Chapter 3
In addition to the unexpected harvest of beauty, he also got several copies of martial arts.

The most brilliant is a book called "Thirteen Styles of Flying Sand and Walking Stones" and a book of light skills called "Whirlwind Body Technique".

It is said that this is the stunt left by the flower picker Tian Boguang a hundred years ago. Gao Miao tried to practice it a few times, and the saber technique is not bad. The door is extremely clever.

In addition, I also accidentally obtained the "Seven Stars Falling into the Sky" from the Taishan School. This sword technique emphasizes quick attacks and is extremely lethal in an instant. It can be used as a trump card. Worried about being held accountable.

There are a lot of gains from secret calculations, but most of them are just common goods. There is only one sword technique that is relatively superior. They don't even have the remnants of martial arts such as Thirteen Styles and Hengshan Five God Swords.

Gao Miao is currently majoring in swordsmanship, because swordsmanship is considered the mainstream in this world, and there are many excellent swordsmanship, which are of great reference value, and the only martial skill he can master is swordsmanship.

In order to cooperate with martial arts practice, Gao Miao spent a lot of money and hired master craftsmen to carefully craft a sword with hundreds of refined iron as the main material, plus various precious metals, mixed with the black technology of the martial arts world and modern mechanics theory. .

The length of the sword is three feet and six inches, and the net weight is seven catties and seven taels of seven renminbi. It is easy to blow hair and cut hair, chop copper and iron without any damage, kill with one sword, and the blade has no blood.

It is far behind the Yitian Divine Sword, but it can be regarded as a first-class precious weapon. In "Water Margin", the Yang family's ancestral sword of Yang Zhi's family in "Water Margin" is also at this level.

Gao Miao came to Huayin County for the Huashan School, and in Huayin County, the Gao family has three shops, a grain store, a cloth store, and an inn. Apart from inquiring about some tabloids and the like, the most important thing is to keep an eye on them. Huashan School.

The owner of the inn that Gao Miao was going to was the leader of the three. Before Gao Miao came, he had sent a letter to tell them to prepare information.

In the past ten years, in addition to practicing martial arts, Gao Miao also applied some business theories from his previous life to the Gao family.

It was a troubled time at this time, no matter how many fields there were, it was meaningless, as soon as the chaos soldiers came, they would directly become the target.

Therefore, in addition to opening some inns in some "important places" to inquire about information, the business layout of the Gao family has all been turned overseas.

Although the Ming Dynasty had a "maritime ban" policy, its navigation technology was still at the forefront of the world. At this time, the government was corrupt and the management was lax. They sent out a lot of gold and silver, bought more than a dozen large ships, and bribed several officials. Business begins.

The convenience of coastal trade is unparalleled in the world. The merchant ships of the Gao family went to Japan and Southeast Asia one after another, selling silk and porcelain, bringing back gold, silver, jewelry and local specialties. The profit was several times, and the Gao family even occupied several small islands. It is specially used as a shipping hub.

Of course, these small islands are not only used as transit stations, but more importantly, at this time when the troubled times are beginning, big families like the Gao family are the targets of the troubled soldiers. There are only three members of the Gao family. Miao himself.

Gao Miao is confident that with his martial arts skills, as long as he is not besieged by rebels, he will be able to go anywhere in the world, but the old couple of the Gao family may not be sure. With the kindness of nurturing for more than ten years, Gao Miao naturally wants to find a way out for the old couple to support their lives.

Three years ago, the Gao family gradually transported their money, food and wealth to overseas islands, collected strong victims, bribed officials to buy armor and equipment, shipped them to the islands, and recruited some capable veterans for training.

Over the past few years, the Gao family has controlled five islands overseas, trained more than [-] militia guards, piled up armaments, and even recruited some blacksmiths and artisans who made armaments to manufacture large-scale Ships, swords and halberds, strong bows and crossbows, muskets and artillery.

The most critical of the series of weapons is naturally Gao Miao's improved artillery using some knowledge from his previous life. Unfortunately, Gao Miao didn't know much about thermal weapons in his previous life. He used pistols and explosives the most. Therefore, the improved version of the artillery is powerful. It is four or five times more powerful than the existing artillery, and it is even more powerful, but it cannot be built at all.

The improved pistol is not bad, but considering the cost, the improved version of the crossbow is more cost-effective for large-scale battles, so I only made dozens of them. Gao Miao carried two for self-defense, and the old couple each had one for self-defense. The housekeepers and nursing homes also sent out their own.

As for the hoarded food and grass, it is enough for the entire population to feed for more than two years, and some farmland or orchards have been opened on the island to recruit the victims of the disaster to plant the land.

The government is corrupt, and there are many talents in the opposition. The Gao family of great talents does not have that face, and some ordinary talents have been recruited. Under the management of these people, in less than two years, the island's food output can be fully supplied. When Gao Miao went out, they were already planning to attract more refugees and open up more wasteland.

Once the situation is not good, the old man and the old lady of the Gao family will leave immediately by boat. As for Gao Miao, if he really can't get along, he will also run away.

As for Baoming and Anti-Qing, Gao Miao didn't have this ability when he traveled here!Gao Miao didn't know anything about the art of war and the art of governing the country. As for these islands, Mrs. Gao was mainly in charge.

In the previous life, Gao Miao memorized a lot of various military tactics relying on his advanced memory, and he could barely do it on paper. In small-scale battles, such as clearing pirates at sea, he could also rely on technology to crush and win. Large-scale battles involving tens of thousands of people are absolutely commanding No, I really don't have that ability.

Gao Miao went to Huashan at this time, first to see how Yuan Chengzhi was doing and how far the plot had progressed. Ugly.

White horses and blue shirts, beauties with good wine, singing with swords, and all kinds of weird martial arts, that is the arena that Gao Miao yearns for. The tail of money rats dragging behind the big bald head is really unsightly.

The second is to test your own martial arts level. On the way to Huashan, I have encountered many small thieves, but I have never encountered martial arts masters. He was also killed.

The chief guardian of the Gao family is a disciple of a layman in Shaolin. He claims to have a second-rate middle-level level in the world, but compared with the first-rate masters, there is still a big gap. .

 Novice on the road, guarantee to finish the book, please bookmark and recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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