Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 239 Traveling and Hunting

Chapter 239 Traveling and Hunting (asking for a ticket at the beginning of the month)
The Heavenly Wrath Heart Technique is an evil kung fu, and the speed of practice is extremely fast. It took only a few days from Dali to the capital, and Wei Jinzhong's internal strength has improved a lot. At this time, Wei Jinzhong can beat ten previous Wei Jinzhong.

But along the way, there was no time to fight against masters, so Wei Jinzhong could only secretly cut his arm, feed Tiannujian his own blood, and speed up his internal strength training.

Excessive progress made his true energy unable to be well controlled. Observing the progress of Wei Jinzhong's martial arts and the overflowing true energy, Gao Miao's comprehension of the sky's wrath mental method is getting faster and faster.

After arriving in the capital, Gao Miao keenly felt the atmosphere of the stormy weather. Whether it was the soldiers patrolling the city or the gate guards, they all looked extremely serious, without the freedom and laxity of the past.

Even the little soldiers felt the danger, let alone the high-level officials. These people have been honest and honest in the recent period, and no one can find any faults.

"Old Wei, I forgot to ask, did any major changes occur in the capital before you came to deliver the decree?"

Wei Jinzhong was already a high-ranking eunuch holding a pen at this time, and he knew many secrets.

"Back to Lord Sir, nothing has changed, but Eunuch Yu seems to have brought a man named Zhang Yong to meet His Majesty a few times, and I don't know the rest." Although his martial arts has improved a lot, Wei Jinzhong has no arrogance at all. Miao still maintains a humble attitude, but there are always some concealments inside and outside the words.

"Zhang Yong, Yuhuatian is so quick, old Wei, congratulations, your position as a pen-holding eunuch has become more and more stable." Gao Miao thought that Yuhuatian was really interesting, and it was obvious that he wanted to force Against Liu Jin, give experience to selected opponents.

Wei Jinzhong lacked foundation, even though he became the eunuch of Bingbi, he was still stumbled by Liu Jin's subordinates, overtly or covertly. Although most of these were solved by him, it also made him very annoyed.

Hearing Gao Miao's words, Wei Jinzhong couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then after thinking about it, based on the few words he heard from the palace, he also guessed that Liu Jin was going to be in trouble.

At this moment, what he thinks most about is not the stability of his position, but whether he has the opportunity to feed the Skyfury Sword with Liu Jin's blood. With Liu Jin's martial arts attainments, as long as he absorbs him, he will definitely be reborn and his strength will greatly improve.

After entering the capital, I went to Hulong Mountain Villa to inquire about it. Sure enough, Liu Jin’s life has not been very good recently. The emperor has rewarded Zhao Zheng a lot, and even married Zhao Zheng and Tang Jing. Originally, Zhao Zheng was very popular, but now it is even more A large number of Jinyiwei were recruited.

Most of the people in Jinyiwei are centrists loyal to the emperor, a few are Liu Jin's diehard loyalists, and a few are loyal and upright, and they have devoted themselves to Zhao Zheng's command. Now Zhao Zheng is getting more and more important, and there are more and more gossip about Liu Jin. Those centrists moved closer to Zhao Zheng.

This is also the reason why the Ming Dynasty re-used eunuchs. Eunuchs have no descendants. Even if they are prosperous for a while, they want to seek to usurp the throne. Wei Zhongxian, who didn't give power to the government, was finally dealt with easily by the emperor. There are only a few records in the history books, which makes people think a lot about the machinations.

A few days later, Tang Jing and Zhao Zheng held their wedding ceremony. The officials congratulated them. Halfway through the wedding ceremony, the emperor came in person. This kind of favor is rare in the world. People in Jinyiwei turned their backs one after another. Although Liu Jin was the commander , but the people he can command are less than [-]% of the total number, and the rest of the people are under Zhao Zheng's command.

Several ministers who had close contacts with Liu Jin in the court were sent out of Beijing by the emperor for various reasons. Gao Miao saw the emperor's superb skills less than half a month after returning to Beijing. It's really coming to an end.

Seeing Liu Jin's misfortune, Yu Huatian and Feng Bao looked on coldly, Cao Zhengchun took the opportunity to add insult to injury, Dongchang's spies kept looking for Liu Jin's flaws, and passed all kinds of evidence to the emperor. Ten days later, there was no Liu Jin in the court. There are [-] households in Jinyiwei, the second governor, and the second commanding officer, a total of [-] high-level figures. Liu Jin can still control only two thousand households.

Anyone with a little bit of knowledge knows that Liu Jin will have a good life in a few days, and it will be a matter of time before Zhao Zheng takes the throne. With Jin Yiwei in hand, the imperial power is becoming more and more stable, and the majesty of the emperor is becoming more and more terrifying. Even Wei Jinzhong feels that The emperor is much more terrifying than before.

On this day, finally came the day of the showdown, the emperor ordered a hunting trip, accompanied by guards in brocade clothes.

This is an excellent opportunity that even a blind person can see, and it is also a trap that anyone who is not stupid will know is set up, but Liu Jin has no choice. If Qianhu is disposed of, he will have no chance at all.

The emperor's purpose is very simple, let Liu Jin take the initiative to assassinate the king, plot rebellion, take the opportunity to eliminate the scum who are loyal to Liu Jin in Jinyiwei, and pave the way for Zhao Zheng.

Everyone knew what the emperor wanted to do, and Liu Jin knew even more, so he chose to cooperate with the emperor to finish the play, even if he died, at least he resisted.

Liu Jin mobilized all the relationships he could mobilize, distracted Zhu Wushi, distracted Cheng right and wrong, stabilized Yuhuatian and Feng Bao who were watching the theater, and entangled Cao Zhengchun who was in trouble. Use all your strength to make the final resistance.

At this time, only Wei Jinzhong served the emperor personally, Zhao Zheng personally protected, and the rest of the masters were led away by Liu Jin. This was the best chance and the last chance.

"Liu Banban, I really didn't expect that we would come to where we are today." The emperor looked at Liu Jin, with a hint of disappointment and excitement in his eyes.

"Is it interesting to say so much? Liu Jin has been favored by the emperor and has become the commander of Jinyiwei from an unknown person. I, Liu Jin, are not people who don't know how to be grateful. I will check and balance Cao Zhengchun and Zhu Wushi. , I will do, for His Majesty, I will do any bad thing!
But I have done so much for you, isn't it a dead end?You have been preparing for so long, didn't you just let me jump out on my own initiative?We slaves, we will do what the master asks us to do, so I jumped out, and everyone brought it, is Your Majesty satisfied? "

Liu Jin didn't beg for mercy, didn't yell at each other, but calmly spoke words to provoke dissension.

"Then let's do it! Eunuch Liu, you didn't enjoy the fight last time, so let's do it again this time." Gao Miao suddenly appeared in front of the emperor and pointed his sword at Liu Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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