Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 224 The matter is over

Chapter 224 The matter is over (asking for tickets at the end of the month)
When things got to this point, the Seven Stars were no longer worth much, and the people from Jinyiwei would no longer pass on news to them, and Liu Jin also passed on the order to kill and silence them.

Everyone in Jinyiwei is a carefully selected elite. In the past, they held back Zhao Zheng according to Liu Jin's order, so no matter how powerful Zhao Zheng was, he could only struggle there. Now both sides are targeting the Seven Star Alliance. These people With all his strength, coupled with the support of Hulong Villa, Gao Miao quickly locked the position of Qixing.

The so-called small hermit hides in the wild, the big hermit hides in the city, Qixing can be regarded as a person, they all have several identities on the surface, the innkeeper, the brothel owner, the accountant, the good landlord... Now, they have the identities on the surface The best inside of Ma Yongcheng's manor.

Ma Yongcheng pretended to be a landlord, he was kind and generous, and he was very kind to his tenants. He was known as Ma Dashan, and he was well-known far and wide.

At this time, in the underground palace of Ma Dashan's manor, seven people are discussing countermeasures. At this time, they still maintain a strong style. Each of the seven people wears an iron mask on the mask, and the Big Dipper is painted on the mask. The pattern patterns are exactly the same, only the star representing their respective identities is shining.

They were also wearing gorgeous clothes embroidered with the Big Dipper, the style was the same, and the star that represented them was shining brightly.

If an uninformed person sees it, they will probably feel that this is a ceremony held by a sect that worships stars.

This time, all of them were well-trained Jinyiwei. Gao Miao and Zhao Zheng personally led the team and divided into two groups to encircle and wipe out Qixing. Zhu Dadian and Zhang Zhen went to confuse other spies. discussing.

The higher the status, the more careful you do things, the more you cherish your life, and the more you think, the more troublesome things will be. The seven people's ability is not bad, but they lack decisiveness, look forward and backward, and hesitate, which is why Liu Jin subdued them.

"Kill!" After driving away the onlookers, Gao Miao gave an order, and a thousand Jinyi guards rushed in with embroidered spring knives. At the same time, Zhao Zheng also ordered people to attack from the back door. The whole manor was surrounded by a group of people. Birds can't fly out either.

At this moment, the guards in the manor showed their minions, took out their swords one after another, and fought with Jin Yiwei. Gao Miao and Zhao Zheng took the lead in charging, and within a minute, they had already fought each other.

As their own lair, organs and secret passages are necessary, and Seven Stars is also considered ruthless. They have already dug a tunnel that is three miles long. The underground of the manor is full of explosives. Carrying some valuables and some precious documents, he was ready to run along the secret passage. Ma Yongcheng activated the mechanism, and soon, this place would be blown into ruins.

Then, they were tricked, Gao Miao would not let something like a secret passage go unnoticed, so he made up his own reconnaissance, and after finding out where the secret passage was, he changed the nearby embankment and accumulated a large amount of river water.

After Gao Miao launched the attack, Wei Jinzhong immediately dug the embankment and diverted the river water to pour into the tunnel.

As for the gunpowder, they did not do enough protection work, the river flooded back, and the gunpowder couldn't explode.

There is no way to go to the sky, and no way to go to the earth, the seven of them couldn't help but get ruthless, forming a sword formation, and attacked Jin Yiwei fiercely.

There are many seven-person sword formations, Tiangang Big Dipper Formation, Zhenwu Seven-section Formation, and even the Hengshan School has a seven-person sword formation. Uhak also modified the seven-person sword formation to be usable by one person. Formation, seeing Lie Xinxi, directly faced them.

"The stars hang down on the plain, the moon surges and the river flows" "The east wind blows thousands of trees at night, and the stars blow down, and the stars are like rain" "The sky flies under the moon, and the clouds form the sea building" "The slender clouds are clever, and the flying stars spread hatred, The Yinhan is far away and dark", "Lately, the bells and drums are long and the night is long, the Geng Geng galaxy is about to dawn", "The Big Dipper is high, and Ge Shuye carries a knife" "The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand"

Gao Miao made seven swords in a row, and each sword was evolved from ancient poems with different emotions. Some were tragic, some were bold, and the moves were fast or slow, clever or clumsy, but they were all extremely ingenious. Dissonance.

The seven formed a sword array, taking turns to resist, each dismantling a sword, retreating with one move, never procrastinating.

Gao Miao heard Zhao Zheng talk about the mystery of the seven-person sword formation. They stepped on the Big Dipper and launched attacks in turn. The other six people grafted their skills to the main attacker through the formation method.

In this way, it can not only ensure a strong attack power, but also reduce physical exertion. However, this formation is good for one person, but not so good for multiple people.

Zhao Zheng, holding the Zhanlu sword, joined the battle group.

Zhao Zheng is also worthy of being the protagonist, and his talent is terrifying. These days, he has gradually overcome the shortcomings of the tragic swordsmanship, and he can use a [-]% powerful swordsmanship without being in a state of sadness. In other words, his emotions It can be integrated into swordsmanship at any time.

"Change!" Dealing with two people is not the same as dealing with one person, the seven-star formation also has a way to deal with two people.

When the Big Dipper is disassembled, four stars form a "circle" and three stars form a "straight". This formation can also be separated in this way to form a circle and straight formation. The circle is used for positioning and defense, and the straight is used for offense. And advance, the seven people are like seven tightly meshed gears, and like a rotating millstone, Zhao Zheng's judgment is wrong, no matter how many people are hit by this formation, it is absolutely worthwhile.

The purpose of the formation is to allow several martial arts generals to join forces to resist martial arts masters. Ouchi's Liuhua Miaozhen is the best among them. However, if someone detects the flaws in the formation, they will be killed.

Gao Miao and Zhao Zheng looked at each other, Gao Miao forced several people back with a few heavy hands, then changed positions, Gao Miao took the initiative to be besieged by seven people, and used the glass body protection to resist hard with body protection skills.

Zhao Zheng occupied the position of the Polaris and used the master to drive out the slaves, so that the Big Dipper Formation was bound and he was not allowed to use it freely.

The two of them, one inside and one outside, cooperated tacitly. They couldn't break through Gao Miao's defensive shield, and they were aroused by Zhao Zheng's tragic swordsmanship, and their cooperation was not as good as before.

After more than a dozen strokes, Gao Miao slapped Wei Bin, the star of Tianquan, flying with one palm, and Zhao Zheng cut off the right arm of Qiuju, the star of Yuheng, with one sword. Among the Big Dipper, Tianquan had the dimmest luminosity, but it was Ju Kui-hand. The most important thing is Yuheng in the bucket handle, and these two stars are the eyes of the formation. Without these two, the formation will naturally be broken.

Under the traction of Qi, the rest of them were also slightly injured and were easily captured by Gao Miao and Zhao Zheng.

An hour later, people in the entire manor were either dead or captured, all property and books were cleared out, Qixing was arrested, and the matter of Jiangnan was finally understood.

(End of this chapter)

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