Chapter 44
"What's your husband's plan? Do you want to ask Sister Long to come over and discuss it together?"

Chen Yuanyuan was born in April of the year of Guihai. He is 20 years old this year. Long Er is also 20 years old this year. However, Long Er was born in August. It is really not a problem to call him Sister Long. Anyway, they are one year older than Gao Miao.

Longer's ability to manage affairs was inferior to that of Chen Yuanyuan, and she didn't bother arguing for it. If Gao Miao annoyed Gao Miao, she would definitely prefer Chen Yuanyuan who was more familiar with her.

In the past month, there have been a total of ten times of practicing together, and the relationship between the three has improved rapidly. Long Er, Gao Miao has long since lost any birth, and Chen Yuanyuan and Long Er, who are repulsed by the same sex, have also found a suitable relationship. Way.

Chen Yuanyuan is good at handling various affairs, and can manage all information, money and food in an orderly manner, so she is in charge.

Long Er's martial arts is the highest among the three, and her combat talent is also very high. She is a bit better than Gao Miao in commanding naval battles, so she is an outsider.

Long'er took the initiative to take a step back when addressing others, she was no match for a loyal minister, so the Gao family's servants called Chen Yuanyuan the eldest lady and Long'er the second lady.

As for Gao Miao, he can only shout that it is better to be in ancient times.

"Come on, invite the second lady over here and tell me that I have something important to discuss." Gao Miao ordered outside the door.

"Yuanyuan, I have a plan, please give me details to see how feasible it is." Before Longer came, Gao Miao muttered to Chen Yuanyuan about her own plan.

Soon, Longer arrived and joined the two-person discussion group. The three of them muttered, this is one of Gao Miao's bad tastes, the sense of atmosphere, when discussing strategies, there must be a sense of atmosphere.

"Husband, is this really possible?" After discussing for a while, Long Er asked very puzzled.

"Of course, I know Yuan Chengzhi's background, so let's do this! Let's leave tomorrow. By the way, Long Er, you haven't gone out to play yet! You must have a good time when you go out this time, and it is best to write a travel note or something. "Gao Miao said with a smile.

"Oh? Husband is going to write travel notes again?" Chen Yuanyuan covered her mouth and chuckled. Obviously, she knew Gao Miao's literary level very well.

This is also one of the places where Gao Miao is speechless. People say that he is familiar with [-] Tang poems.

Gao Miao has an excellent memory, Tang Poems, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, Ming and Qing novels, Buddhist scriptures, Dao Zang, Lu Guo Mao Ba Lao Cao, Jin Gu Liang Wen Huang, Shakespeare, Goethe, Mark Twain, Hemingway, Leo Tolstoy... Books read It can fill several rooms, but it just can't write any good articles.

It is possible to score more than 50 points in the composition of the college entrance examination proposition by forcibly piling up rhetoric, but it is just an exam-oriented composition, and it is all written according to the routine.

Gao Miao has also written travel notes for self-entertainment in the past few years. Chen Yuanyuan saw it by chance. As a talented woman who is proficient in all kinds of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, Chen Yuanyuan almost died laughing when she saw Gao Miao's travel notes. , a watery journal, occasionally stacking a few gorgeous rhetoric, looks passable, and it's not worth mentioning if you read it carefully.

"No, you write this time. Come back and give me a copy of your travel notes with more than [-] words. Longer, don't laugh, you have to write too. Good sisters, share the blessings and share the difficulties." Little girl, still I can't cure you anymore, labor and capital are actually more than ten years older than you.

"Does the husband write?" Chen Yuanyuan didn't care, raised her eyebrows, and asked provocatively.

"I won't write any more. It's enough to see what you write." Gao Miao refused without even thinking about it. It's nothing more than writing for self-entertainment in private, and it must not be embarrassing.

"Husband, it was my sister who laughed at you just now, but I didn't. I was gloating at my sister's misfortune, so I don't need to write." After opening his heart, Long Er became much more cheerful.

Long'er practiced martial arts very well, she also had certain insights, and had read a lot of books, but writing articles was definitely difficult for her.

"No, just write for fun. It doesn't matter if you don't write well. Otherwise, you can discuss it with Yuanyuan. Yuanyuan will help you write. Yuanyuan is a talented woman. An article is not easy to grasp." Gao Miao forcibly transferred topic.

The three of them fought for a while, Gao Miao took the two daughters to meet their parents, and proposed to go out to see major events in the world.

Although the old couple were reluctant to part with each other, they didn't refuse. It's nothing for a young man to be bored on the island every day.

After ordering the banquet to be prepared, Gao Miao went back to prepare all the things for the rivers and lakes.

First of all, the second daughter must disguise herself as a man. Showing her true colors to others in this troubled world is just asking for trouble.

Followed by gold silk armor, improved pistols, wrist crossbows, flying knives, flying claws, detoxification powder, gold sore medicine and other necessities.

Since the place he was going to this time was more dangerous, Gao Miao also prepared some strange poisons, such as Jinbo Xunhua and Chicken Crowing and Five Drums Broken Soul Incense.

Leaving the island in the early morning of the next day, I went straight to the destination without a word.


"Husband, is it really good for us to come here? The son of a daughter, can't sit still, why take risks for mere fame?" Long Er sincerely regards Gao Miao as his own family at this time, so he is not afraid of Gao Miao being bored, and persuades Gao Miao again and again. Miao don't take risks.

"Actually, I really don't really care about reputation. Fame is definitely not as valuable as isolated Buddhist scriptures, but if you want to get the benefits of someone's collection, you have to bring some greetings!
This young master has not done anything in the past few months, relying on the little reputation established by Gui Xinshu and Mu Sang Taoist priest, it will go down a lot. If you don't come out to make a big deal, how can you improve your reputation. "

Gao Miao was not bored with Longer's persuasion, he only said so much because he cared about you, if he didn't appreciate you and thought he was annoying, then there was definitely something wrong.

Gao Miao's trip this time is also the last time to play petty temper, play a trick of the traveler, the general routine of the traveler, shipping trade, climbing the technology tree, forming forces, etc. have all done it, and now Gao Miao is going to complete the final A routine, completed this time, can be regarded as a complete farewell to the previous life.

"Okay, didn't we have a plan before we came? And my husband is not a rash person. I will definitely check the situation in person. If there is any change, I will leave immediately. Sister Long'er, don't worry. Let's go, the Gao family is here It was also arranged by forces."

Seeing that Long'er was about to persuade him again, Chen Yuanyuan quickly offered to help.

"Sister, this..." For Chen Yuanyuan, Long'er was really speechless. He thought she would persuade him, but he didn't expect Chen Yuanyuan to help Gao Miao as soon as he opened his mouth.

During this period of getting along, Long Er also observed Chen Yuanyuan carefully, but the result made her very frustrated. Regardless of her beauty, wisdom, intelligence, talent, personality, Chen Yuanyuan is above her. It can be said that apart from martial arts, at most she has only her appearance. Comparable to Chen Yuanyuan.

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(End of this chapter)

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