Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 214 DL Tenryuji Temple

Chapter 214 DL Tenryuji Temple (seeking tickets)

Under the heavy pressure from the imperial court, the heads of the various sects are very knowledgeable about current affairs, and so is Master Ye Yu. She only brought a dozen or so ordinary disciples this time, and Qiu Moyan didn't bring any of them.

Qiu Moyan is hot-blooded and chivalrous. Originally, she would definitely participate in this kind of thing and must be the first to charge. However, after the battle of Dabai Shangguo's treasure, she and Zhao Huaian couldn't help it. Then, she hit the target with a shot and was found to be pregnant a few days ago .

Although the Emei Sect does not prohibit the marriage of lay disciples, it is a decent school, and it is not pleasant to say that it is unmarried and pregnant. Master Ye Yu used this as a reason to punish Qiu Moyan to think about his mistakes behind closed doors. By the way, he notified Zhao Huaian to prepare three letters and six appointments. When this matter is over, let them get married.

After beating soy sauce for more than ten days, the biggest beggar gang finally heard the information, and Guihai Yidao had already fled to Dali, Yunnan.

Things got worse and worse, the emperor made a decree to deprive Guihai Yidao of his position as a secret agent at the Dragon Villa, and sent a eunuch to pass the decree, stating that it is not a crime to capture Guihai Yidao by any means, but he must be captured alive.

The eunuch delivering the decree is Gao Miao's old acquaintance Wei Jinzhong. During this period of time, his martial arts has not improved much, and he is still at the third-rate level. over him.

By the way, Wei Jinzhong was also asked to help investigate the case together, and in the end he could get a piece of credit for nothing anyway.

Cheng Shifei is very loyal and takes good care of Wei Jinzhong. Gao Miao and Wei Jinzhong have met Cheng Shifei as a "middleman" several times, and they also have a little friendship. Cooperation is also a good thing.

The most important thing is that Gui Hai fled to Dali with a single knife, and Wei Jinzhong also arrived in Dali. The legendary Sky Fury Heart Method and Sky Fury Sword should also be born. Gao Miao is very interested in this martial art.

The Sky Fury Sword is the saber of "Rentu" Baiqi during the Warring States Period. It is an out-and-out magic sword. It likes the blood of martial arts masters, and can absorb the power of blood and return it to the sword owner, increasing the sword owner's power. Xiuwei.

The Sky Wrath mental method is a matching inner strength method, the practice speed is astonishingly fast, after practice, it is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, diamonds are indestructible, with infinite power and endless internal strength, sweeping thousands of troops, invincible.

This is also a different kind of energy-absorbing method, and it is more ruthless than the energy-absorbing method. The energy-absorbing method only absorbs energy. This mental method is matched with the sword method, and can absorb all the energy of the opponent at the same time, increase the energy, and strengthen the opponent's energy. Root bones, let your own strength improve rapidly.

It's just that practicing this mentality requires extreme domineering, not the domineering in the world of One Piece, but domineering, vigor, and heart. Only when one's own domineering suppresses the sword can one practice this mental method. Once it can't be suppressed, the sword will immediately bite back sword master.

Gao Miao is now in possession of two kinds of kung fu that can absorb people's energy, the star-absorbing method and the energy-absorbing method, but both martial arts have to be scattered, and the internal energy absorbed is not as pure as Liuli Zhenqi, so the gain outweighs the loss.

The Heavenly Wrath Mind Method itself is equivalent to the fusion of the two unique skills of the Suction Dafa and the Vajra Indestructible Magic. If you get it as a reference, you may be able to integrate the Suction Dafa into the Glazed Golden Body Protection Art, greatly increasing your strength. own strength.

Tianlong Temple is located in the north of Zhongyue Peak in Diancang Mountain outside Dali City, with Cangshan Mountain on its back and Ershui River facing it.There are three pagodas in the temple, which were built in the early Tang Dynasty. The big one is more than [-] feet high and has [-] levels. The head of the treasure.

Dali believes in Buddhism, and the Duan family emperors of all dynasties often abstained from their thrones and became monks. After each emperor became a monk, his descendants would go to the temple to worship on his birthday.

Accumulated for thousands of years, Tianlong Temple has three pavilions, seven floors, nine halls, and a hundred buildings. There is a comparison.

In addition to the beautiful scenery and Buddhist atmosphere, the martial arts of Tianlong Temple is also unique in the world. Duan's Yiyang finger in Dali is known as the best fingering method in the world. It is as famous as Yiyang finger.

At this time, there are six old monks in Tianlong Temple, all of whom are of the generation of "Wu". Master Wugong is the highest, and Abbot Wuxuan is the highest in Buddhism.

This can be regarded as motivation when there is pressure. The Sky Wrath Excalibur is a white sword, contaminated with millions of battle souls, and has long become a magic sword. After Tianlong Temple got this magic sword, it chanted sutras day and night.

Buddhas and demons only have one thought. For so many years, they have saved innocent souls and resisted the magic sword. The mind and perseverance of the eminent monks of Tianlong Temple have been fully experienced. Not only is the Dharma profound, but also firm and unyielding.

Maybe it's the mutual attraction between the demons, or maybe it's the guidance from the dark, Guihai came to Dali with a sword, but when he sneaked into Tianlong Temple before, he was repelled by three eminent monks.

Now that Wei Jinzhong is here, the right time, place and people are gathered together, and the Heaven's Wrath Heart Dharma will inevitably appear in the world, but I don't know if this thousand-year-old temple can be preserved.

Gao Miao possessed several unique knowledge of Buddhism, and had discussed Buddhism with several eminent monks in the Jade Blood World. When he arrived in this new world, he had not communicated well with the eminent monks of this world. Now that he had the opportunity, he would naturally not let it go.

Holding Master Ye Yu's post, Gao Miao followed Master Wuchen who went out to greet him, and entered from Ruihe Gate on the left, passing through Huangtian Gate, Qingdu Yaotai, Zangjiajing, Doumu Palace, Sanyuan Palace, Doumu Palace, and He led the Dashiyuan, Yuhuayuan, and Prajna Terrace all the way to the reception hall of Tianlong Temple.

"Amitabha, the poor monk Wuxuan has met the Lord." Abbot Wuxuan is 86 years old this year. He has kind eyebrows and kind eyes, and his one-foot-long white eyebrows are full of style. He looks like an eminent monk.

"Master, you are too polite. A layman in the officialdom, please forgive me for disturbing the holy place of Buddhism for some ordinary things." Gao Miao returned a salute.

"Gao Benefactor came here to return to the sea this time?" Master Wu Xing was more blunt, and he couldn't wait to get to the point without saying a few words.

"Exactly, my colleagues have been involved, and now they have become demons with a knife. How can I help you? I heard that Master Wuxing fought with Yidao. Can you tell me about the situation of Yidao?" Gao Miao was curious about Tiannu Xinfa and Tiannushen At the same time, he is also very curious about the power of Ah Bidao's three swords. According to intelligence, Yi Dao's martial arts has grown rapidly, far surpassing him before.

"Benefactor Guihai's Abi Dao Three Swords has now been practiced to a great extent, and his demonic nature is deep. The poor monk and his two junior brothers fought him for more than thirty moves. , but also suffered a slight injury, please take a look, Master Gao." Wu Xing said while showing the scar on his left shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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