Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 234 Mahayana Prajna Palm

Chapter 234 Mahayana Prajna Palm (ask for tickets at the beginning of the month)

Lin Bu is a well-known talented man in the world, but he is aloof and self-centered, he likes to be indifferent, he does not seek fame and fortune, and he will never be an official or marry all his life, but he likes to plant plums and raise cranes. The talented man who loves plums like his life has also left many poems about plums.

The two poems "Sparse shadows, horizontal slopes, clear water, dark fragrance, floating moon and dusk" successfully describe the quiet and fragrant plum blossoms. "Yongmei" is the beginning, with these two lines of Lin Bu's poems as the core foundation.

At this point in the fight, Gao Miao had discovered Liu Jin's reality. Even if Liu Jin took out his trump card, Gao Miao would never lose without the glazed golden body. It's a swordsmanship created in the beginning, and it is being polished and perfected by him.

Knowing this, Liu Jin is not only not angry, but a little desperate. At this time, he has used at least [-]% of his strength. As a result, Gao Miao used this primitive swordsmanship to defend against the enemy, the rumored Dharma swordsmanship, a glass body protector It's useless, the gap is too big.

After all, Liu Jin was a great eunuch, and she was used to all kinds of crises. Even though she sensed the gap, she didn't turn around and run away.

Prajna Palm, Great Vajra Palm, and Mount Sumeru Palm are collectively known as the three major palm techniques in Shaolin. Among them, the Great Vajra Palm and Mount Sumeru Palm are about the same in power, and they can be regarded as the top splitting palms, while the Prajna Palm is slightly higher.

Prajna Palm is the most profound palm technique of Shaolin School. The more you practice the palm, the stronger it becomes, and the more you practice the moves, the more pure it is. There is no end to learning, and it needs to be fully realized and enlightened to become the ultimate emptiness before it can be achieved.

The difficulty of practicing this palm technique is far more than that of other Shaolin martial arts. It does not need to study hard and practice hard. It all depends on one's own comprehension of Buddhism. Empty, the power of the palm is invisible, there is no form, no perception, thought, and consciousness. Form is empty, and sound, fragrance, and touch are also empty.

A person like Liu Jin occupies a high position and has done all sorts of evil things. He usually likes to entrap Zhongliang, take money and pervert the law. It seems to have nothing to do with the compassionate Buddhism. "Asura", the evil god, Liu Jin walked in the way of Asura.

Moreover, even if they are in a high position, they will read Buddhist scriptures as a psychological comfort in their spare time. If eunuchs have no descendants, isn't what they are looking for is the next life?
Liu Jin clasped his hands together, and the energy of black and yellow has been condensed in his palms. Gold and black Buddha seals are born out of thin air. Without a shot, Gao Miao, who was three feet away, already felt the pressure that was almost condensed into reality.

This top-notch palm technique can store power extremely quickly. When the Buddha seal appears, the power has already been initially accumulated. If someone wants to break it, they will definitely receive a heavy palm.

Gao Miao would not make that kind of mistake, with the sword across his chest, ready to meet Liu Jin's hard blow.

Liu Jin extended his palms with both hands, the left side was illuminated by Buddha's light, and the right side was like a Shura. If Liu Jin's mask was removed, one could see Liu Jin's left half face smiling benevolently, and the right half face wild and ghostly.

One Buddha and one demon, one good and one evil, Liu Jin's Prajna Palm is no longer a Shaolin supernatural power, but his own Mahayana Prajna Palm, which is the top Shaolin monk Tanzong hundreds of years ago. Even if you have strength, you can't beat Liu Jin.

Looking at the huge palm prints in front of him, Gao Miao looked calm. With his left hand, he ran the glazed shield, blocking Liu Jin's right palm with the glazed shield. Seems closed, airtight.

With a "boom", the collision of palm force and sword energy resounded through the sky, and the two feet around the two of them were thinned by a foot, and large pieces of earth and rock flew into the air.

After one move, Gao Miao's sword flew into the air. Gao Miao retreated more than ten meters to stabilize his body. Liu Jin retreated more than 20 meters, kicked the ground hard, and slapped him again.

Without the sword, both hands are free. On the occasion of the palm strength competition, Gao Miao has more advantages. Gao Miao uses both hands to run the glass shield at the same time, and the hexagonal shields are condensed in front of him, waiting for Liu Jin's heavy palm bombardment. .

Between the light and the flint, the two started their second confrontation. Liu Jin's hands were one golden and the other black, and the power of his palms spread in all directions. Without Gao Miao's shield.

This kind of competition consumes the most internal energy. Liu Jin originally wanted to consume Gao Miao's internal energy by relying on his 50-year boy kung fu. Unexpectedly, Gao Miao's internal energy is extremely long and continuous, and the quality of his true energy is worse than his boy kung fu. To be above the line.

After more than ten seconds, Gao Miao saw that Liu Jin's stamina was not enough, so he suddenly activated his internal strength, forcing Liu Jin to retreat, and at the same time, he pointed at Liu Jin's chest with a finger.

Although Liu Jin was not chaotic, the body-protecting qi gathered in front of him. Although it was barely condensed, it shattered after receiving this finger, but he also took this opportunity to get out of Gao Miao's attack range.

Gao Miao rushed over, grabbed the sword that fell aside, and hit Liu Jin with a move of "the setting sun illuminates the banner, and the horse blows like a breeze".

He couldn't compete with his true energy, and Liu Jin was also happy to compare his fighting moves. His Mahayana Prajna Palm, one positive and one evil, complement each other, and there is no flaw in his moves. It is an extremely ingenious palm technique.

Faced with such strange moves, Gao Miao did not use the most proficient Liancheng swordsmanship, but used the Dugu Nine Swords that he often comprehends but rarely used to defend against the enemy.

Swinging sword posture, frustrating sword posture, lifting sword posture, flying sword posture, rushing sword posture, and leaving sword posture are used alternately. A long sword is flying up and down. Under Liu Jin's flawless moves, Dugu Nine Swords meets the strong It is strong, and it evolves various unexpected and even unreasonable moves.

Although Gao Miao seldom used the Dugu Nine Swords when defending against the enemy, he has rich experience in small battles and has already introduced this sword technique. Except for the basic theory, most of the other sword moves can be discarded.

The two of them had already fought hundreds of moves before they knew it. With this actual combat, Gao Miao integrated all his experience during this period into his swordsmanship. His shots became more and more fierce, and Liu Jin resisted more and more. It's getting harder.

"Ten years of sharpening a sword, I have never tried the frost blade. Today, I will show you the king, who will be unfair." Gao Miao recited poetry, calmed down, and then stabbed out with a sword. This sword twisted and twisted, looking ugly. Unbearable, not as good as a child who is just learning how to sword.

But in Liu Jin's eyes, this sword is a scourge. The sword edge sticks to the place where the strength of his two hands meets. A sword broke the coordination between his hands and pierced his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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