Chapter 255 Cao Zhengchun

If Gao Miao was to say what are the obvious differences between the world based on "No. [-] in the World" and the "original work", it must be Cao Zhengchun.

In this mixed world, masters emerge in endlessly, and there are several powerful eunuchs. Cao Zhengchun, the powerful governor of the East Factory in the "original book", is much more honest, at least not so arrogant.

But Liu Jin's death made him see the danger, he didn't want to die, he wanted to fight.

Indeed, in the eyes of many bigwigs, Liu Jin's death was a signal from the emperor, indicating that he was full-fledged and able to control the court, and the so-called checks and balances were no longer important. In order to appease public anger, the notorious "eunuch" must was cleaned once.

Among the four eunuchs, Liu Jin and Cao Zhengchun have the worst reputations. Yuhuatian's Xichang was established for a short time, and its notoriety is not very prominent. Feng Bao's main eyes are on Da Nei, and he is also loyal to the emperor. He probably won't be cleared. Now that Liu Jin is dead, isn't it just Cao Zhengchun's turn?

"So, the governor came to form an alliance with me? This joke is not funny at all." Gao Miao looked at the white-haired and childlike eunuch in front of him, not knowing what to say, form an alliance?I'm so crazy I'm allied with you.

"Your Majesty is unrivaled in martial arts, and he does not participate in government affairs or party disputes. Your Majesty can rest assured that no one who is not open-minded will take the initiative to offend His Majesty. But, doesn't Your Majesty think about it in the future?" Cao Zhengchun looked at Gao Miao. After a few moments of disapproval and fear, he and Liu Jin were comparable in strength, but Liu Jin was killed without even trying Gao Miao's box-pressing skills. Cao Zhengchun probably wouldn't be able to please him.

Gao Miao is currently an idler with a respected status, and there will be no benefit in getting Gao Miao down, and he will also offend a peerless master, and by the way, the commander of Jinyiwei, the emperor's favorite sister and her county horse, The first guard with a knife in the house, the daughter of King Rui...with a normal mind, no one would take the initiative to offend Gao Miao.

"The future? What future? There's nothing to think about. Governor Cao, you have to understand one thing. Now you have to ask me and show sincerity, otherwise we have nothing to talk about." Gao Miao is quite helpless now. Desiring nothing means that unless Cao Zhengchun comes up with something extraordinary, there will never be any cooperation. Gao Miao also wants his boy's true energy.

"What does the Sir want?" Cao Zhengchun was not angry, he also knew that there were not many things in this world that could impress Gao Miao, and even he didn't know what could impress Gao Miao.

money?If the money is effective, Wansanqian will be the first to make a move, so it won't be his turn!that power?If the power is effective, the emperor must be the first to strike!Beauty?Piaoxu's appearance is the best in the world, there are not many women who can compare with Piaoxu, and such characters will not be affected by the wind around the pillow.

"It's not what I want, it should be what you have. I don't even know what I want. I like strange things, inscrutable martial arts secret books, the subtle French of eminent monks... unique culture, The rare records, as long as they are interesting enough, can impress me." Gao Miao said seriously.

Cao Zhengchun was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Young Master's hobbies are really unique. Over the years since the East Factory was established, there are still some rare books, and they are sent to the Sir's residence when they are free."

Gao Miao said: "Master Cao is being polite, tell me, what do you want me to do, I have said it in advance, it is impossible to do it clearly, I can only help you secretly, don't play tricks on me , otherwise, in order to avoid suspicion, I can only do my best to draw a clear line with you."

"Grandpa has friends all over the world. Miscellaneous family would like to ask Sir to help a certain person not to make a move. Yu Huatian, Feng Bao, Zhu Wushi, Cheng right and wrong, Zhao Zheng, any of these five people can do it." Cao Zhengchun After a little thought, I put forward a request that is difficult or not.

"I don't have much friendship with Feng Bao, and neither does Yuhuatian. Shenhou and Zhao Zheng are loyal to His Majesty. I can't make the decision. Right and wrong are completely out of control. If you don't provoke him, he may not make a move. If you dare to provoke him, He will definitely make a move.

However, Yuhuatian owes me a favor, and your East Factory has collapsed, and his West Factory has become the biggest target. I am more confident in persuading Yuhuatian that he will not do anything to you for the time being. Calculate. "

Gao Miao directly sold Yuhuatian. He has more desires than himself now. Apart from staring at those few seed masters, the rest doesn't matter at all. Others think that Xichang's low profile is to reduce the emperor's hostility. In fact, it was because Yuhuatian really didn't want to play anymore.

"Yuhuatian? I didn't expect the lord to have such abilities. Well, as long as the lord can persuade Yuhuatian, the miscellaneous family promises to give the lord a satisfactory reward. This is the Shaolin Great Repayment Pill. There are three pieces in total. Deposit."

Cao Zhengchun was taken aback. In fact, he planned to ask Gao Miao to persuade Cheng Shifei to go away. After such a long time, it was no secret that Cheng Shifei's Vajra Invincibility was a secret. No matter how proud he was, Cao Zhengchun didn't think he could do it. Defeat a living Tee.

No matter how much Cao Zhengchun wanted to break his head, Gao Miao would not have imagined that Gao Miao would directly stop Yuhuatian. As the governor of the East Factory, he and the West Factory who had risen up in recent years have been doing dirty things. Now that he is going to be unlucky, Yuhuatian will take revenge no matter what one two.

These two have also fought several times in the past few years, Cao Zhengchun never took advantage of it, regardless of his wisdom and martial arts, he was at a disadvantage. If Yu Huatian didn't make a move, he would be much more relaxed.

"Shaolin Great Repayment Pill? Governor Cao is very polite, and I will give you an answer within three days. These matters must be kept secret. If it is spread out, it will not be good for us." Gao Miao took the Great Repayment Pill, got up and left.

"Don't worry, my lord, God knows this matter, you know me, I know everything, and I will handle everything personally, and I will never expose it." If it was normal, Cao Zhengchun might deliberately show some flaws and force Gao Miao into his team , Now the fire is imminent, if he continues to play tricks and force a powerful ally into an opponent, then he, the overseer, should have been counted to death a hundred times long ago.

Looking at the back of Gao Miao leaving, Cao Zhengchun said to the air, "Yanxiao, do you think Gao Miao's words are somewhat credible."

"More than [-]%. Since Gao Miao became famous, everything has gone smoothly. He kept his word. Last time, the Xichang owed favors to Gao Miao. Maybe not." A handsome young man suddenly appeared from the air and analyzed Gao Miao's words carefully.

"Did he find you just now?"

"I found out a long time ago, Governor, please take a look." Chang Yan said with a smile, pointing to a smiling face on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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