Chapter 66
"However, according to the information, Boss Wen is also a generation of strange people, with extraordinary martial arts and demeanor, and quite infatuated.

Since the succession of the current Mrs. Wen, the Wen family was assassinated by Mr. Golden Snake, and Mrs. Wen was also denounced as an ominous person by the Wen family.

Wen Lao Er, Wen Lao Si, who is still alive today, has no ink, is greedy and incompetent, and wants to seize the family property, and keeps urging his mother to force Wen Lao Si to divorce his wife.

Even so, Boss Wen didn't do anything to his brother. He also withstood the pressure, didn't divorce his wife, and worked hard to manage the family property well.

Therefore, Boss Wen's reputation is still very good. It is impossible to rob King Chuang's army salary! "

For Chen Yuanyuan's analysis, Long'er was somewhat dissatisfied. Compared with the rational Chen Yuanyuan, Long'er was more emotional, and he still highly respected Boss Wen's kindness to Mrs. Wen.

"Hehe! There are so many good men in the world, and there is a loophole in what my sister said just now.

The people of the Wen family have been panicked by Mr. Jin Snake in the past few years, with serious casualties and serious shortage of manpower. Moreover, all businesses are dying at this time, so what does Boss Wen rely on to maintain his family business? "

Chen Yuanyuan's heart is all on Gao Miao, she analyzes the problem very rationally, and she is cautious and meticulous, as long as there is a slight flaw, she will find it.

"Also, my husband has done good deeds for more than ten years, the reputation of the kind-hearted Gao family is resounding all over the world, and there are righteous martial arts people and Ah Jiu to help, just like this, the property left behind was easily swallowed by others.

Boss Wen has a good reputation, but it's just a false name. Compared with our family, which has been doing good deeds for more than ten years and can't make ends meet, the Wen family's wealth is the most.

However, the Wen family is still doing well, and getting better and better. Has no one ever thought of them?The greed and viciousness of those officials are not comparable to martial arts people. One sentence can convict people of countless crimes, and then ransack their homes. If Boss Wen had only the right way, his family's property would have been swallowed up long ago. "

Seeing that Long Er was a little moved, Chen Yuanyuan added another fire, and Ah Jiu was innocently lying on the gun. Fortunately, this was asked in private, so why not coax Ah Jiu again.

This little girl, watching the court situation during this period of time, coupled with Gao Miao's guidance, has seen a lot of black and white grievances. She thought she was an official of Qingliu, but what she did secretly made people want to tear him apart.

She has watched too much, and she has given up on the court affairs, and now she is focusing on martial arts, and her fragile shoulders cannot resist the court affairs.

"Husband, when did you analyze that there was something wrong with the Wen family? My sister is so amazing! Those analyzes are beyond my imagination!" After listening to Chen Yuanyuan's various analysis, Long Er came to pester Gao Miao again.

"I already knew they had a problem, so I'd like to ask you a little question. Mr. Golden Snake acts cunningly, and it's hard to distinguish between good and evil, but when have you ever seen him make trouble for others?"

Long'er was very dissatisfied with this remark: "Didn't my husband say that? The students in the private school bullied others, and Mr. didn't know right from wrong, so he said, 'Why doesn't he bully others and only bullies you? There must be something wrong with you'. Are you contemptuous?"

"At this time and at that time, the strong always bullies the weak. When have you ever seen a weaker person who keeps provoking someone who is stronger than you? Isn't that courting death?
The Golden Snake Lord is alone, and with high martial arts skills, he seems to be carefree and unrestrained, but the Wen family has a great cause. If he concentrates all his strength, spends a lot of money to ask for help, and adds various calculations, he may not be able to kill the Golden Snake Lord.

What you saw was that Mr. Golden Snake killed Boss Wen’s two brothers and other collateral forces. How do you know that this is not Mr. Wen just pushing the boat along the way and using Mr. Golden Snake to eliminate dissidents?Haven't you seen all these calculations?

It's just that I relied on the large number of people, the big ship artillery, and no matter what calculations, I directly turned the stage over. Mr. Jin Snake didn't have the ability to turn the table, and he didn't even know that this was exactly what Boss Wen wanted, so the play continued like this up. "

Gao Miao made up the knife mercilessly.

"Didn't my husband continue to act? My husband won, but now that I am the leader of the Dragon Sect, the Dragon Sect will definitely become more powerful under my husband's hands, and if I marry someone like my husband, Long'er can be regarded as making money."

Long'er curled his lips, forcing a sophistry.

"Mutual benefit is nothing more than mutual benefit. I don't have to worry about anything when I become the leader of the sect. I don't have any dissatisfaction with it, but Longer, if you fall in love with me... Me?"

Gao Miao looked at Long Er with joy.

"Not yet, without Hong Antong's secret method, I can't stimulate the knot of life and death at all, are you satisfied!" Long Er insisted.

"You must listen to this in reverse. Satisfied, very satisfied."


Gao Miao's side is accompanied by beauties, and the beauty is bubbling. Boss Wen is not very comfortable at this time.

Boss Wen is 55 years old this year. He is tall and burly, with a full sky and a round earth pavilion. He has a lion nose and wide mouth, leopard eyes and beard.

Boss Wen is superb in martial arts, has Ruhua Meijuan as his wife, and has a smart and lovely daughter. Such a character should always hold his head high, but at this moment, Boss Wen sighed repeatedly.

Robbing King Chuang's army salary and burning Chuang Wang's food and grass were all done by Boss Wen. The reason is very simple. As early as more than ten years ago, Boss Wen had already defected to the Manchu Qing Dynasty and entered the Vajra Gate.

It is precisely because of the various advanced martial arts of the Vajra Sect that he has the strength and influence he has today.

He doesn't care if he offends Mr. Jin Snake. He dares to slaughter hundreds of members of Xia's family and marry Xia Xueyi's fiancée as his wife. He is not afraid of Xia Xueyi at all.

Even if it was Xia Xueyi who assassinated Wen's family repeatedly in the past few years, he didn't care, there was nothing to care about, these wastes would compete with him for power and profit, they couldn't help at all, it was just good to die.

What he was afraid of was Li Chuang's reaction. Manchu pirate ships were not so easy to board, and after boarding, they would naturally have to make a difference. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

A few days ago, Gao Miao made a big fuss in Shengjing City, which made the Emperor Taiji very angry. He personally issued an order and offered a huge reward for Gao Miao's capture.

Moreover, Obai also gave Boss Wen a secret order to find a way to make trouble for Li Chuang.

Manchu had the intention of invading early in the morning. The more chaotic the Ming Dynasty, the greater their profits in the end. Now that Li Chuang is the strongest, it is natural to focus on attacking Li Chuang to give Chongzhen a little breathing space, and then continue to fight among themselves to consume the potential of war .

In order to prevent Boss Wen from being obedient to others, Obai also sent five disciples of the Vajra Sect to supervise Boss Wen.

 Ask for collection and recommendation


(End of this chapter)

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