Chapter 201

Although the high-level leaders of the Eight Gates School were not very satisfied with this response, they had already expected it.

The three eminent monks of Shaolin Temple are all men of Taoism, highly cultivated in Buddhism, not afraid of foreign objects, regardless of gains and losses in life and death, merciful, and universally saving all living beings. If it were not for the secret books and Buddhist classics left by Master Xuanzang in the rumor, They will not come, Shaolin has never been short of money, let alone cheats.

The same is true for the Wudang sect. Although Wudang belongs to Taoism, there is no shortage of money, and it is useless to take Buddhist secret books. They were invited by Shaolin Temple to help them. Of course, Shaolin also paid a big price.

In addition, Emei, Kunlun, Qingcheng, Beggars, etc. all covet treasures and cheats.

In addition to these people, Gao Miao also saw a little girl beside Ma Feng, she was seventeen or eighteen years old, lively and lovely, and the clothes and jewelry on her body were all high-quality goods that were hard to buy.

She is Tu'er, the beloved daughter of King Rui, one of the top ten generals at the border. The feudal king is stationed at the border, and his family will stay in the capital as hostages. A few days ago, she went to the border to visit her father, and after hearing the news about the treasure, she came to join in the fun.

The eight major sects are also playing the wrong way, and the rabbit is here, and the people in the court dare not go too far, otherwise, when King Rui is angry, none of them will be able to afford it.

Gao Miao knew Tu'er, and Tu'er was Yunluo's best playmate. They were about the same age, and they were both lively and active. When Yunluo came to Gao Miao to learn martial arts and listen to stories, Tu'er would occasionally follow him. It is familiar.

It's normal for Tu'er and Ma Feng to get together, they have a fate similar to fate, but at this time, Ma Feng still loves Tu'er unrequitedly.

Discussing things is really boring, and there is nothing to discuss. To put it bluntly, if there are secret books and Buddhist scriptures, Shaolin is determined to win. Wudang has already obtained the benefits of Shaolin. Emei can drink soup along with it.

The only thing they can fight for is the treasure. It depends on how much money they can get in the short time the black sandstorm lasts. Of course, they may not be able to take the money away. will embarrass them.

After talking boringly for half the night, they went back separately. The cohesion of this group of guys is really too bad. If they really fight with Dongchang and the like, Dongchang can wipe them out without leaving the black arrow team.

After two days of leisure, the situation took a turn for the worse. An old guide familiar with the desert climate had calculated the time of the black sandstorm, which was ten days later.

Since there are only ten days, it's time to clear the place now.

The first to suffer was a Western Region cult called Scorpion Cult. The Scorpion Cult was a powerful force that relied on raising poisonous scorpions. All members were poisonous people, and most of the disciples had ugly poisonous scars on their faces.

The Scorpion Raising Master is cruel and vicious, and the disciples of his disciples have become irritable and easy to kill after accepting various poisons for a long time. This time when the treasure was released, more than [-] members of the Scorpion Sect were mobilized. They retreated despite difficulties, and then, they chose Jin Yiwei, the biggest force, very bluntly.

The Scorpion Sect is very powerful. Under the control of more than 300 disciples, tens of thousands of poisonous scorpions rushed towards Jin Yiwei's camp. They were caught off guard and caused a lot of casualties.

But before the scorpion raising mage was satisfied, Qinglong, the leader of the team, had skillfully ordered his subordinates to burn the poisonous scorpions and shoot back with arrows.

Although Jinyiwei's archers were not as good as the black-clothed archery team of Dongchang, they were still first-class elites. With all the arrows fired, dozens of people were shot and killed very quickly.

Immediately, two teams of cavalry outflanked from the left and right, and the rest formed Jin Yiwei's housekeeping skill - the White Tiger Killing Formation, with a murderous aura that overwhelmed the people taught by the scorpion.

The scorpion-raising mage resisted desperately, and used his treasured poisonous hidden weapons desperately. However, the gap was too great. After a while, the entire Scorpion Sect was wiped out.

However, their poison attacks are also quite terrifying. Jinyiwei was forced by the poisonous scorpion to change places to camp, and the casualties were as high as 300. [-] people against [-] Jinyiwei can achieve such a record. It is estimated that only Shaolin Wudang and other big Sent.

This is not over yet, the Scorpion Sect was destroyed, but the poisonous scorpions were not dead, and tens of thousands of poisonous scorpions roamed the desert, making the east and west factories uneasy.

The Xie Zijiao pretended to be coercive but was wiped out by the group, which made Jin Yiwei show his face. Naturally, the East Factory and the West Factory were unambiguous, and they raised their swords at a group of bandits to show their power.

Dongchang chose the Tianying Gang led by Judge Da Mo. The black-clothed arrow team set up a sky-locking arrow array. Arrows rained down and there were countless wailing.

However, the Tianying Gang has dominated here for hundreds of years, so they are not easy to mess with.

It was no better than bows and arrows, but fighting with cavalry was the specialty of the Eagle Gang. Judge Da Mo led his men and horses to get entangled with five hundred cavalry. With so many people entangled with each other, the black-clothed arrow team couldn't show their power for a while.

Without the restraint of bow and arrow, the Wind Rider, who has been famous for thousands of years, also showed his fangs. The judge of the desert galloped on his horse, with two scimitars flying in the air. It was cut into a skeleton, and the broken flesh and blood flew in all directions. People in Dongchang, who were used to seeing life and death, couldn't help but feel fear.

One move showed his power, Damo Judge led his men to move around among the five hundred cavalry, occasionally slashing the enemy with a single blow, and occasionally slashing out a skeleton with hundreds of slashes.

Luo Jusheng and his wife couldn't bear to attack, and they were also hacked several times by Judge Damo. They competed in martial arts. Judge Damo was not an opponent, but this was a battle on the battlefield. Of course, the experienced bandits were formidable.

After the battle, the Tianying Gang lost half of their troops and had to retreat. Dongchang was also having a hard time, losing more than 200 of its [-] cavalry.

The East Factory suffered a loss, and the West Factory also had a hard time. They chose Gu Shaotang as their target.

Ma Jinliang is cunning and thinks that a woman is easier to bully, but in the end, he suffered a big loss.

Gu Shaotang's weapon is the Guan Dao, which is originally a weapon for charging and encroaching on the battlefield. With a set of Spring and Autumn Dao techniques, there will be no survivors under the 82-jin Guan Dao.

Even the Tianying Gang, which is good at using scimitars and all the light cavalry, can't stop Gu Shaotang's charge, let alone Ma Jinliang, who holds two swords, goes to the battlefield with swords and fights with other people's Guan Dao. Donkey kicked.

Even if there are many people bullying the few, but there is a general leading a charge, and in a short period of time, the cavalry of Xichang was smashed to pieces.

Ma Jinliang stepped forward to stop him, but was cut off by Ma Qian San Dao's head with a sword, two horses wrongly kicked Ma Jin Liang and wanted to chase after him with light work, but was cut off the other sword and The hair crown on the head was disheveled and left in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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