Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 261 Mirror is not mirror, shadow is not shadow

Chapter 261 Mirror is not mirror, shadow is not shadow

"Your blood is too bad." Sky Fury Sword seemed to give back his feelings to Wei Jinzhong. Wei Jinzhong looked at the mirror and drank coldly with disdain.

Sky Fury Sword likes the blood of martial arts masters and domineering blood. Wei Jinzhong has lofty aspirations and a firm mind, so after getting the Sky Fury Sword, he fed it with his own blood for a period of time, and the Sky Fury Sword completely recognized him as the master.

Domineering is a very vain word, it has nothing to do with good or bad, it has nothing to do with good and evil, it only has to do with one's ambition, character, heart, and bearing. Ever since Guanda became a mirror, he is like a castrated horse, without any sons domineering.

So theoretically speaking, the mirror is still a master, but his blood is no longer domineering, just like a fine wine that has been opened and placed randomly, the aroma in it has long since dissipated, and the rest is just water.

"Really?" The mirror looked at Wei Jinzhong coldly, and said with a wild smile, "What about your blood, I want to see your blood."

Before the words fell, a black phantom rose from Wei Jinzhong's shadow, and a sword pierced Wei Jinzhong's back.

Wei Jinzhong didn't dodge or dodge, he just pumped up his true energy, and the thick and powerful sky's anger true energy formed a powerful defensive qi outside his body. Can't defend against the anger of the sky.

"Shadow, it is rumored that you have the highest martial arts among Jiangyang's Eight Sons. I thought you still had some unique skills, but I didn't expect that you only have this little power. It is really disappointing." Wei Jinzhong's true energy exploded and spread, shaking Shadow away, and then Slashing with a sword, as for the mirror, he didn't even bother to look at it.

The internal strength of the shadow is far inferior to that of Wei Jinzhong, but his speed is astonishingly fast, his figure is like a ghost, his sword blade stretches and shrinks, and his moves are strange. In less than half a minute, he has split into six phantoms. It was thirty or forty quick sword strikes.

Speed ​​is power. The only thing in the world of martial arts is speed. This is the concept of martial arts, but this does not mean that strength is not important. In fact, strength and speed have never been distinguished, but complement each other.

Power needs speed to hit the enemy, and speed needs power to increase attack power.

The speed of the shadow was so fast that it was too late for Wei Jinzhong to resist, and he didn't have to resist. The sky's anger and true energy flowed outside his body and turned into protective energy. No matter how the shadow attacked, it would have no effect at all.

In just ten seconds, the shadow stabbed more than three hundred swords, but failed to hurt Wei Jinzhong a hair.

But these ten seconds allowed Wei Jinzhong to see through his attacking method. Wei Jinzhong used his sword to fight in all directions at night.

Only two screams were heard, and the two "phantoms" were cut in half, fell to the ground struggling and crying, and cut in half, which is indeed one of the most terrible punishments in the world.

"Shape-shifting, Japanese ninjutsu, you really know a lot of tricks. Now, let me see what skills you have!" The blood of the shadow is more domineering than the blood of the mirror, and the thrill of the Sky Fury Sword spread to Wei Jinzhong , making him want to make a big kill.

It turned out that the shadow was not one person, but seven people. These seven people have been eating and living together, connected with each other, and cooperated tacitly. The movement turned into six phantoms, but they were all attacking together. The shadows did not use phantom swordsmanship, but phantom sword arrays.

The other five people looked at each other, and stabbed with two swords, ending the wailing of the two. Since it can't be cured, let them die more quickly. It is rumored that cutting in half can make people cry in pain for half an hour and then die of pain , they don't want their companions to suffer this kind of pain.

Wei Jinzhong looked at the five people in front of him, and was about to say something when he suddenly realized that he seemed to have misremembered many things.

Originally, according to his analysis, the mirror was Guan Da, the Ouchi bodyguard back then, and the shadow was the current Ouchi master Zhuo Yong. Zhuo Yong's father was skinned to death. He wanted revenge, so he joined the eight sons of Jiangyang. Coincidentally, the person who killed his father was Guan Da, who was already dead.

But the shadow turned into seven people, obviously not Zhuo Yong, is the mirror real, if he is fake, where is the real mirror?

Hanako, not good!
One wrong step, one wrong step, Wei Jinzhong was too confident, and underestimated Feng Bao too much. If everything was seen through so easily, how could Feng Bao be able to be in the palace for so many years!
Thinking of Hanako in his heart, Wei Jinzhong turned around and was about to leave, but the Shadow Five surrounded him.

With two brothers dead, the seven-man sword formation is no longer complete. What's the point of the five of them being alive? It's better to fight to the death and avenge the brothers.

People who are desperate can often erupt with stronger strength, and they are not afraid of death. What is there to be afraid of? It's over, let the demonic nature of the Skyfury Sword erode one's will.

There were five sounds of long swords piercing into the flesh, and the five of them used a kung fu similar to the disintegration of a demon to improve their skills, and pierced Wei Jinzhong's anger in one fell swoop, but they didn't know that it was Wei Jinzhong's intention.

In less than a second, the surprise turned into fright. The anger of the sky was pierced, but it did not dissipate. Instead, they held their swords tightly. When they wanted to let go, their hands were also sucked by the anger of the sky. .

Wei Jinzhong didn't want to waste time, so he simply relaxed the shield of the stellar energy, controlled the five of them at once, and then followed up with a sweeping move, cutting all five of them in half.

The Sky Fury Sword absorbed the blood energy and fed it back to Wei Jinzhong. Wei Jinzhong couldn't help showing a strange smile on his face. With this force entering his body, Wei Jinzhong's skin wound that had just been stabbed quickly recovered. After 1 minute, he had already recovered to perfection. status.

The Sky Fury mental technique has been practiced to the extreme, and the physical strength and internal energy are endless, but people are not gods, so there is no such thing as endless. In fact, as the battle continues, the Sky Fury Sword absorbs the blood energy and restores the skill and physical strength of the sword master. This makes the sword master's strength never fade. Of course, when the physical strength is perfect, the will will gradually be consumed. After killing for three to five days, he should become a lunatic. The forces of collapse.

Looking at the mirror that had lost too much blood and collapsed on the ground, Wei Jinzhong didn't ask anything. He knew that this kind of puppet was not worthy of knowing any valuable information, so he cut off his head with a sword, and Wei Jinzhong quickly ran towards the house.

Nothing can happen to Huazi, if Huazi is dead, Wei Jinzhong must take revenge by washing Ouchi with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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