Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 267: Tathagata's Palm

Chapter 267: Tathagata's Palm
The Yi Jin Jing is divided into: first, second, red, yellow, blue, white, and black, a total of seven heavenly circles, also called seven-level pagodas, the highest level is a black-level war pattern, and there is also the legendary realm of infinity , but the Yi Jin Jing in this world is not as complete as the world of Dragon and Tiger Gate, and it can only be cultivated to the realm of black level three at most.

After practicing the Yi Jin Jing, a question in Gao Miao's mind was also answered. Gui Hai Yi Dao's terrifying A Bi Dao San Dao came from this Yi Jin Jing.

Thinking back to Gui Hai's state when he became a demon with one sword, those magic patterns are [-]% similar to the battle patterns of the Yijinjing. Without the strength of the black-level second sword, in terms of the Yi Jin Jing of this world, even if Gui Hai can practice the Abi Dao three swords to great success, it is only comparable to the black-level third sword.

The Yi Jin Jing is the supreme martial arts classic of Buddhism. Someone can go from the Buddha to the devil and create the seventh heaven of ice and fire or even the seventh heaven of darkness. Three moves magic knife.

It's just that the people who create meritorious deeds have a high realm, which has increased the difficulty of the practice of Abi Dao's three swords by countless times, and the cultivation resources required are also countless. With the qualifications of Guihai Yidao, you need to calculate again and again. If you want to unite the magic pattern , Reaching the realm of the black-level Buddha is extremely difficult.

Seeing the three war lines on Gao Miao's face, Cao Zhengchun couldn't help feeling a little discouraged. He had obtained the Yi Jin Jing for so many years, but he couldn't even get started. There is an unknown distance between a super-level Buddha, let alone a black-level Buddha of the highest realm.

Hei-level Futu's Yi Jin Jing has already reached the level of ancient three links, Zhu Wushi, and even Tianchi strange man's martial arts. It is impossible for Cao Zhengchun to have half a chance of winning, and he can even kill him without injury.

Gao Miao's true qi is not all Yi Jin Jing, but a mixture of Yi Jin Jing and Liuli Zhen Qi, and it is still the color of glass. The dark Qi is just a vision when Yi Jin Jing is running, and the true Qi comes out through the body At that time, it was still glazed.

After practicing the supreme inner strength of Buddhism, coupled with Buddhist swordsmanship such as Dharma swordsmanship and Moco swordsmanship, Gao Miao felt something in his heart, and he had already turned his sword into a palm, and created a few strokes of Tathagata palm, although compared to Hong Kong comics. There is still a gap in his destructive palm technique, but he has finally stepped on the way forward.

Gao Miao formed a one-hearted seal with his hands, and his true energy came out through his body, condensing the shape of Wanhua Jinlongduo. Under the illumination of this Buddhist soldier, Gao Miao looked more solemn, and countless Buddha lights gathered in Gao Miao Beside him, he was absorbed into his palms by the pitch-black energy.

"The first form of the Tathagata Divine Palm—the first appearance of the Buddha's light!" Gao Miao shouted, and went straight to Cao Zhengchun with his powerful palm force. Cao Zhengchun had to squint his eyes under the Buddha's light, and he was surprised to find that Unexpectedly, affected by the palm force of this palm, he slowly floated up, and his figure was difficult to control.

"Tiangang bodyguard!" Cao Zhengchun also yelled loudly, the boy's internal energy was stimulated recklessly, forming an indestructible shield outside his body, his Tiangang bodyguard was more solid than Liu Jin's Tiangang bodyguard More, the defense is also several times stronger.

With a loud "boom", Gao Miao slapped Cao Zhengchun's Tiangang bodyguard with this heavy palm, sending Cao Zhengchun more than ten feet away. A palm print more than one foot deep was made, and in the middle of the palm print was a round bulge, which was where Cao Zhengchun was just now.

Cao Zhengchun's Tiangang bodyguard is very different from Liu Jin's. He has incorporated some knacks of Wudang's mind into it, making the bodyguard's qi very flexible, blocking the enemy's strong attack with soft strength, but saving more energy.

Although Gao Miao's heavy palm is powerful enough to send him flying with one palm, the gang qi combined with the true meaning of Tai Chi is extremely flexible, jumping up and down like a ball on the barren mountain and stone walls. After rebounding more than a dozen times, Gao Miao's palm Cao Zhengchun also heaved a sigh of relief when his power was completely exhausted in the end. If he was defeated by a single palm, then he would really have nothing to say.

"Director Cao, that palm just now was just an appetizer, now it's the main course!" Just as Cao Zhengchun was jumping up and down to relieve his strength, Gao Miao was ready for the second move.

Both hands formed a root seal of immobility, and Liuli Zhenqi condensed a golden Zen stick in front of him. This is the third move of the Tathagata God's Palm, the Buddha's moving mountains and rivers. , Buddhist soldiers represent disaster relief.

Cao Zhengchun has done all sorts of bad things these years, but he is an out-and-out big devil. If Buddha is angry, this palm will subdue demons.

With Gao Miao's true energy, the boundless Buddha seal flashed beside him and gathered on Jinglei Chan. Just as Cao Zhengchun stood still, Gao Miao slammed his palm out, and Jinglei Chan slammed into Cao Zhengchun fiercely. To crucify him to the ground.

"Wan Chuan returns to the sea!" Cao Zhengchun screamed, his true energy condensed desperately, the boulder that was smashed when he unloaded his strength just now was sucked in mid-air by his true energy, driven by his true energy, crazily He bumped into Gao Miao's palm.

Buddha Moving Mountains and Rivers is the most powerful move among the first few moves. There is no special skill, and there is no grand momentum. There is only this extreme condensed palm force. Jinglei Chan has nothing to do, and the boulders along the way are smashed into pieces. smash.

Even if Cao Zhengchun turned the boulder into an earth dragon, he couldn't stop this earth-shattering palm. As the boulder shattered, Cao Zhengchun's backhand was also ready, and a Tai Chi seal appeared between his hands.

It is not a yin and yang Tai Chi seal, but a Tai Chi seal of one Buddha. There is Tao in the Buddha, and there is Buddha in the Tao. He practiced Buddhist exercises and Taoist exercises. After decades, he finally condensed this Buddha. The Tai Chi seal of the unity of Dao.

Jinglei Chan slammed into Tai Chi fiercely, the wind and thunder-like palm strength and the tenacity of Tai Chi desperately entangled.

Tai Chi is Tai Chi, Wudang's unique technique at the bottom of the box cannot be broken by Gao Miao's grassroots Tathagata Palm. Buddhism, Taoism and Tai Chi are like a sponge, completely absorbing the power of this palm.

It's like stabbing cotton with a knife. Although it goes in, the cotton is not damaged.

"What a great seal of Taiji that combines Buddhism and Taoism, Governor Cao, I have already hit you twice, now, it's you who attacks me." Gao Miao said with a smile.

"My lord, you have to be careful. If you miss and get defeated by a miscellaneous family, it won't look very good." Cao Zhengchun said coldly.

Gao Miao's words clearly put him in a weak position, and it even seemed like a master giving advice to his apprentices. With Cao Zhengchun's arrogance, it's no wonder he was happy.

(End of this chapter)

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