Chapter 294
The reason why Guihai Yidao was able to rescue Wei Jinzhong in time was entirely because many people had no time to spare, especially Feng Bao. He fought with Piaoxu, and was broken by Piaoxu. He was seriously injured, and his condition may not be strong yet. Pass Wei Jinzhong.

Move the time forward for a little while, Piaoxu and Feng Bao just met. Although Feng Bao has been attacked by many masters recently, he is still extremely arrogant. Piao Xu from the small country of Dongying.

Even if he knew that Piaoxu had made a breakthrough recently and his strength had improved greatly, he still looked down on Piaoxu. In his opinion, it was because Gao Miao had given Piaoxu a lot of benefits, and the strength gained from the empowerment could not be regarded as real.

In other words, the person he likes is Gao Miao, and he also knows that Gao Miao's martial arts are superior to his. When he fights with Piaoxu, he is never worried about Piaoxu, but after he hurts Piaoxu, Gao Miao's revenge afterwards.

As the saying goes, a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, Feng Bao is no better than Piaoxu, with this kind of thinking, he fights against Piaoxu, but after three or five moves, he is slapped in the face by Piaoxu.

Piaoxu's internal strength is so cold that ordinary weapons can't bear it at all. Even the precious sword she used to use refined iron will be affected by the true energy and become brittle after a few strokes, so she simply Just use true energy to condense an ice blade for attacking.

Knowing that this was a good opponent, Piaoxu didn't hold back a single point, and Mingyu urged her with all her strength, and the first move was the Liusheng family's specialty - killing the gods with a single blow.

This sword technique has been improved many times by Piaoxu, and now it has been completely reborn. The combination of Mingyu Gong's incomparably cold true energy and the killing intent of the knife technique itself, coupled with Xuepiao's chilling artistic conception in the world, the power of this knife is even greater. Even Gui Hai, who was fighting Zhu Wushi, looked sideways at Yi Dao.

Although Feng Bao doesn't like Piaoxu, his martial arts foundation is still there. Knowing that this move is extraordinary, he directly raised his true energy, and slapped it with a big diamond palm. It is the path of the unity of Buddhism and demons, Cao Zhengchun is walking the path of Buddhism and Taoism, only Feng Bao is walking the most serious path of Tiangang Tongzi Gong.

Tiangang Boy Kung Fu was born out of Shaolin Boy Kung Fu, but it is no different from Shaolin Boy Kung Fu. Tiangang Boy Kung Fu is a very yang and rigid kung fu. Although it can be hard and soft when practiced to the extreme, the general attack method is still masculine. martial arts.

Feng Bao was born with supernatural strength, his fat body concealed extremely developed muscles, and his huge physical strength combined with a masculine and powerful palm, in his opinion, this palm was enough to break a fluttering knife.

Then, he was slapped in the face.

Piaoxu's strength is naturally inferior to Feng Bao's. However, Piaoxu uses the knife technique, and the strength is concentrated in a line, which is far more concentrated than Feng Bao's palm technique. The cold and chilling knife is like a meal. A knife cut through butter like the diamond palm force of Feng Bao, and slashed at Feng Bao without any damage.

This time, Feng Bao didn't dare to underestimate Piaoxu, at least he didn't dare to underestimate this saber. Tiangang Boy Kung Fu urged him with all his strength, and the Tiangang shield blocked in front of him, blocking the saber.

Piaoxu came for a duel, not for a sparring match, so naturally he would not show mercy. After killing God with a slash, followed by a slash of snow.

Mingyu's true energy drove the surrounding environment to become colder and colder. This was originally the lotus pond in the Princess Mansion, and the water vapor was extremely abundant. Under the action of this cold true energy, the water vapor quickly condensed into frost, mixed with the floating fluff. The saber intent cut towards Feng Bao continuously.

Feng Bao's Tiangang Tongzi Kungfu is the purest, and his Tongzi Gangqi is also the purest. The golden ball covers the whole body, and the saber qi that Piaoxu attacks from all directions is completely blocked.

With a wave of Piaoxu's hand, hundreds of snowflakes mixed with saber qi attacked Feng Bao. Feng Bao lost the initiative and had no time to do anything. hit.

The two kinds of qi, one of extreme yang and the other of extreme cold, are constantly canceling each other out in mid-air. If this stalemate continues, Feng Bao will undoubtedly lose. The speed of returning qi is unparalleled in the world, and the consumption of Piaoxu is very small, and after taking the Wuji elixir, Piaoxu's skill is even better than that of Feng Bao.

Feng Bao is not an idiot either. The two clashed for more than a minute, and Piaoxu didn't feel tired at all. The attacks became more and more fierce, and his true energy was being consumed rapidly. If this continues, he will lose Undoubtedly, thinking of this, Feng Bao immediately gathered his true energy to fight back.

Just when Piaoxu was attacking as usual, Feng Bao condensed the strength of two palms, and pushed forward with both palms. The overwhelming force went straight to Piaoxu. Nothingness, Piaoxu's sword intent was also scattered.

However, water vapor, water, and snowflakes are all water, but in different forms. Under the guidance of Gao Miao, Piaoxu perfected Xuepiaorenjian again according to this principle. On the surface, the snowflakes were melted into In fact, the water vapor is still in Piaoxu's hands.

Piaoxu combined true energy and water vapor, and when his palms reached his body, a pair of skates condensed in his hands, and a horizontal cut split the two palms in half.

At the same time, the water vapor recondensed into ice under the action of Mingyu's true energy, and trapped Feng Bao in it.

Ice has a very good shape-shaping ability. Piaoxu's fingers sway left and right, and the ice prison that traps Feng Bao pops out various ice knives to attack Feng Bao. Feng Bao has no choice but to defend with the boy's energy. With this powerful qi, slowly squeeze the space of the ice prison.

With Feng Bao's martial arts and his combat experience, he wouldn't be at a disadvantage in a fight with Piaoxu. If the two fight with all their strength, they won't be able to tell the winner if they don't have five or six hundred moves.

But he was too careless, his contempt for Piaoxu made him fall into Piaoxu's calculations from the very beginning, and even Gao Miao would burst into a glass golden body to break through forcibly after falling into Piaoxu's calculations, even more Let alone Feng Bao.

Feng Bao's combat experience is also good. While resisting, he expanded the boy's qi, trying to break through the ice prison. The scope of the ice prison is not very large, and soon there will be cracks. Feng Bao is still proud, but not Seeing Piaoxu's sarcastic smile.

The gap in the ice prison was getting bigger and bigger. Feng Bao took this opportunity to burst out his true energy and smashed the ice prison to pieces. Chopped over.

On Gao Miao, she had already tested the power of this move, and Piaoxu had infinite confidence in this knife.

(End of this chapter)

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