Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 197 The Most Ruthless Imperial Family

Chapter 197 The Most Ruthless Imperial Family
"Brother Gao has done a good job, I have long seen that those dog legs are not pleasing to the eye, happy, happy!" Shangguan Haitang got the information, Cao Zhengchun and Liu Jin put the culpable Lu Xiaochuan and Xuanwu into the dungeon, and shouted excitedly.

Ever since the appearance of Gao Miao, the four eunuchs have been unlucky. The East Factory lost Cao Tian, ​​Pi Xiaotian, and Lu Xiaochuan. The West Factory lost Ji Xueyong. Jin Yiwei lost Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Feng Bao. The eight sons of Jiang Yang even died for no reason, and five of them died at once.

These things are not necessarily related to Gao Miao, but Gao Miao participated in most of the things. The melee of the giant whale gang, if Gao Miao, who got the most benefit, did not enter the game, no fool would believe it.

"It's not a big deal. It's not a big deal. It won't take long for new people to make up for it. Except for the big stalls in the east and west factories, few of them are irreplaceable."

Gao Miao's words are not self-effacing, but the fact is that the four eunuchs are many times more capable than their subordinates, and most of their subordinates have spare tires.

Cao Tian, ​​who led the black-clothed arrow team, was killed by Gao Miao, and immediately there was Pi Xiaotian on the top. After Pi Xiaotian died, Luo Jusheng and his wife took his place.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku and Xuanwu are all titles. Except for Qinglong, there are dozens of spare tires behind the other three titles. When Xuanwu was thrown into the prison, the new White Tiger and Suzaku Xuanwu had already been determined.

Gao Miao has never doubted the integrity of martial arts people, because such things do not exist at all. Luo Jusheng and the abbot of Shaolin are both of the same generation. Didn't they join Dongchang, Jinyiwei is much more powerful than Dongchang , where there will be a shortage of talents.

"It's a long way to go to get rid of the dogs!" Shangguan Haitang couldn't help but sigh.

"Haitang, is there anything new in the capital recently? Why is Mrs. Zhao's house hung with a white cloth?" When Gao Miao came home, he saw something happened at the house of the great scholar Zhao Shenyan. After thinking about the plot of the previous movie, he couldn't help but feel strange. .

"It was done by Jin Yiwei under Liu Yangou. Mr. Zhao wrote a letter to participate in Liu Jin's performance. Liu Jin found a reason to put him in the sky prison and assassinated him." Haitang said angrily.

"In the past, there was the Minister of the Ministry of War, and now there is the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. Two of the six ministers died in this way. Tell me some good news! Make me happy too." Gao Miao also expected this, Liu Jin was smarter than Cao Zhengchun, The targets he chose to kill chickens and monkeys were those literati.

As the emperor's "Liu Banban", he knew the emperor's dislike for those people. The significance of the existence of these eunuchs was not only to check and balance with Zhu Wushi, but also to help the emperor deal with the civil official group.

Liu Jin had planned for a long time, seized the opportunity a few days ago, and killed Zhao Shenyan at once. Afterwards, the emperor just criticized a few words, killed the scapegoats thrown out by Liu Jin, and buried Zhao Shenyan generously. It's never happened, it's over.

The emperor's mind is unfathomable, the most ruthless emperor's family, Zhao Shenyan has indeed restricted the emperor's power in many ways, but he is indeed a great upright official, as clear as water and as bright as a mirror.

Zhao Shenyan successively served as the two Ministers of the Criminal Department of the Ministry of Households, investigated corruption, tried unjust cases, and did a lot of things that were beneficial to the country, but in the end, he was sacrificed just like that.

Gao Miao doesn't know how to evaluate the emperor anymore, he is a master of power, master of checks and balances, you have to check and balance the power of the civil society, that's no problem, but you also have to pick a hypocrite who looks clean but is actually corrupt!
There were not many upright officials who served the people in civil and military affairs in the Manchu Dynasty, and one of them was killed so easily. Liu Jin killed him, but without your emperor's acquiescence, he would not dare to give Liu Jin ten courages.

"There seems to be only one happy thing. Zhou Huai'an, the head of the Imperial Army who rescued Yang Yuxuan's orphan in the past, has now resigned and become a knight in the rivers and lakes, and has changed his name to Zhao Huai'an.

After Master Zhao died, he assassinated several of Liu Jin's right-hand men, including Liu Jin's big butler Jia Jingzhong and the number one assassin, poison king Huo Xing. He couldn't find backup candidates for these two. "

Haitang still admired these knight-errants, and both Jia Jingzhong and Huo Xing were the most talented under Liu Jin's subordinates. The angrier Liu Jin was, the happier she was.

"Also, the emperor seems to have taken a fancy to Ye Min, the daughter of Ye Xianggao, the chief minister of the cabinet, and wants to recruit Ye Min into the palace as a concubine, haha! Ye Min and Zhao Zheng have been in love for a long time, and they are even close to discussing marriage. The adoptive father tried to persuade him a few times, but it didn't work, and the emperor's actions are really disgusting."

Gao Miao was still reminiscing about Zhao Huai'an's affairs, but Shangguan Haitang immediately broke out the big news, Gao Miao didn't react for a while.

I thought I was instigating a big war with the Giant Whale Gang. In the end, not only did the fisherman benefit, but he also cheated Dongchang and Jinyiwei. up.

Before Wei Jinzhong's complete rise, Zhao Zheng's misfortune began. Qinglong was not in the capital, Zhao Shenyan was killed, and Zhao Huaian also got involved somehow. What the hell is going on!
Gao Miao had met Ye Min before, she was gentle and quiet yet a bit lively and playful, knowledgeable and reasonable, proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, she was an out-and-out talented woman, and at the same time a great beauty.

Yun Luo and her are good friends, and brought her to Gao Miao to ask for a painting. The emperor's resistance to female sex is very low. If he sees Ye Min, it's normal to take a fancy to Ye Min.

However, these few things together are worth aftertaste.

The emperor fell in love with Ye Min, Ye Min cared about others, and Zhao Zheng fell in love with each other. Ye Xianggao was the chief assistant of the cabinet, and the emperor was not easy to force. Later, Zhao Shenyan, an important minister of the civil official group who participated in Liu Jin's performance, was killed, and Liu Jin was safe. nothing.

Liu Jin killed Zhao Shenyan to make an example of others, so the emperor's connivance is not to make an example of others!

Sure enough, after three days, Ye Xianggao agreed to the emperor's request, and after one month, Ye Min will become the emperor's concubine, but I don't know what level of concubine it is.

This is not over yet, the emperor has many concubines, those concubines are naturally unwilling to be shared with the emperor's favor, each concubine has more or less power behind him, it would be inferior to directly stop or assassinate Ye Min Method.

They chose to hype up the relationship between Ye Min and Zhao Zheng, and all kinds of rumors circulated in the streets and alleys, but this not only did not change the emperor's mind, but made Zhao Zheng miserable, and the emperor found a reason to suspend him at home.

Zhao Zheng was so stimulated, the protagonist's halo exploded, he comprehended a path of tragic swordsmanship, and made great progress in martial arts, but he also inevitably became decadent.

When Gao Miao saw Zhao Zheng, he was drinking in Wanjia's restaurant, drunk like mud.

The emperor is indeed ruthless, the most loyal ministers to you are nothing but discarded pawns!
(End of this chapter)

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