Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 236 Should I Call You Yuhuatian, or...

Chapter 236 Should I Call You Yuhuatian, or...

Zhu Wuwei can give up everything for the sake of Suxin. His martial arts are the guarantee of his power, but the true energy of absorbing martial arts belongs to Yin. There is nothing to do with internal strength, and the rest of my life will inevitably suffer from cold and heat every day.

After Gao Miao returned to Beijing, she knew the news, and immediately rushed to Hulong Mountain Villa to let Zhu ignore the reversal of the absorption method, and transmit all the yin and cold energy into her body.

The person who originally endured the cold air of the Xuanbing for 20 years should be right and wrong. He has the true energy of the most yang and the strong, which is not afraid of the cold air, but it is just the balance of yin and yang. It's just cold.

Gao Miao's glass zhenqi is a fusion of yin and yang, which can be transformed from yin to yang at will, plus "Shenlongsu Nvgong", "Xuanbing Zhi", "Xuanbing Palm", "Xuantianzhi" and other yin and cold Inspired by kung fu, Gao Miao can completely use this part of the cold energy to strengthen his own skills.

The thousand-year-old black ice on the Tianshan Mountains has been accumulated for 20 years. Once this power enters the body, even Gao Miao can't bear it. His transformation speed is really not fast enough. It will take at least a month to completely digest the cold energy. .

It is definitely a big loss for Gao Miao to be unable to make a full shot for a month. The situation is changing rapidly. Gao Miao must ensure his own strength. After thinking about it, he thought of the matter on Piaoxu.

Gao Miao set off for Dali on the pretext of seeing the sword of pulling the devil, and quickly found Piaoxu.

Piaoxu has always obeyed Gao Miao's orders, and immediately returned to Dali after being blocked, and rented a farmhouse outside Tianlong Temple to live.

Gao Miao came to Piaoxu, on the one hand, to digest the cold, and on the other hand, to give Piaoxu some benefits.

Piaoxu's internal energy has been completely transformed, and her potential has been improved, but the power is not enough. Gao Miao intends to pass some of the essence of Su Nvgong to Piaoxu, so that Piaoxu can combine these cold qi and transform all the true qi into ice true qi, greatly increase her strength.

For such benefits, Piaoxu naturally would not refuse. After comprehending the mind method Gao Miao gave her for a few days, under Gao Miao's guidance, she slowly absorbed the cold air into her body and merged with her own true energy. Transform your true energy.

Piaoxu's talent is extremely high, and he has become more and more proficient in transforming zhenqi. In just seven days, part of the cold qi in Gao Miao's body was fused by himself to increase his skill, and the other part was completely digested by Piaoxu, and Piaoxu's zhenqi was exhausted. Turned into ice true energy.

As soon as Piaoxu made a move at this time, the true energy of the ice affected the surrounding environment, condensing snowflakes and ice cones out of thin air, and the sharp knife in between was the real snow in the world.

Yidao's condition is also much better at this time, he is awake most of the time every day, and he can even continue to practice the sword. Under the guidance of Jie Jie, his sword technique began to transform into the Buddhist sword technique, blackening and whitening, But the strength is not greatly lost.

The medicinal power of the Buddha's demon-eliminating pill also repaired the foundation that was damaged when he was possessed by demons. According to this progress, after the demon-eliminating pill was completed, his strength could even be improved to a higher level.

Jiejie's gains are not small. He gives Yidao a daily lecture on scriptures to get rid of demon nature. His cultivation of Buddhism has become more and more advanced. Gao Miao saw that he was a little ethereal. If he matched with Jiejie, his great compassion palm is powerful enough. It has eighty to ninety percent of the power of Liu Jin's Mahayana Prajna Palm.

It won't take long for the sword to pull out the demon. Gao Miao is also waiting to see the good show of the birth of the Sky Fury Sword, so he doesn't leave. Instead, he lives with Piaoxu at the foot of the mountain, reading and painting every day, and doesn't care about world affairs.

Piaoxu enjoyed this very much. Before that, Haitang would send her information about Gao Miao every day. She knew that Gao Miao had broken Liu Jin with his sword, and she also knew that Gao Miao's hole card was the glazed golden body, and she could do it without exerting all her strength. Where can one find such a young hero who defeated the famous Jin Yiwei Commander?

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and love is always blind. When Piaoxu falls in love with Gao Miao, she thinks that Gao Miao is good at everything. In fact, as long as you look around, there are still geniuses who are worse than Gao Miao.

The so-called gambling piaoxu didn't care about it at all. After practicing the cold ice qi, her strength increased again. If she fought against Liu Sheng Dan Mashou again, she was sure to win within [-] moves. Looking at the whole world Dongpu defeated Liu Sheng within seventy moves, but Ma Shou did not exist at all. In other words, the floating catkins at this time were enough to fight against Dongpu's invincible opponents.

Gao Miao and Piaoxu are like a couple. Every day, Gao Miao reads and writes, occasionally draws a few pictures, and even waters the vegetable garden to eliminate insects. Shi Chen's daily martial arts practice, and the rest of the time, he doesn't think about martial arts at all.

After more than ten days, the day when the demon will be successfully slain with one sword is approaching, and Gao Miao's home welcomes a special guest.

"Eunuch Yu, please, Piaoxu, serve tea and dessert." Gao Miao looked at Yuhuatian with a smile on his face.

"My lord, you are welcome." Yu Huatian did not dislike the crude chairs in the farmyard, and sat aside, waiting for tea and snacks.

Soon, Piaoxu came in with a tray, put down the tea and snacks, gave a slight blessing, turned and left, leaving room for Gao Miao and Yuhuatian to talk.

Yu Huatian looked at the woman's bun on Piaoxu's head, and couldn't help laughing: "My lord is very capable, the first genius in Dongying, he is willing to wash his hands and make soup. I think it took me a lot to subdue his father back then." effort."

"Where, my fair lady, a gentleman is so good, you should use your heart to pursue others, not your majesty, right?" Gao Miao was very satisfied with Piaoxu. After traveling for so long, she finally lived a life with a wife again.

"Does Sir also like to eat melon seeds?" Yuhuatian took out the purse that Gao Miao gave him, poured out a few melon seeds, and handed it to Gao Miao.

"I like it, not only like melon seeds, but also sunflowers, does your father-in-law like it?" Gao Miao took a melon seed and put it in her mouth.

"I like it, and besides, is it interesting for us to play charades like this?" Yu Huatian didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly picked up the topic.

"It's boring, then let me change the question, should I call you Yuhuatian, or should I call you Dongfang Bubai?" Gao Miao looked directly at Yuhuatian, thinking a lot in his heart.

Gao Miao once saw Yuhuatian make a move, and the move of throwing the silk thread always felt familiar. His memory was like a database, but he still couldn't find the result, until he heard the description of Liu Sheng and Ma Shou's fight against Yuhuatian. In addition to Yuhuatian's weird five-element knife array and extremely domineering style, Gao Miao finally came to a terrible conclusion.

The martial arts practiced by Yu Huatian is the Sunflower Collection, and the one he threw the silk thread was an embroidery needle. Yu Huatian is Dongfang Bubai.

(End of this chapter)

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