Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 430 Group Beat Murong Cheng

Chapter 430 Group Beat Murong Cheng

The fall of Jiumozhi, together with the ashes and dozens of Shaolin unique schools carefully selected by him, made many Shaolin monks extremely sad.

Xuan Cheng shouted: "Why are you crying? I have established a temple in Shaolin for thousands of years. I haven't experienced anything. For thousands of years, countless martial arts sects have declined. I don't know people well in Shaolin. There is nothing to lose if there is such a decline.

As for those cheats, we gathered everyone and recorded all the cheats we have learned. In this way, at least thirty or forty volumes can be memorized. With these cheats, Shaolin will rise again sooner or later.

Also, the royal arsenal is still there, as long as my Shaolin monks go to the frontier to make more contributions, then those lost secret books can also be completed. Shaolin is so powerful that it has long been a thorn in the court's eyes. Today's disaster may not be a good thing. "

It has to be said that Xuan Cheng's knowledge is much better than other old monks, and then Xuan Cheng explained to everyone the identity of Xu Zhu's Buddhist seed.

But at this time Xu Zhu's qualifications are still young, so he first let a monk of Xuan family be the abbot, when that person passes away, Xu Zhu is enough to carry the banner of Shaolin.

It has to be said that Xuan Cheng's scheme was cruel enough. There are only more than a hundred Shaolin monks here, besides some cooks and cooks. Murong Cheng was against the court.

Those people, the imperial court will naturally not let them go, and Xuan Cheng will not take the initiative to give the imperial court an excuse to deal with Shaolin. Although those people are the backbone of Shaolin, Shaolin's strength will not exist after abandoning them.

However, as long as the mountain is closed for decades, with Shaolin's background, it will recover sooner or later. Xiao Feng came from Shaolin. As long as you put down your face and ask Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng will definitely help. Xiao Feng helped, and Duan Yu would also help. Both of them spoke. , Gao Miao will not go too far.

Xuancheng's backhands followed one after another, and even before the outside was finished, his calculations had reached the point of exchanging the five fingerings of Shaolin Wuxiangjiezhi, Nianhuazhi, Duoluoyezhi, Mahezhi, and Dalijingangzhi in exchange for the Dali Duan 's support.

The battle outside the Shaolin Temple has also completely entered into a fierce battle. The blood light and the Buddha light complement each other. The formation of five hundred arhats in Shaolin was broken by Wei Qingqing's tricks one by one. The monks were divided and surrounded.

Xu Xiaoyi is a master of formations, and his cultivation in formations is unmatched in the world, but Shaolin's formations have been refined for thousands of years, except for relying on huge force to forcefully break them, there are almost no tricks .

The five hundred monks are the most powerful force in Shaolin, most of them are monks of the Hui generation, and a small number of elite disciples of the Xu generation. Although they were separated, these people also formed various formations one after another.

There are many formations in Shaolin, the formation with the largest number of 18 Arhats, and the formation with the least number is the Vajra Demon Subduing Formation. Although these people cannot practice the Vajra Demon Subduing Formation, they form a group of [-] people into the Eighteen Arhat Formation, with [-] people. A group of one hundred and eight arhat formations are all extremely exquisite formations.

With Xu Xiaoyi's cultivation base and the help of the three senior brothers, it will take a long time to completely wipe out these Shaolin disciples, and the reason why Zhuge Zhengwo and Yuan Limit freed up their hands is that Because Xiao Feng and Duan Yu arrived.

The feud between the Xiao family and the Murong family was as deep as sea, even though Murong Fu was injured, Xiao Feng did not show mercy at all, nonsense, Xiao Feng was also injured, and the injury was worse than Murong Fu.

Without Duan Yu's help, Xiao Feng and Murong Fu fought one-on-one. After fighting dozens of moves, Xiao Feng forcibly raised his inner strength to perform Vajra Transformation, blasting Murong Fu's double blockade of Star Shift and Universe Shift with one punch.

Then he used his consistent magic power to push with all his strength, and a palm opened a big hole in Murong Fu's chest. Murong Fu struggled a few times and fell to the ground, completely out of breath.

Murong Fu, an unlucky child, has never experienced a good day. He was taught all kinds of strict education and instilled various ideas since he was a child. When he grows up, he runs around and everything goes wrong. I haven't had any happiness.

At this time, being beaten to death by Xiao Feng's palm is not a good relief, even Murong Fu used his last strength to say "thank you" to Xiao Feng, there was no resentment or viciousness on his face when he died, it was all a sign of relief color.

On the other side, Murong Cheng was enjoying the siege of the three masters. Gao Miao was the most murderous, and he didn't show any mercy in his shots. He used whatever moves were powerful, and kept bombarding Murong Cheng with various moves.

Gao Miao is the main attacker, on the one hand, because Gao Miao has the most murderous intentions, and on the other hand, because Gao Miao is not afraid of the star shifting. Even if Murong Cheng's star shifting has reached the highest level, he still cannot help Gao Miao's Hunyuan skill.

Gao Miao's energy and spirit are condensed as desired, and the inner universe is extremely stable. Murong Cheng's star shift can change stars and change stars. Could it be possible to shake the entire universe?

Due to Gao Miao's indiscriminate bombing, Murong Cheng's defense against star shifting was useless. The golden bell cover was broken by Xiao Feng's palm, and the cover was lowered to break through. With the fight, although it has recovered on its own, it is only at the level of No.11.

King Kong's Indestructible Body Divine Skill also recovered most of it with the battle, and it also dropped a lot, both the defense power and the shock resistance power dropped a lot.

Gao Miao's main attack was Wu Xingyun and Wei Qingqing's secondary attack. Wu Xingyun's Tianshan Liuyang Palm and Tianshan Zhemei Shou were extremely exquisite.

Wei Qingqing occasionally sends out a saber or sword aura to prevent Murong Cheng from escaping. Relatively speaking, Wei Qingqing is the most leisurely. His purpose of existence is to kill and prevent Murong Cheng from running away.

Murong Cheng knew this truth, but Gao Miao and Wu Xingyun were both top-notch powerhouses, even if he used strange tricks, he would not be able to escape.

What's even worse is that after Xiao Feng killed Murong Fu, he and Duan Yu stepped forward to help.

Xiao Feng knew that he was just adding to the chaos by rushing forward, so he took the initiative to cancel the transformation, and used a few moves from Jianglong Eighteen Palms to sneak attack Murong Cheng, while Duan Yu used the Six Meridian Excalibur at the side. Launch the sword energy, from a laser sword to a laser gun.

Even so, Murong Cheng is extremely difficult to deal with. Buddhist martial arts are famous for their resistance to fighting. Fighting and Star Shifting is also a first-class kung fu that relies on strength. If Xiao Feng hadn't broken his golden bell defense with an explosive palm, he would not have won at this time. He has already run away with these attacks.

But at this time, he couldn't run away, but he was not powerless to fight back. After fighting a hundred moves, he pointed out a finger to join the fingers.

(End of this chapter)

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