Happy days in the world of martial arts

Chapter 53 Seven Provinces Martial Arts League

Chapter 53 Seven Provinces Martial Arts League

"Sister, you made all those organs by yourself? Sister is so powerful." After being completely out of danger, the three of them took Bao Chengxian and Dorgon Fan Wencheng's head and headed straight for Shandong. The son began to pester Chen Yuanyuan for advice on the organ formation.

Even though he is already a member of the Gao family, Long Er is still very interested in those machine tools, firearms and cannons. That day, he saw Chen Yuanyuan controlling countless machines and machines with his own strength, causing thousands of arrows to be fired, and the fire rain poured down. She opened her eyes, and there was no danger at this time, so she naturally wanted to ask carefully.

"My sister was joking, how did my sister arrange all these organs by herself? This is all planned by my husband before. If I succeed in leaving my sister and my husband, my husband will find a way to escape to this forest and use those organ arrays to block it. .

For other situations, such as I failed to leave, I was arrested, or you failed to leave the city, in all kinds of situations, my husband has arranged a corresponding retreat plan, unless our luck is bad, there will never be any problems. "

Chen Yuanyuan is very familiar with Long Er now, and the two of them also know how to get along with each other. Knowing that Long Er is obsessed with machinery and equipment, she patiently explained to Long Er.

"Husband, can you teach me?" Long Er said coquettishly to Gao Miao.

"No." Gao Miao refused without thinking.

"Why? Don't tell me you have to wait until I get married!" Long Er pouted coquettishly.

"Yuanyuan, explain to her." Gao Miao closed her eyes and rested, and threw the pot to Chen Yuanyuan.

"Sister..." It's hard to imagine, Long Er didn't know when she awakened her ability to act like a baby, and she became more and more lively.

"It's not that the husband doesn't want to teach, it's that my sister doesn't want to learn! After getting engaged a few days ago, you have seen all the artillery and ship workshops at home, and no one has kept it from you, but you can't bear to look at any of them. What can my husband do?"

Chen Yuanyuan helplessly explained that the Shenlong Cult was defeated by the Gao family with cannons, so Longer became interested in the Gao family's weapon workshop, and ended up just looking at it for a day, and then he boarded a warship, Played as a captain.

"Tch, husband, where are we going?" Long'er curled her lips and changed the subject. She knew how powerful these weapons were, but she just couldn't learn them.

"Shandong! Yuan Chengzhi has not been idle these days. He dug up the treasure of Emperor Jianwen and wanted to give it to Li Chuang as a military salary. He was surrounded by a group of bandits on the road. How can Yuan Chengzhi, these idiots? Offended?
After some scrambling, they finally realized that they had been tricked by Yuan Chengzhi. Just at this time, the officers and soldiers came after hearing the news and surrounded and attacked them together.

Yuan Chengzhi led the gangsters to break through the siege, rescued a group of generals, and incorporated the Ming Dynasty water transport officers and soldiers, which won the support of everyone.

They are about to hold a martial arts conference to call on martial arts people from all over the world to do something, and I have also received an invitation here. "

After Gao Miao left Shengjing, he launched his family's intelligence network to check the major events in the world. Sure enough, he had a lot of trouble, and Yuan Chengzhi did not show weakness. The Seven Provinces Wulin League should be established soon. , the leader of the reckless gangs in the seven provinces of Jiangxi, the most chic and beautiful moment in his life is about to come.

This hero post was given by Gui Xinshu. When leaving Huashan, Gao Miao gave Gui Xinshu a copy of the Gao family's contact information. Gui Xinshu learned through Ah Jiu that the Gao family's old couple had disappeared and all the Gao family's property had been annexed. I was still very worried about Gao Miao. Now I sent Gao Miao a hero post to give Gao Miao a chance to become famous, so that Gao Miao would not be depressed or do stupid things.

Gao Miao was really speechless about the degree of information blockage of these people. The sea ban policy is not shallow.

However, Gui Xinshu's concern is still sincere, and he owed him a big favor before, so he still has to make up for it a few times when he finds a chance.

There was no chasing soldiers at this time, and there were still a few days before the hero meeting. There was enough time on the road, so Gao Miao slowed down and enjoyed the feeling of an outing.

It's a pity that it's a troubled time at this time, and starvation is everywhere. It's really speechless. It's almost the same as those poor African countries in my previous life. Hungry, whether it is Chongzhen or Baiguan, the sage books have been read into the dog's stomach.

Not to mention Gao Miao, even Chen Yuanyuan, who was born at the bottom and was used to seeing these things when he was a child, and Long Er, who was born as a pirate and had a routine of killing, couldn't stand it.

Originally, they planned to go all the way to Shandong in a carriage, and the three of them took turns driving, but seeing this scene, they had to find someone who could drive from the spies of the Gao family, and the three of them sat in the car together.

Gao Miao's carriage is an enlarged four-wheeled carriage, which is spacious enough for three people, and there are small bookcases, desks and other furniture, which are extremely luxurious.

Along the way, except for daily martial arts practice, Gao Miao was reading books. When he came back, he passed a small treasure house of the Sun Moon God Sect. In addition to gold, silver and jewelry, there were more than a dozen lonely books and several sets of rare Buddhist scriptures and Taoist collections. As well as the travel notes of Weng Danqing, the bald pen Weng Danqing among the four friends of Meizhuang in the past. They were good at calligraphy and painting, and they recorded the customs and customs of various places in great detail.

As for the martial arts in the treasury, they are not worth mentioning. They are just second- and third-rate martial arts, and there is no special martial arts. It is fine to take them out to enrich the library of the Gao family after a second look.

Books that have never been read before, beauties with red sleeves add fragrance, Gao Miao's journey along the way is not to mention how beautiful it is.

In particular, the travel notes of Bald Biweng and Dan Qingsheng opened Gao Miao's eyes. Due to the existence of the special culture of martial arts in the world of martial arts, to a certain extent, it has affected the local customs, customs, and the practice of Gu in Miaojiang. No longer a legend, but a fact.

It was too late for Gao Miao to travel here, the scene of troubled times, the poor livelihood of the people, it is difficult to see the folk history of various places, but the bald pen Weng Danqing was still young, and he could see the mountains, rivers and hydrology of various places clearly.

Bald Bi Weng is good at calligraphy and has a good literary quality. The travel notes written are informative and interesting. Dan Qingsheng's calligraphy and painting are superb. Various illustrations are added to Bald Bi Weng's travel notes. Clearly.

Compared with these, the martial arts of these two people are not worth mentioning.

Comfortable days always pass quickly, a few days later, the two have arrived at Mount Tai, and the martial arts conference is about to be held. After traveling for thirteen years, they never fly or sing.

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(End of this chapter)

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