Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 193 Framed and blamed, scarecrow kills

Chapter 193 Framed and blamed, scarecrow kills

"We are Japanese people who came here to do business. We were deceived by others. Now that those people have escaped, there is no need for us to fight!" Sasuke Iga said loudly to Jia Ting.

"You thieves from Dongying, you robbed the Izumo Mission and attempted to assassinate the Empress Dowager. It's a heinous crime, and you dare to argue." Lu Xiaochuan is the most treacherous, his ability is not too high, he has such a status thanks to Cao Zhengchun Now that things are messed up, if you don't make a great contribution, this preference should be gone.

"That's right, hurry up and catch him, or the miscellaneous family will be impolite." Jia Tingyin said with a smile.

"Kill all these traitors." Xuan Wu also echoed loudly.

He is the most greedy, "the Dongying people tried to assassinate the queen mother in vain", how can "the Dongying people assassinate the queen mother together with the giant whale gang" have done so much, as for whether there are good people wronged, he doesn't care, it's right to be wronged, more than half of the prison is tortured , one more is not more, one less is not much.

Zhong Yuan went to catch the prodigal son, and Gao Miao asked Cheng Shifei to catch the knife, and stayed here to watch the battle.

So far, there is nothing to say, one wants to make meritorious deeds, and the other wants to survive, what else can be done, kill it, the winner has the final say.

In martial arts novels, there are almost no masters who use judge pens. The more famous ones are probably Zhang Wuji's father Zhang Cuishan, Qianshou Rentu Peng Lianhu, and Dali's Zhu family.

One inch is short and one inch is dangerous. Jia Ting's judge's pen is only seven inches long, which is extremely short, so every move is deceitful and dangerous.

What's more amazing is that his judge's pen can suddenly grow seven inches when facing the enemy. It turns out that his judge's pen has two sections, each section is seven inches long. It's not that people with amazing martial arts are hard to avoid.

Lu Xiaochuan is good at flying needle hidden weapons, and he likes to take advantage of people's unpreparedness and win with vicious tricks.

The martial arts of the two are more insidious than the other, and Iga Sasuke's ninjutsu is also weird. The three of them fight to the death, and every move is extremely fierce. If you are not careful, you will inevitably die.

Ma Jinliang's double swords fought against Yanagi Danma Shou's samurai sword, Liusheng Danma Shou's katana was much better than Ma Jinliang's, but he was injured last night, so it was only a close fight at this time.

The martial arts of several people are actually inferior to Gao Miao, but it still opened Gao Miao's eyes, especially Qinglong and others. They don't have any exquisite martial arts, they only have killing techniques, and kung fu is killing skills, which is their creed.

Except for the group of Jia Ting and Lu Xiaochuan, the martial arts of the other two groups were inferior to their opponents, but their terrifying killing intent was enough to tie the battle and even gain the upper hand.

They are people from the imperial court, not from the martial arts. They don't have any rules in the world when they fight. They can use whatever tricks are effective.

Gao Miao even thought of applauding, and soon, the situation of the battle changed again.

As the battle progressed, the number of the three groups became less and less, and the tightness of the siege became smaller and smaller. At the beginning, there were too many people, and it was impossible for Iga Sasuke and others to break through with their own elite. Now that there are loopholes in the siege, he will not be foolishly waiting to be besieged.

Iga Sasuke was the first to escape. There were not many ninjas left alive at this time. He made up his mind to go back and tell his family about the danger of Daming, and then apologized. The technique slipped away.

The movement speed of ninjutsu may not be as fast as light kung fu, but ninjutsu has a unique advantage in being invisible. Iga Sasuke is a shadow ninja. If he wants to leave, Jia Ting and Lu Xiaochuan really can't stop him hold him.

Liu Shengdan Ma Shou cursed secretly, greeted Piaoxu and ran away together, Qinglong and others were not as good as the father and daughter in their lightness skills, so they could only watch them run away.

The leaders all ran away, and the rest of them naturally couldn't be let go. The only ones who are qualified to take the blame are the senior members of the Whale Gang. If he doesn't take the blame, who can take the blame.

When Gao Miao saw a few people running away, he immediately went after them. Yagyu's father and daughter were already his own people, so the one he wanted to chase now was Iga Sasuke.

Iga Sasuke was really wronged, he came to Daming just to make money, and the matter of assassinating the Empress Dowager had nothing to do with him, but who made him not have enough hard backing, this big black pot, Gao Miao could only leave it to him.

Fortunately, since there are a lot of ninjas in the mission, it would be appropriate to blame Iga.

Iga Sasuke's ninjutsu is very powerful, but when it comes to long-distance running, in addition to running and practicing internal strength, crossing the river with a reed is definitely the best choice. Not long after, Gao Miao has caught up with Iga Sasuke .

Gao Miao didn't talk nonsense, and directly turned into a glazed state. With countless hidden dart weapons, he knocked down Iga Sasuke with three punches. Since he wanted to blame him, he naturally couldn't leave anyone alive.

After shooting Iga Sasuke to death, Gao Miao left immediately, and soon arrived at the place agreed with Liu Sheng and his daughter.

Yagyu Danmashou took out some letters about the assassination of the Queen Mother, which he had forged based on his own letters. Afterwards, Yagyu Danmashou went straight to the pier, and would secretly return to Dongying by boat after dawn.

Gao Miao took Liusheng Piaoxu back, and came up with a whitewashing plan on the way. Everything was done by Iga Sasuke. Yagyu but Ma Shou disagreed, and the two faced off. Hand it over to Gao Miao, who investigates the case.

Back at the residence, Zhong Yuan and Cheng Shifei also came back, Zhong Yuan looked depressed, he had already caught the prodigal son, but a woman in a costume and heavy makeup came to snatch him, she called herself Hanako, and was ordered to Come to silence.

While fighting with Zhong Yuan, Hanako guided secretly, and finally reached a crop field. She pulled the mechanism, and dozens of scarecrows stood up instantly. Some scarecrows even wore red wedding dresses, which looked hideous and terrifying under the moonlight.

Zhong Yuan thought it was a hidden weapon of the mechanism, and stepped back to be on guard, but he didn't think that these were ordinary scarecrows, and Hanako's target was never him.

After seeing these scarecrows, the prodigal son, who had killed countless people, urged his internal force to open his acupoints regardless of the consequences, and yelled at the scarecrows in wedding gowns, tearing them crazily, even Zhong Yuan was stunned.

After tearing up the scarecrow, he died, heartbroken, he was frightened to death, how many scarecrows would Jiang Yang be afraid of?

The prodigal son was originally a romantic and handsome man, but his master was a eunuch, extremely perverted, and lied to the prodigal son, saying that he had arranged a marriage for him. Originally, everything was fine. Inside is a hideous scarecrow.

Everything is fake, the engagement is fake, the woman who came to visit the church was hired by the master to deceive him, and his marriage partner is this scarecrow, which is the shadow of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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