Chapter 259 Mirror?shadow?
"Old Wei, do you know the real identity of the mirror?" Huazi looked at Wei Jinzhong curiously. The longer she got along with her, the more she felt that Wei Jinzhong was scary, especially Wei Jinzhong's wisdom. Many things can be analyzed by just mentioning them, and Compared with Wei Jinzhong, her method is drizzle, which is not worth mentioning.

Huazi really likes Wei Jinzhong, and the title of "Old Wei" is more and more fluent. In fact, if Wei Jinzhong's identity as eunuch is ignored, he is indeed a very attractive person, with wisdom, determination, and heart. He is magnanimous and doesn't look down upon others.

"I've known it for a long time. This is nothing. Feng Bao thought he was doing a cover-up, but in fact he revealed it. Let me tell you..." Wei Jinzhong also liked Huazi more and more. The identity of the mirror is such an important matter, he Tell Hanako without any concealment.

"Feng Bao is so bold, old Wei, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" On the one hand, Huazi was moved by Wei Jinzhong's trust, and on the other hand, she was surprised by Feng Bao's boldness.

"Yes, this is indeed a good opportunity. Everyone knows that Feng Bao has countless secret hands, and Jiang Yang's eight sons are just one of them, but they don't know that Jiang Yang's eight sons have never been eight people, but all of Feng Bao's dark forces. Collectively."

Wei Jinzhong's words made Huazi open his mouth wide, and it took him a long time to recover and asked, "Even I don't know about this kind of thing, why do you..."

"It's very simple, just ask a question, the source, the source of Feng Bao's talents, the eight of you, except for the mirror and shadow, all have identities, but what about the rest? Too much time to recruit subordinates! Even if recruited, how many can compare with the talents in the palace!

In fact, your Jiangyang Bazi combination is just a disguise, it is released to attract attention, and the mirror led is the real Jiangyang Bazi. There are many talents in the palace, and there are also many talents who commit crimes. He replaced those Ouchi guards who should have been killed with death row prisoners, and then asked experts to change their faces. Over time, his men became more and more talented. "

Wei Jinzhong also admired Feng Bao's boldness. The talents of Jinyiwei in the East Factory and West Factory still need to be recruited, or they can be cultivated slowly. Feng Bao just picked up the ready-made ones. Once they die, most of them will surrender, so what about those who refuse?If exposed, he dies first.

Gongdou has always been full of blood and blood, plotting, poisoning, and framing. As long as one mistake is made, it will be a dead end. At this point, Wei Jinzhong has killed dozens or even hundreds of people with his own hands.

Even if you honestly don’t do anything, see what you shouldn’t see, hear what you shouldn’t hear, or get implicated, or someone just doesn’t like you, in short, there are countless Ouchi guards who commit capital crimes every year , It is because of this that Feng Bao's talents can continue to flow.

"Where is the shadow? Is the shadow also an Ouchi bodyguard who was sentenced to death?" Hanako also calmed down. She is also a strong person with a very good heart.

Wei Jinzhong replied: "No, according to the files I have seen, there are various rumors, there is no such level of guards who were betrayed to death, but I have a suspicion, if it is really what I think, Feng Baorang Working with the mirror and the shadow is purely looking for death, he is too confident, to the point where he puts life and death enemies together."

If Gao Miao heard these words, Gao Miao would definitely jump up. With just a few clues from the files of the Ouchi guards and the legend of the palace, Wei Jinzhong guessed the identity of the shadow and the mirror, and even found out the identity of the mirror. Feng Bao's talent training mechanism is something that tens of thousands of spies from the four major intelligence organizations of East Factory, West Factory, Jinyiwei, and Hulong Villa can't do.

Of course, it's not all those spies who are incompetent, it's just that no one thinks so. There are countless files about Tianxiang Cardamom in Hulong Villa, and no one pays attention to them on weekdays, but at the most urgent time, Haitang and Tianya have a night You can find the clue of Tianxiang cardamom in between.

The more people there are, the more complicated their mouths are, the greater the risk of exposure. Although Feng Bao's subordinates have screened all of them, there is no guarantee that no clues are left. The more traces are left, the easier it is to be discovered. Said that Jiang Yang Bazi on the bright side is really a good target. After this target is gone, Feng Bao's secret will not remain for too long.

At night, in a ruined temple near the capital, the mirror sits quietly beside the fire, waiting for the shadow and Hanako.

The mirror was originally a romantic and elegant person, loyal and loyal, but just because of an overreach, the old emperor wanted to put him to death, which filled his heart with countless resentments. Save the princess, but you actually put me to death directly, what the hell is this?Just because I like princesses, our identities are different, so I deserve to be damned?
Under the influence of this negative emotion, Guan Da gradually became a sinister and cunning mirror from a loyal and upright Ouchi bodyguard.

He envied Zhong Yuan very much. When Zhong Yuan made his fortune, the old emperor died and the new emperor took over. He valued talents very much and didn't care about the rules. He could marry the princess to a gangster, and marry the rebel to the commander of Jin Yiwei. So, it can also create a chance for the widowed princess and Ouchi guards to be alone.

If it was the first emperor, Cheng Zhengfei and Zhao Zhengzhongyuan had died a hundred times, but they lived better and better. In another year and a half, if Zhong Yuan had some merits, the emperor should marry him and Yongning .

He also loves Yongning deeply, but Guan Da is about to be sentenced to death. He changed his face and became a villain that everyone shouts and beats. , this world is really fucking unfair.

The more I thought about the mirror, the more awkward it became. Coupled with the fact that my life was not going well recently and I was depressed, I didn't realize that an unexpected person had arrived here.

Holding the Sky Fury Sword, Wei Jinzhong stood in the distance looking at a series of gloomy mirrors, and couldn't help sneering, compared with Zhong Yuan, do you deserve it?

As Zhao Zheng and others gradually made their fortunes, Zhong Yuan, the protagonist, also burst out with his own brilliance. He has practiced Shaolin's unique internal skill "The Magical Art of Subduing the Dragon and the Tiger" to great success. The strengthened Wei Jinzhong is also inferior to Zhong Yuan in terms of strength.

A few days ago, he passed through a mountain forest and heard that there were fierce tigers killing people here. Zhong Yuan killed a white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes only with his bare hands. It is as if Wu Song is still alive!

(End of this chapter)

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