Chapter 427
Duan Yu knocked down all five old monks, Xiao Feng also found an opportunity to touch the acupuncture points of Eighteen Arhats, the two looked at each other, and ran towards the gate of Shaolin at the same time.

There, thousands of men and horses were engaged in a desperate battle, and the violent momentum could be felt hundreds of miles away, not to mention the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, which was only a few hundred meters away.

Not long after the two left, a figure appeared in the Sutra Pavilion. This person was none other than Jiumozhi who was scared away by the imperial army arranged by Gao Miao.

The battle in the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion completely awakened Jiumozhi. The arrogance that he used to rely on to promote the 72 stunts did not exist at all. He was worried that he would be forced to stay in Shaolin by the sweeping monk. In a hurry, Jiumozhi wanted to escape.

But at the bottom of the mountain are all the troops arranged by Gao Miao, all of them are elite soldiers with excellent equipment, and the leaders are all generals with high martial arts skills. , Putting up the cannon, Jiumozhi took a look and returned immediately.

He was caught by Da Song once, and although Tubo replaced him, this has always been regarded as a lifelong shame by him.

And he knew that if he was caught by Da Song again, Tubo would never care about him. Either he surrendered to Da Song, or he died of old age in Da Song's prison. Apart from that, he had no other choice.

After running back to Shaolin, he found that Shaolin's true energy was swaying in front of the gate of Shaolin Mountain, and he didn't dare to mix it up. He turned his eyes and ran to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion. Seeing the power of the sweeping monk, his greed for Shaolin's unique skills was even better. .

As for the harm of forcibly practicing Shaolin's unique skills, Jiumozhi didn't take it seriously at all. In his opinion, Lao Tzu is a genius, and he can't practice any martial arts.

The Tibetan Sutra Pavilion is an important place in Shaolin, and it is heavily guarded on weekdays, but at this time all the Shaolin monks have been led out of Shaolin, and there are only five old monks of Xuanzi generation and eighteen arhats here. Xiao Feng fell to the ground.

Seeing this good opportunity, Jiumozhi couldn't let it go, he fired the flaming knives one after another, and sent the 23 Shaolin masters to see the Buddha in a few strokes, and then immediately went to the Buddhist scripture pavilion, and began to search for secret scriptures.

Although Murong Bo told him about Shaolin 72 unique skills and the way to crack them, but the two of them had no great friendship, and Jiumozhi was also afraid that Murong Bo would leave a loophole in his martial arts, so that Murong Fu could control himself.

Regarding the secret books dictated by Murong Bo, Jiumozhi must have studied and comprehended carefully before practicing, so he slowed down the speed of practice.

Murong Bo's cheat books are not trustworthy, but all the cheat books in Shaolin Temple are original, as long as you get them, you will definitely gain a lot.

After killing those people, Jiumozhi went crazy and searched for the secret scriptures, while at the same time using the flame knife skill to ignite the books in the Sutra Pavilion.

The Shaolin Tibetan scriptures are very complete. There are no less than [-] volumes of translations of the scriptures and rhymes from Tianzhu, as well as the writings of eminent monks and great virtues in the East. The total number of scriptures is also not comparable to Shaolin.

These Buddhist scriptures not only have the original text, but also the sentiments left by the eminent monks of the past dynasties after reading the Buddhist scriptures. Although these insights are not martial arts secret books, they are all crystallizations of wisdom. For real masters, they are ten times more valuable than martial arts secret books.

It was Gao Miao who was dissatisfied with Shaolin, and continued to use tactics to weaken Shaolin, control Wulin in his hands, and did not intend to damage the Buddhist scriptures in the Shaolin Sutra Pavilion.

Although Jiumozhi is a disciple of Buddhism, he studied Buddhism deeply, memorized and discerned, and is unparalleled in the world, but he is only good at words, in fact, he is greedy for fame and fortune, and martial arts. The poison of "greed" among the three poisons of Buddhism has already penetrated into his bone marrow.

Originally it was fine, as long as he was famous, he didn't kill people, but now he broke the precept of killing, and burned a thousand volumes of Buddhist scriptures with a flame knife, and completely fell into the way of the devil. At this time, even Da Luo Jinxian couldn't save him.

The Sutra Pavilion was originally a wooden structure, and most of it was filled with books. Jiumozhi looked for cheat books while lighting the fire. After getting thirty or forty books, the entire Sutra Pavilion was already on fire, and black smoke shot straight into the sky.

Seeing the old monk who was at a loss outside, he immediately rushed to the Buddhist scripture pavilion. Regardless of the battle outside, once the Buddhist scripture pavilion is destroyed, Shaolin will be completely finished. Shaolin's 72 unique skills are the best practice of more than a thousand monks in Shaolin. Up to now, there are no less than 72 volumes.

If all of these are gone, then Shaolin's martial arts background will be weakened by an immeasurable amount. Thinking of this, these old monks can't help feeling sad.

When I arrived at the Sutra Pavilion, I saw the bodies of those who died from the flame knife, and I saw Jiumozhi who was carrying a bag of books and was about to leave. How could these people bear it? .

At the same time, these people also silently recited Amitabha Buddha, the Buddha blesses, and the Buddhist scriptures have been burned, and they can still copy a few copies from other temples. Shaolin mainly practices martial arts, not Buddhism, and the Buddhist scriptures will be gone when they are gone. In this state, it is obvious that Shaolin's unique skills have survived.

Thinking of this, these people attacked even more fiercely, and vented all their anger on Jiumozhi, but Jiumozhi's martial arts were much higher than theirs, and he was proficient in breaking Shaolin's unique skills. Shot is still easy.

The completely enchanted Jiumozhi's moves are no longer as majestic as in the past, and his murderous aura is ten times stronger than before. Every move goes straight to the opening of those people, without stopping for a moment, surrounded by dozens of monks. Come and go freely.

In less than 5 minutes, three monks of the Xuan family and eight monks of the Hui family were beheaded by Jiumozhi's flame knife. Although hundreds of Shaolin disciples continued to come, according to Jiumozhi's state, these Humans are no match for him, fortunately, Shaolin still has a hole card.

Xu Zhu, a monk with deep ties to Buddhism, when everyone was going to deal with the Xingxiu Gang, Xuanci was worried that Ding Chunqiu would poison the Buddhist seeds he had chosen, so he ordered Xu Zhu to stay in the Daxiong Palace and not go out at will.

Afterwards, Shaolin battles broke out continuously, the power was overwhelming, although Xu Zhu felt it, but obeyed Xuan Ci's order, and never made a move, but Xuan Ci died, Xuan Cheng was paralyzed, the news could not be spread, the rest of Xuan Ci's generation didn't know Xu Zhu The identity of the seed master.

When meeting Jiumozhi as a formidable enemy, he thought of Xu Zhu as an expert, so he ordered people to invite Xu Zhu to deal with Jiumozhi, Xu Zhu naturally obeyed the orders of his elders.

It's just that Xu Zhu doesn't know light kung fu, he went late, when he arrived at the Sutra Pavilion, Jiumozhi had already started killing, and the Buddhist holy place became a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Seeing this scene, even Xu Zhu, who has a deep connection with Buddhism, couldn't bear the anger in his heart, raised [-]% of his gong power, and punched Jiumozhi.

(End of this chapter)

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