Chapter 382 Combat Ability
Purely in terms of martial arts, Ding Chunqiu is by no means an opponent of the four old monks of Xuanzi generation, but under Ding Chunqiu's unpredictable poisonous skills, the people from Shaolin fought extremely painfully.

Although martial arts have reached a certain level, by virtue of their unfathomable powers or characteristics of martial arts, they can be immune to most poisons, such as Gao Miaowei, Qing Qingqing, the floor sweeping monk, etc., standing there and allowing Ding Chunqiu to perform poisonous kung fu is nothing. .

However, there are very few people who have reached this level of martial arts. Moreover, the cultivation of martial arts can be increased, and the power of poisonous arts can also be increased. Gao Miao remembers that even in the Great Desolate Continent, there are people like Panwang Patriarch and Xiangliu. The master of poison use, the world of martial arts also has the scriptures of ten thousand poisons from the invincible ancestors.

Poison kung fu is the most capable kung fu for fighting in Vietnam. A waiter who doesn't know kung fu can poison a top expert to death with powerful poison. Ling Tuisi can poison death with Jin Bo Xunhua, and Ding Dian, who has achieved great kung fu, can poison death.

Ding Chunqiu's poisoning skills are definitely the first in this world, and the methods of using poison are all kinds of strange. With the blessing of these methods, the team of more than one hundred people composed of Shaolin and some martial arts people was poisoned and killed half of them in less than half a minute. .

The Shaolin disciples were quite elite, although they were afraid, they did not run away, and the martial arts practitioners who came with them and planned to take advantage of them quickly ran away. They really did not have the guts to take on this extremely weird carrion and poisonous art.

Of course, the Xingxiu sect's disciples suffered heavy losses for such a terrifying kill. In order to hold back the four old monks of Xuan's generation, Ding Chunqiu had to use Lianzhu rotting corpse poison non-stop.

Although the disciples of the Xingxiu sect were afraid of Ding Chunqiu's power, how could they not resist one or two under the crisis of life and death? Although there was a huge gap in strength between these people and Ding Chunqiu, and most of them only wanted to escape, there were a few people who encouraged them when death came. Have the courage to resist.

Even if it can only be relieved for 0.1 second, it is still a terrific delay, and several disciples became ruthless before they died, throwing all kinds of vicious hidden weapons at Ding Chunqiu.

Ding Chunqiu didn't care about most of these attacks, and easily dodged them, but with the attack, more and more people were killed, Ding Chunqiu didn't investigate any of them, and there were not many people around him.

Under the effect of survival instinct, the closest Xingxiu disciples are more than 30 meters away from Ding Chunqiu, no matter how powerful Ding Chunqiu's lightness kung fu is, he can't perform the rotting corpse poison kung fu under the condition of sweeping ten feet away.

In this way, Xuandu and the others were given a chance. Xuandu smiled slightly, like a Buddha, flicking his fingers softly and softly pointed at Ding Chunqiu's vitals. With so many Shaolin disciples killed and injured, even the Buddha would Got mad.

Xuandu himself has mastered Shaolin's flower fingers, even a lunatic like Jiumozhi admires Xuandu's fingering power very much.

The finger force of the Nianhua finger is feminine, as light as nothing, if he hadn't been attentively observing the movement of the old monks, Ding ChunQiu may not be able to notice the force of the finger when he is near his body.

Looking at the finger force approaching in front of him, Ding Chunqiu raised his hand and threw out a handful of green ox hair fine needles, and then his body flashed, he was already five zhang away.

Ding Chunqiu learned from the Xiaoyao School, his martial arts are so elegant, he looks like a fairy, and he has white hair and a childlike face, and a Xiaoyao fan never leaves his body for a moment. It is the notorious XingXiu old monster.

After dodging Xuandu's finger force, Ding Chunqiu waved his hands continuously, like a thousand-handed Tathagata, and hit a large number of hidden weapons. These hidden weapons shone with green light and exuded a stench. highly toxic.

Xuansheng Xuanshi stood in front of the two senior brothers, the Sumeru Mountain Palm struck out at the same time, the two overwhelming palm forces crushed them, and knocked away all the hidden weapons issued by Ding Chunqiu.

Xuan Bei came out more and more, and hit down fiercely with the Wei Tuo pestle. This blow was so powerful that it could break all ribs in one blow.

Ding Chunqiu didn't dodge or dodge, he saw his hand shake, the seven-star nail that was just blown away by Xuansheng's black stone turned back like this, hitting Xuanbei's back straight.

The onlookers were all pale when they saw it.

"Dragon Capture Kung Fu" and "Crane Control Kung Fu" are trained to a high level, and one can take objects from the air, but at most they can only catch enemies and seize weapons from a distance of one or two feet.

The so-called "strike the cow across the mountain" in martial arts originally used to describe that the master's split palm and invisible magic fist can injure people with empty strength, but even the best masters can never use their internal strength beyond three feet.

The distance between Ding Chunqiu and the Seven Star Nail is six or seven zhang, and he can summon the Seven Star Nail back with a wave of his hand. His martial arts are so high, it is really unimaginable.

In fact, Ding Chunqiu's move is not using real kung fu, but relying on one of his "Three Treasures of the Constellation", the "soft silk thread".

This flexible silk thread is made of silk from the snow silkworm by the Xingxiu Sea, the snow silkworm lives wild on the snow mulberry, its body is much smaller than the ice silkworm, and it is also non-toxic, but the silk it spits out is extremely tough, A monofilament is not easy to break.

It's just that this kind of snow silkworm doesn't know how to make cocoons, and the silk spinning is very limited, so it's extremely hard to find. Ding Chunqiu's soft silk thread is twisted with snow silkworm silk, it's so fine and transparent that it's almost invisible to the naked eye. When throwing a large number of hidden weapons, he tied the flexible silk rope to a seven-star nail at the same time.

Ding Chunqiu's combat experience is so rich, he knew that he was defeated by the four eminent monks, so he took advantage of it and deliberately launched a large number of hidden weapons to attract the opponent's Mount Sumeru Palm, induced Xuan Bei to attack with the Great Wei Tuo pestle, and at the same time used the seven-star nails to attack .

At this time, Xuansheng Xuanshi's strength has just been exhausted, he can't make a move, Xuandu's grasping finger can't hit that far, although Xuanbei dodges, but he doesn't know that the seven-star nail is a hidden weapon, Ding Chunqiu's true energy flows along The soft silk thread was sent over, the Seven Star Nails immediately shattered, turned into seven steel needles and hit Xuan Bei.

Xuan Bei couldn't dodge, four steel needles were inserted into his body, these steel needles were quenched with blood-sealed throat poison, although Xuan Bei's internal strength was profound, but compared to Ding Chunqiu's severe poison, it was still not enough, a generation of masters, that's all Aggrieved and died under Ding Chunqiu's calculations.

Seeing that Xuan Bei had just died like this, Xuan Du said angrily, "Shaolin disciples, set up a formation of eighteen arhats."

Seeing eighteen Shaolin disciples holding long sticks, they immediately formed a formation and pressed down on Ding Chunqiu with a steady momentum.

In this situation, no matter how powerful Ding Chunqiu's poison kung fu is, it would be difficult to use it, but before Xuandu and others approached, a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Xuanshi's mouth, Xuansheng was about to say something, but Xuanshi "plopped" "He fell to the ground with a sound, breathless.

"Sanxiao Xiaoyao San, Master Ding, good trick!" Xuandu said through gritted teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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