Chapter 360 Bargaining
"Master Xuan Ji, didn't you say that you came to talk about Shaolin's unique skills? Why did you mention the fields around Shaolin? What do those local people in those fields have to do with your Shaolin? What does it have to do with Shaolin's unique skills? Is there a Buddha bone relic buried in it?"

The more Yuan Xian listened, the more annoying he became, and he was not blackened, and his sense of justice was not weaker than Zhuge Zhengwo, so he directly interrupted Xuanji's ramblings. Those fields belonged to the local people, and they were the foundation of their good life. Yuan Xian would never allow that. Shaolin just took away the hope of the people.

"Yuan Butou doesn't have to be like this. The visitor is a guest. Master Xuanji wants to say something, so let the master continue to talk. However, the master may not know that Murong Bo has confessed some bad things.

These things are related to Shaolin, you may not know such things, but Abbot Xuanci must know, please also get ready, the four famous arresters will go to Shaolin at some point. "

Gao Miao threatened a few words indifferently, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

Zhuge Zhengwo went on to say: "I remember that before distributing those fields to the local people, the imperial court gave you 10 taels of sesame oil from Shaolin. Why, Master Xuanji thinks it's not enough?"

"When did the imperial court give Shaolin 10 taels?" Xuannan asked loudly, he never knew that the imperial court gave such a reward.

"Huh! Back then when the prefect of Henan went to Shaolin, he gave you 10 taels of sesame oil. Later, he was arrested for corruption and bribery, and all his property was seized. Only the 10 taels of sesame oil was not recovered.

Corrupt officials harm people, those are the blood and sweat of the local people, you Buddhist monks, don’t you feel guilty when you eat it?We don't pursue it, the money is regarded as a reward from the imperial court, you can use it however you like! "

Yuan Xian's forceful words blocked XuanNan back, he was the one who did this case, and he knew everything clearly.

Xuan Ji and Xuan Nan looked at this scene, and they knew that this time they would return for nothing. They took people to ask the four famous arresters for cheat books.

After the four famous arresters came to see Gao Miao, he was left alone for a while, and finally he was interviewed, followed by Zhuge Zhengwo and Yuan Xian. Well, now that the opportunity has come, it is natural to ruthlessly attack it.

But these things are nothing, it doesn't matter if you lose. The key is the "Murong Bo's confession" that Gao Miao just said. Cause and effect, once Shaolin is really involved, it will not be the four great names who are arrested in Shaolin, but thousands of troops will destroy Shaolin.

"My lord, Murong Bo is a traitor. Before he died, he stalked and bit at random. He can't take it seriously. He didn't show his true colors back then. He was a generation of martial arts tycoons. He has friendship with many people. I, Shaolin, are loyal and patriotic, and I will never do rebellion. matter."

Xuannan was more impulsive, and he denied everything without even thinking about it. It was impossible to verify the events of decades, and if they denied it, who could do anything!
"This is a trivial matter. Let's talk about your Shaolin stunt first. It's your Shaolin stunt. We don't ask too much. In this way, we won't spread the Shaolin stunt casually for the time being. As long as you Shaolin establishes enough for the court How about we gradually return those stunts?
Shaolin disciples fight the enemy at the frontier, behead generals and capture the flag, and then they can use their military exploits to exchange for Shaolin stunts. As long as the cheats are exchanged by Shaolin people, they will never appear in the royal library! "Gao Miao said with a smile.

Xuan Ji asked: "My lord, what is this royal arsenal?"

"This is an idea that the king came up with. Searching Yanziwu and Mantuo Mountain Villa, we got countless cheats. We divide these cheats into files, and then as long as the martial arts people from various sects make contributions, they can take them away. A cheat book.

Once this incident comes out, it will definitely cause shocks in the world. You help me suppress it. I promise that within a year, the Shaolin unique knowledge in the royal arsenal will only be open to Shaolin disciples. Before Murong Bo dies, he will not talk about other people again. , and he will definitely die within a year. "

At this time, Quanzhen Wudang, Huashan, Emei and other sects do not exist, and Shaolin is the absolute overlord. As long as Shaolin helps, there will be no problem with the royal arsenal.

"Five years!"

"One year!"

"Four years!"

"A year and a half!"

"Three years!"

"Two years! This king's final concession is two years. As long as your Shaolin disciples make enough and great contributions within two years, Shaolin's unique skills will not be spread to the outside world. Also, it is Murong Bo who helped suppress the martial arts people. The hush money is not among them!"

Xuanji and Xuannan looked at each other for a few times, finally nodded and agreed to this condition, as long as Shaolin's unique skills are not spread to the outside world, other sects have nothing to do with them!The unique skills of other martial arts have been spread to the outside world, and the competitiveness of the martial arts has declined, which has stabilized Shaolin's dominance on the contrary.

After the discussion, Liu Xuannan and Xuan Ji ate a vegetarian meal, and Gao Miao left under the pretext of being tired. At night, Zhuge Zhengwo and Yuan Xian returned to the palace to discuss matters with Gao Miao in the study.

"My lord, how should we handle the Shaolin matter? Xuan Ci is really good at it. In order to promote his reputation for Shaolin's unique skills, he believed even a three-year-old child who couldn't be fooled. He almost caused a war between the two countries. He really deserves death!" Yuan Xian didn't like Shaolin, so he wanted to kill Xuanci in a few words.

Zhuge Zheng and I were also speechless, Murong Bo's lies were absurd and nonsensical, those people even knew his route, how could they not know the identity of the person who came, even if they didn't know, Xuan Ci should know.

However, he was stunned by the profit, this incident promoted the reputation of Shaolin's unique skills, and also gave Xuanci the great merit of "killing the Tartars and protecting Shaolin's unique skills", stabilizing his position as the abbot of Shaolin. He knew it was fake, but Xuanci also believed up.

However, Zhuge Zhengwo is much more sensible than Yuan Xian: "Shaolin has a profound heritage and a famous name. If we deal with it rashly, no matter it is the common people or the rivers and lakes, it will cause waves. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run."

Gao Miao said with a smile: "Fame, Xuanci has not only done one bad thing in his life. With him around, Shaolin's reputation will be ruined sooner or later. Yuan Jian, don't do other things recently, I told you Things, you should hurry up and keep secret, Shaolin's intelligence network is very powerful.

Zhuge is me, you have a good relationship with Buddhism, go to contact the abbots of Jinshan Temple, Qingliang Temple and other temples, there are so many Buddhist temples in the world, Shaolin is the only one, and others are not satisfied, as long as we support the weak, they will fight themselves. "

(End of this chapter)

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