Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 268 Earth

Chapter 268 Earth
It can be said that the behemoth legion broke into the earth's atmosphere in a devastating manner, and the gray-black clouds above the clouds were rapidly dissipating.

One after another, the behemoths were taken captive and brought back to the battleship.

The original appearance of the earth is gradually becoming clear.

The azure planet of Magnolia turned completely white at this moment.

Even the ocean was completely and completely frozen.

Lin Yuan gave instructions to Storm Bear through the big screen.

"Don't act rashly, wait until our army arrives."


Lin Yuan didn't bring too many people with him, he only brought his own son and daughter and Dugu Xiaobai who had nothing to do.

Dugu Baitian started planning a new battle to destroy the sky.

Dugu Baitian's family from God's Tomb World also lived here, and now the two of them, the master of time and space, the ghost master, and others are whispering non-stop every day.

And Dugu Xiaobai has two mothers. Situ Mingyue knows that her son has been reincarnated and is now called Chen Nan, but the one in front of her is indeed his son, no matter in appearance or appearance, except for their different experiences. .

But Dugu Xiaoxuan and Dugu Xiaoyue saw another self, and they felt that the world is big and full of wonders.

Lin Yuan led the main force through the wormhole to the earth.

The target point on the other side of the wormhole must be indicated by the fleet in advance, otherwise it would be impossible to shuttle there.

Looking at the earth in front of him, Lin Yuan not only remembered the planet 36 back then, the same experience, the same upset, but the end of the earth is longer, the original billions of people are still alive. And know.

"Have you checked?" Lin Yuan asked.

"Return to the master. After investigation, there are about 2000 million people on this planet."

Lin Yuan was shocked, is there one out of ten?
It is also such a harsh environment, with freezing weather, terrifying giant beasts, mutated demons, and lack of supplies, doctors and medicines, in fact, very few people can survive.

Sighing, Lin Yuan said, "I'll go and have a look inside."

Violent Bear immediately said: "My lord, you are the most honorable person in the entire universe, and you are also the most honorable person in the entire universe, you cannot set foot in such a dirty place!

To go is to belong. "

Lin Yuan said: "You have a heart, but you don't know the meaning of the earth to me, I must go, let alone do you think there are people in this universe who can hurt me?"

"No! My Lord is the strongest man!"

"It's good to know."

After speaking, Lin Yuan's figure disappeared.

Appeared on the earth in the next moment.

The violent bear immediately shouted.

"Everyone's eyes widened for me, and you aimed your weapons at me. If the one who doesn't have eyes dares to attack me, I will kill you. If my lord hurts a hair, I will kill you." I'm asking you."

All of a sudden, everyone became tense.

Lin Tian sighed, and said, "I was able to go and have fun, but now it seems that I can't."

Dugu Xiaobai laughed and said, if you can't go then I will go.

After speaking, his figure also disappeared.

Lin Tian sighed heavily, and sat there drinking boringly.

Lin Yuan appeared in a wasteland, and there were no trees around. The extremely cold weather had begun to show signs of warming up.Because the thick clouds above the high altitude have completely disappeared.

Snow covered the ground, and the bumpy ground was undulating.

This is actually not the earth that Lin Yuan first came to, but Lin Yuan has always missed his original hometown, and it has been like this for countless years.

There have also been countless dreams of returning to the original home, seeing my father who is not in good health, and seeing my mother with high blood pressure.

After so many years, were they sad when they crossed over?My father couldn't bear too much pressure. He was traumatized when he was young, and he was crazy for a while. During that time, it felt like the whole family collapsed. It was my mother who never left to take care of the family. Only then did my father gradually get out of that period of time, out of that period of time.

Countless years have passed, and the scenes of that year are still clearly emerging in front of my eyes.

Sighing heavily, Lin Yuan headed towards his home in this world in his memory.

He is from Central Henan, and when he came to this place, there is also a village in the direction of his hometown in this world.

Also in that position.

Lin Yuan fell from the sky excitedly, but this was originally a high-tech era, and the village in his memory looked different from this place.

There are row upon row of buildings in the village and town with a very modern flavor, and the area of ​​this village is larger than his.

Walking here, it was a barren place, and even saw corpses lying on the ground from time to time.

It was barren, dilapidated, with ruins everywhere, and the village of Nuoda was empty!
Standing at his original home on another earth, an ordinary small courtyard that is not gorgeous is located here. The building and styling style are very similar to his home.


Suddenly, Lin Yuan felt that there was a breath of life here.

A skinny, messy, eight- or nine-year-old girl with tangled hair came out of the room in a shabby cotton coat.

Her breath was weak, her steps were weak, and she was even seriously ill. She seemed to be dying soon.

It's just that this girl's eyes are unusually bright. She raised her head to look at Lin Yuan in the sky, and tried her best to show a sweet smile on her skinny face.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's heart twitched.

He fell from a high altitude and stood beside the little girl with a distressed expression on his face.

"Brother... who are you?"

Her tone was weak and her voice was low.

"My name is Lin Yuan, do you know? It turns out that my brother's home is also here, but it's not this world." Lin Yuan said.

A disappointed expression appeared on the girl's face: "Oh, I also have an older brother, but he died."

After speaking, he pointed to the room, and saw a thin man leaning against the corner of the wall, who had already died long ago.

It's just that the world is bitterly cold, and his body hasn't rotted yet.

"Mom and Dad died of starvation and illness a long time ago, and I am the only one left in this world."

Lin Yuan picked her up and held her tightly in his arms.

He condensed out one after another divine principles in his hands, and kept penetrating into his body, and the pain was eliminated.

Lin Yuan condensed a huge mass of divine power into the little girl's body bit by bit.

Her vitality is recovering, and her body is gradually recovering.become less skinny.

Not long after, she was completely free of any ailments, and her body was incomparably healthy.

Looking at her little hands, she felt that she was full of strength, and she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wow! It's amazing! Thank you, brother."

(End of this chapter)

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