Chapter 41

"Okay, that's great! I really admire you. Under such a desperate situation, you used my only bargaining chip, the Shenlongjiao Su Nugong, to guide you step by step, and did not hesitate to arouse my distrust of you to reach such a deal. To be able to come up with such a countermeasure in just one night is very wise and courageous, really amazing."

Gao Miao applauded and praised Long Mei's calculations, which really surprised him. When the disciples were sent out, and the leader's throne was sent out, he couldn't help calling himself "subordinates". However, they were captives in the first place, and Gao Miao wanted to They have no power to resist what Long Er does, and the two of them are all sent. What's the use of keeping the position of leader?Whether the Dragon Cult stays or not depends on Gao Miao's face.

Now this calculation, using retreat as advance, puts the posture very low. Although he knelt down and surrendered, he also pulled Gao Miao into the chariot. Not only will the inheritance of the Dragon Cult not be broken, but it will be even better.

Of course, Gao Miao is not at a disadvantage, he has loyal subordinates, and charming women, and various secret books of the Dragon Sect are also explained by famous teachers. These results are much better than what Gao Miao expected in advance.

Thinking in another way, Gao Miao may not be able to do better, no, absolutely not.

"The leader has a broad mind. If it weren't for this, the subordinates would have died by now without a place to bury them." Long Mei didn't know what Gao Miao meant, and quickly complimented her.

"It's okay, I sincerely praise you. If it were me, it would be absolutely impossible to do better. The agreement is reached, good luck, um! Time is running out, let's start!"

In the afternoon, several people started to go about their own business. Gao Miao was busy learning the Knot of Living Together, Long Mei went to teach Chen Yuanyuan Su Nv Gong, and by the way guided her to transform the true energy of Shenzhao Gong into the true energy of Su Nv Gong. It is to choose the right disciple of the Dragon Sect.

The congregants of the Dragon Sect were all captured and captured, but among them were the ordinary pirates under the command of the Five Dragons, the male disciples who rebelled with Hong Antong, and the loyal female disciples. For many people, Long Er just picked some loyal and reliable disciples.

As for Hong Antong's hypnosis secret technique, it's not very profound. With Long'er's talent and internal strength, he learned it in a few hours.

Long Mei taught Chen Yuanyuan very well. Chen Yuanyuan's physique is very suitable for the practice of Su Nv Gong, and the pure and authentic non-attribute zhenqi is produced by Shenzhao Kung Fu. According to the practice route of Su Nv Kung, it can be transformed Long Mei originally thought that it would take three days to fully transform part of the skills, but according to Chen Yuanyuan's speed, two days would be enough.

When Chen Yuanyuan was not practicing martial arts, she also had time to comprehend the secret method of the Knot of Life and Death with Gao Miao.

This secret method was invented by Dongfang Bubai in order to extend Xue Qianxun's life. To the extent of Dongfang Bubai's martial arts, and how domineering the sunflower zhenqi is, directly injecting zhenqi into Xue Qianxun's body is killing people. This martial art is to allow the two people's true qi to blend in harmony, so that the masculine and domineering sunflower true qi can evolve into a masculine and harmonious vitality, which can continue people's lives.

But after all, this was created by Dongfang Bubai, the world's number one martial arts prodigy, so the requirements for talent and internal strength are very high, and a person can only link true energy with two people at most in a lifetime. The infuriating must also be the same.

Fortunately, Chen Yuanyuan is suitable for practicing Su Nv Kungfu, and the transformation speed of true energy is extremely fast. If not, Gao Miao can only practice Kung Fu directly with Long Er.

However, Gao Miao also thought of a question when he was comprehending, if the true energy is blended in this way, can the problem of the [-]% success of the Su Nu Kung be solved?

Gao Miao and Long Mei discussed it several times, and based on their martial arts experience, they both believed that this was likely to solve the flaws of Su Nv Gong, but they hadn't tried it themselves, so they didn't know everything yet.

Three days later, all of Chen Yuanyuan's zhenqi was transformed into the zhenqi of Su Nu Gong, and the problem of changing the skills was also suppressed, and her own state was adjusted to the best.

Gao Miao has also deduced every step of the knot of life and death several times, and confirmed that it is correct.

Long Mei took the initiative to seal her inner strength with the Panlong thorn, and guided her practice from the sidelines.

All preparations were complete, Gao Miao and Chen Yuanyuan sat opposite each other in the forbidden area of ​​the Dragon Cult, and Gao Miao began to practice the method of living together and dying together.

Gao Miao's Shenzhao skill has been completed in a small way, and he has cultivated an innate pure yang energy, which can exert some of the power of "sitting in a trance, turning back to life".

Fingers and palms are connected, and along with the movement of true qi, the incomparably pure Shenzhao Gong true qi slowly enters into Chen Yuanyuan's body, and merges with the most yin and coldest element girl's true qi in her body.

Only at this moment did Gao Miao know the secret of the true qi of the cold element of Su Nu Gong.

Su Nu Gong itself can also cultivate the most refined and pure Qi, and virgin practice can give birth to an innate pure Yin Qi.

The congenital pure yang qi governs vitality, so Shenzhao Gong can reverse emptiness and return to life, and the congenital pure yin qi governs killing, so Su Nv Gong has the performance of extreme yin and cold.

The two inner breaths are blended, and the power of yin and yang is also echoing each other. The inner qi of Shenzhao Gong is the main one, and part of the characteristics of true qi are fused with each other, and they are turned back into the body.

After a few weeks, the two of them were completely immersed in the fusion of true qi. Seeing this scene, Long Mei didn't do anything and sat in meditation with peace of mind.

Thanks to Long Mei's knowledge of current affairs, at this time Gao Miao and Chen Yuanyuan's true qi blended together, yin and yang co-existed, forming a transparent Tai Chi shield outside the body, once attacked, they would fight back with all their strength.

I don't know how long it took, Gao Miao finally woke up, and the practice of living together and dying together failed in the end.

This martial art was originally created for life extension, and it has extremely high requirements for the purity and foundation of internal energy. Chen Yuanyuan has been doing her best to transform Su Nuzhen Qi in the past few days and the transformation has been completed.

However, how can it be easily erased after several years of practice?The traces of Shenzhao Gong are still deeply imprinted on her eight meridians. After Gao Miao's true energy passed, the original imprint immediately became active. Under such interference, the true energy in Chen Yuanyuan's body was no longer pure. This martial art naturally It will fail.

"How? Did it work?" Long Mei immediately asked Gao Miao when she saw Gao Miao wake up.

"No, I failed. The foundation of Shenzhao Gong is still in Yuanyuan's body. After my true qi passed, I reacted immediately, interfering with my practice."

Gao Miao explained with a blank face that the reason for the failure was not in the cheat book, so naturally Gao Miao would not blame Long Mei for the failure.

"This... what should I do?" Long Mei was a little crazy, and she was really unwilling to fail like this.

"It's not impossible, I have an idea, you can give me advice." Gao Miao is extremely sensible, failure is the mother of success, and I really don't have the talent for one success.

 Ask for collection and recommendation


(End of this chapter)

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