Chapter 287
Cao Zhengchun's words completely blocked Zhu Wushi's escape route. If he wanted Tianxiang cardamom, he had to agree to this condition. Otherwise, the three of them would fight, and the force of the confrontation would easily activate the mechanism of the password box, and the contents inside would be wiped out.

Even if you open the box and fight again, Tianxiang Cardamom can't withstand the casual blows of all the masters, and Tianxiang Cardamom is the Achilles' heel of Zhu Wushi. In order to get Tianxiang Cardamom safely, he has to agree to this request.

Cao Zhengchun got rid of Zhu Wushi, so he stopped talking. He and Zhu Wushi were political enemies, and they were used to attacking each other, but he and Wan Sanqian had no conflicts. When the emperor wanted to deal with him, he offended Wan Sanqian for no reason. Thousands, purely brain disease.

There are god-level bodyguards around Wansanqian, the Xiangxi Four Ghosts. These four people have average attack power, but they have ways to dispel their true energy, and they can grind people to death. Thousands of people ran away, and then thousands of gold and silver were sprinkled, and no one could stand it.

Cao Zhengchun stopped talking, but Wei Jinzhong had to. Among all the people present, he had the highest demand for Wuji elixir. If Wan Sanqian was here and intervened in the robbing, his chances of getting the elixir would be even lower.

Wei Jinzhong looked at Wan Sanqian, and asked tentatively: "I don't know what important officials Wan have here? Could it be that officials Wan also want Eunuch Feng's account books? I have heard that officials Wan have always been neutral. If you don't get involved in the affairs of the court, why do you want to intervene today?"

"Mr. Wan is a businessman. He never interferes with government affairs. It was in the past, it is now, and it will be in the future. I am not interested in any criminal evidence at all. I just heard that there are four Wuji elixir here that can increase the power of Jiazi. Wan wants to You need to experience it." Wan Sanqian said calmly.

"Wan Daguan is joking. I heard that Wan Daguan doesn't like to practice martial arts. If so, what's the use of this elixir?" Wei Jinzhong naturally didn't believe such nonsense.

It is well known that Wan Sanqian does not like to practice martial arts. Otherwise, with his wealth and contacts, if he wants to practice martial arts, he can choose all the unique skills of Shaolin Wudang, and he can eat the great tonic herbs such as thousand-year-old ginseng. With the accumulation of elixir, it can also be accumulated into a first-class master.

However, everyone knows that Wan Sanqian doesn't know any martial arts at all. If he wants to eat the Wuji elixir and wants to eat it himself, no one will believe it. Give it to his subordinates?It's ridiculous, his most powerful subordinates are the Four Ghosts of Xiangxi, and the four Wuji elixir can only be divided between two people, how will they be divided then?Do you want to play two peaches to kill three warriors?How could this be possible, no one would be stupid enough to kill their most important bodyguard.

Wan Sanqian said lightly: "I don't want this elixir for myself. I don't like to practice martial arts, but my lover likes it. This is for her. I'm here today to fight with the one who got the elixir." People make a deal, you can exchange a pair of Wuji elixir for me to make a promise. Of course, there is a condition for me not to snatch it, that is, this deal must be completed today, what do you think?"

This condition is very generous. Everyone present includes masters who hide in the dark. Except for Wei Jinzhong, they are all top masters. They don't particularly need Wuji elixir. Trading with Wansanqian as a condition, in exchange for Wansanqian not intervening, that is the most cost-effective Yes, Wei Jinzhong has some opinions on this, but seeing that everyone agrees with this condition, he keeps silent.

The people present had negotiated the terms, and the people in the dark couldn't discuss it. This matter was settled like this.

But this treasure box needs a password. If one step is wrong, the mechanism inside the treasure box will be activated, and the contents inside will be destroyed immediately. From Mr. Wuhen, Haitang, who is best at deciphering organs and not high enough in martial arts to play tricks under the eyes of everyone, went to open the treasure box.

As for Feng Bao and the others who were hiding in the dark and did not destroy the treasure box, it was because he wanted the Wuji elixir to increase his skills, and the second was because he didn't know if there was an account book in the treasure box. If not, he destroyed the treasure box , I think I can sit back and relax, and when the real account books are found out, some of them will cry.

Begonia walked into the secret path slowly under the gazes of the crowd that contained all kinds of emotions, then took out the treasure box, and in front of everyone, used the method given to him by Mr. Wuhen to slowly test the treasure box. box password.

Opening the password lock is very boring, especially in the process of testing the password, it gives people a feeling of wanting to pee but can't pee, which is very awkward, but at the moment of opening the lock, it gives people a feeling of peeing. The pleasure of finally urinating, this feeling is really refreshing.

Wei Jinzhong, Cao Zhengchun and the others just watched Haitang's temptation to go back and forth while clutching the box, worried that Haitang would accidentally destroy the box, and also worried that Haitang would not be able to open the box.

Even if he is in a high position and has the best energy-raising skills in the world, facing what he wants most, his mind will inevitably be attracted, and his mood will go up and down according to Haitang's movements and expressions.

The eunuch has no roots, so the ability to hold back urine is extremely poor. Many eunuchs in the palace have their own "diapers". If this kind of entangled scene is replaced by other little eunuchs, they should have urinated long ago. That is to say, Cao Zhengchun and Wei Jinzhong have high martial arts skills, otherwise, it would be a lot of fun.

Even though Zhu ignored Duan Tianya and Zhong Yuan, he also felt some urination. The only one who didn't feel anything was Wan Sanqian. His thoughts were all on Haitang, looking at Haitang's beautiful face like a flower, and this state of concentration , following the troubles encountered in the process of unlocking, unconsciously showing joy or sadness, Wan Sanqian just felt that he couldn't get enough of it in his lifetime, so how could he get bored.

Seeing that Haitang's expression became more and more serious, everyone knew that the treasure box was about to be opened, half a hundred miles away, and the last level was the most difficult, and if one failed, all previous efforts would be wasted.

The area around here has been cleared, and everyone kept quiet, even their breathing subconsciously slowed down. After another incense stick, Haitang's expression changed from good to bad, and finally, with a soft sound, The combination lock of the treasure box was opened.

And as the lock was opened, everyone's thoughts were raised to their throats, and their skills were concentrated to the extreme. Haitang didn't want to make trouble, after unlocking, she didn't open the box immediately, but walked a few steps away, holding a bamboo pole He picked up the box to show that he had no hands or feet at all.

The box was opened, and the four bright night pearls released a seductive light. At this moment, the expressions of Zhu Wushi, Zhong Yuan, Cao Zhengchun, Wei Jinzhong, Duan Tianya and others were really, really wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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