Chapter 280
"Back then the rivers and lakes were prosperous and masters came out in large numbers. I understand that they dared to go to the palace to play wild. Now the rivers and lakes are suppressed and can't breathe. What kind of treasure are those five beads? They can even make these people risk their lives to find treasures. "Gao Miao asked curiously.

Although these things can be clarified by arresting a few martial arts practitioners, how could those people know more than Wan Sanqian, the person involved.

"What people in the Jianghu want most are magical skills and secret methods, panacea, magical weapons and sharp weapons. A person with superb martial arts like Sir Alex also needs a sword, let alone those people in the Jianghu." Wan Sanqian said slowly. Said slowly.

Gao Miao continued to ask: "Third-rate people need these, does Shaolin need these? Shaolin 72 unique skills, is there still a lack of martial arts secrets? I don't need to introduce the effect of the Great Rejuvenation Pill, right? They don't need good medicine either. As for magic weapons, Shaolin We have a big family and a great business, so we don't need anything, not to mention, Ye Mingzhu can't be used as a weapon, high officials, with the relationship between the two of us, do you still want to play tricks?"

Wan Sanqian said calmly: "What did the Sir say? This is not a trick, but the truth. Among the five beads, four of them contain the panacea that has driven countless people in the Jianghu crazy. The last one is hidden. I don't know, there are rumors that it is Tianxiang Cardamom, but I don't know if it is true or not.

As for Feng Bao's greedy things, they are just a few million taels of treasure. With these, it is impossible to overthrow Feng Bao. As long as Feng Bao doubles the money back, nothing will happen. I guess, that share Among the evidence, there are probably other things that can kill Feng Bao in one blow. "

"Elixir? Are you kidding me? What kind of elixir is better than Shaolin's Great Repayment Pill. The consequences of offending the court are far greater than offending Shaolin. No one snatches the Great Repayment Pill. The previous emperor had to hide the beads, and the most important thing is that there are no records in the palace's collection, which is really abnormal."

In a world without such treasures as dragon, yuan, phoenix, and ten thousand-year-old ginseng, Shaolin Great Returning Pill is the ultimate elixir, which can greatly increase power and heal most internal and external injuries.

After Gao Miao came to this world, he read a lot of books and never heard of any powerful elixir. If the elixir does exist, it can only prove that the first emperor destroyed those records. What kind of elixir is this? It is worth so many people chasing.

"The first emperor ordered the records in the palace to be destroyed. This is also a helpless move. These four elixirs are really important. Have you ever heard of the Wuji elixir?"

"Wuji elixir? The one made by Qin Shihuang? It must be moldy if it survives until now!" Gao Miao has heard of Wuji elixir, but it is not in this world, but in Wen Rui'an's world. Could it be that time and space are disordered again?When Shaowu Zhenjing came to this world, Wuji elixir also came along with them, didn't the remaining elixir be eaten by Xiao Qiushui and the others!Things that were eaten in the Song Dynasty, why are they still there now!

"Emperor Qin Shihuang asked the alchemist Xu Fu to develop an elixir for immortality, but the elixir was not completed, but the secret recipe was handed down to later generations. In the Tang Dynasty, fourteen elixir were made under the supervision of the royal family. The crown prince took two and died violently. The emperor was furious. , killing 72 famous pharmacists in the world at that time.

But the other twelve elixir pills were stolen out of the imperial palace, passed on from generation to generation by different people in the martial arts world, and finally mixed with the method of detoxification in the pills. Increase one Jiazi's internal strength and cultivation base, and become the most precious treasure in the martial arts.

After hundreds of years of tossing and turning, it was finally in the hands of the first emperor, and only then did the next thing happen. The martial arts of the Sir is invincible in the world, and one-year-old skills may not care, but for ordinary people in the rivers and lakes, that is one step to reach the sky. The treasure, they dare to come, just want to get the elixir and swallow it in one gulp, increase the skill for a hundred years, and become the ultimate master. "

Wan Sanqian explained the matter of the Wuji elixir in detail, Gao Miao was taken aback for a while, and said to himself that he has time-traveled again, is this the plot of "Shenzhou Qixia".

Gao Miao said disdainfully: "Going to the sky in one step? It's pure fart, Jiazi skills? It's just ridiculous. I have been practicing hard for 60 years and a third-rate guy has been practicing hard for 60 years. Can the skills be the same? King Kong is not bad. The true energy of 60 years of hard work , Can it be the same as Shaolin’s basic kung fu practiced for 60 years? It’s just a good medicine that can greatly improve the kung fu, and this medicine has very broad properties, suitable for most of the real qi in the world, I don’t believe it, There is no practice that conflicts with this panacea."

"My lord is right. My lord is very powerful in martial arts, so I don't care about this elixir, and I can see through its essence. However, most people in the Jianghu are fools. How can they see through this? Even if they swallow the elixir, so what? People who practice martial arts If you don’t want to practice martial arts hard, but put your hope on crooked ways, even if you swallow the elixir, you will definitely not be the opponent of those steady and steady masters!"

Wan Sanqian also disdains these claims. Although he doesn't know martial arts, he has a wide range of knowledge and no greed, so he can easily see through the essence.

"My lord, how about we make a deal?"

"What deal? Do you want the Immortal Pill? Don't you dislike martial arts?" Gao Miao asked in surprise.

Wansanqian sighed, and said: "It's for Haitang, the four secret agents of Tiandi Xuanhuang, no matter what the fate of each person is, Haitang has the lowest martial arts at present. Haitang doesn't say anything, but she feels a little uncomfortable in her heart. It's too strong, I want to give her two elixir to increase her skill, even if she can't reach the level of success, it won't be lower than Duan Tianya, so she will feel better."

"You are so affectionate! Okay, I agree, but I also want two. Your beauty needs to increase her skills, and so does my beauty. I will help you grab the elixir, and you will help me deal with the rest of the matter. How about it?"

This kind of elixir doesn't have much effect on Gao Miao, but it has great effect on Piaoxu. When Piaoxu becomes stronger, he can leave with peace of mind.

"Okay, it's a deal."

"A word is settled!"


"It's really a bunch of rude guys. Burning pianos and cooking cranes, it's a big spoiler. A good princess mansion has been dismantled like this! Haitang, why have you become a common man!" Begonia, who was the contractor, couldn't help but make a joke.

"I did it out of no choice. It was rumored that Tianxiang cardamom was inside the bead. Su Xin needed Tianxiang cardamom to save her life. My adoptive father sent me here. Brother Gao, what do you think about the clue that the bead is hidden in the Princess Mansion?" Haitang asked with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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