he could answer Gao Miao's question.

"Mr. told his own experience, so I will also tell a story of mine.

When I was traveling around the world, I was caught by a group of thieves. Their leader told me that I had a chance to survive.

He called two subordinates over, each holding a jug of wine, one of the two jugs of wine was non-toxic and the other was poisonous, one of the two subordinates only told the truth and the other only told lies.

According to the rules, I can ask one of them a question, and then drink one of the jugs of wine. When I drink non-toxic wine, he will throw a banquet and send me away. If I drink poisonous wine, I die on the spot. Excuse me, what I asked at the time what is the problem?
Remember, I don't know which is the truth teller and which is the lie, but both of them know which jug of wine is poisonous and which is not. "

Gao Miao's question is a common logic question in later generations, and the solution is very simple, positive and negative make negative, and negative and negative make positive, and you can know the answer by superimposing the two.

(End of this chapter)

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