Anti-travel chat group

Chapter 36 Mosquito Emperor

Chapter 36 Mosquito Emperor
Gongsun Sheng was very happy. Could it be that I can also kill demons?

He nodded.

Lin Yuan dragged Gongsun Sheng into the anti-traversal chat group.

Lin Yuan: "Everyone applaud to welcome the new group members!"

Xiaolongnv: "Welcome new group members."

Condor Heroes: "Welcome new members."

Outlaws of the Marsh: "Welcome newcomers."

Gongsun Sheng: "It's nice to meet you all. My name is Gongsun Sheng, and I'm known as Ruyunlong."

Lin Yuan: "We are all a family here, let me introduce you, the one above you is the god of your world."

Gongsun Sheng: "Hello, My Lord Immortal."

Outlaws of the Marsh: "...don't listen to the boss's nonsense, we are actually a combination of wills in this world.

It is said to be the main body, but it has no ability to control the world at all. At most, it can give out something with red envelopes.

Therefore, only by cooperating with you can we get rid of the traversers.

Of course, if you insist on saying that I am a fairy, that's actually not bad! "

Gongsun Sheng: "Hello, My Lord Immortal."

Outlaws of the Marsh: "...Okay, I know you want a red envelope, so take it."

"Received a prop red envelope from Water Margin."

Gongsun Sheng clicked to open the red envelope, and a book of Wulei Tiangang's Fa-rectification appeared in his hand.

Gongsun Sheng was overjoyed, this is really a fairy.

Gongsun Sheng: "Thank you, Lord Immortal."

Leave the chat group.

Lin Yuan said to Gongsun Sheng: "Okay, my mission in this world has been completed, I should go."

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan handed over the copper coins in the group warehouse to Gongsun Sheng, and taught him how to use the group warehouse.

Gongsun Sheng took out the copper coins in amazement and put them in again.

Lin Yuan said: "You can first make friends with Da Dao Guan Sheng, Hu Yanzhuo, Qin Ming, Yang Zhi, Lin Chong, etc. They will eat in the same pot with you in the future."

Gongsun Sheng knew that Lin Yuan knew the history of his world, so he nodded.

"Brother Dao, go slowly." Gongsun Sheng cupped his fists at Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan waved his hand, and the dazzling light lit up on his body.

Open your eyes again, you have already returned to the end of the world.

Teased Heizi lying on the ground, and fed it some food.

At this time, Gongsun Sheng sent a message in the chat group.

Gongsun Sheng: "Brother Dao is safe?"

Lin Yuan turned on the live broadcast, and a notification sound immediately appeared in the group.

The administrator starts the live broadcast.

The image of Lin Yuan's room immediately appeared in the group.

Lin Yuan: "Look! Arrived safely."

Gongsun Sheng immediately exclaimed when he saw the huge ant.

Gongsun Sheng: "Is this a monster? Such a big ant!"

Xiao Longnu: "Seeing Heizi again, I'm so happy."

Condor Heroes: "This big guy looks big, but he's actually really stupid."

Water Margin: "@gongsunsheng, the boss's world is the end of the world, and all creatures have mutated! This big ant is a product of the end of the world! When you see the world outside the boss, you will know how terrifying it is!"

Gongsun Sheng: "Brother Dao is able to subdue such a powerful evildoer, I admire the poor."

Lin Yuan: "Actually, this thing is not very powerful, it's just a foodie."

Exit the chat group and turn off the live broadcast.

Lin Yuan took out the rewards in the warehouse.

Open it to see the enhanced version of Lin's marksmanship.

It has to be said that this set of marksmanship is still very powerful, but it is still a bit worse than the Pohuang swordsmanship.

However, it is enough to be used as a strengthening stone.

Taking out the internal strength and martial arts fusion device, Lin Yuan put it into the martial arts and started the fusion.

"Congratulations on the upgrade of Sword Dao, the current level is the middle grade of Xuan level."

He also picked up the enhanced version of the body strengthening technique, which is a very strong exercise for strengthening the body. The reason why people in the Water Margin world have such strong physical strength and strength is the function of this thing.

"Congratulations on learning the enhanced version of the physical fitness technique."

A strong force is constantly strengthening Lin Yuan's body.

Two hours later, the body that had been strengthened by the strengthening liquid and the body strengthening technique successively was incomparably powerful.

Lin Yuan tried the fruit knife on the table and scratched his arm. The sharp fruit knife slashed, but there was only a slight pain, and the skin was not cut.

Just a mark on the skin.

Pick up the internal strength upgrade coupons, five tickets down, the internal strength has reached the ninth level.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's body has endless powerful power.

I also spent points to buy an internal strength upgrade coupon, and successfully upgraded the internal strength to the second level and the first level.

There is still one internal strength evolution coupon and one martial arts evolution coupon left.

Use internal strength evolution coupons.

"Congratulations to the Nine-Turn Defying Scripture for evolving to the lower level of the earth."

From the mysterious level to the ground level!This is not just an upgrade of a class, it is a qualitative change.

Open the introduction to the Nine Turns Against the Heavenly Scripture.

Nine turns against the sky: One turn to strengthen the body!Second turn forging bones!Turn three blood refinement!Four turns to reshape flesh and blood!Qualitative changes in the strength of the five-turn body!

Turn six to condense spiritual knowledge!Seven turns and incarnations!Eight turns can't die!Nine turns are immortal against the sky!

Note: After turning this technique nine times, it can be reversed and practiced in reverse!After success, there will be immortality in heaven and earth!I am the only one!
After the evolution of the Nine Revolutions Against the Heavens, such a big change has occurred!
Undead after eight turns!After the ninth turn, it will be immortal against the sky!How powerful that must be!
I don't know what kind of changes will happen after the nine-turn defying scripture evolves to the heavenly stage?
Lin Yuan was looking forward to it.

Putting aside those thoughts for the time being, Lin Yuan picked up the Martial Arts Evolution Coupon, and thought about using it on the Way of Powang Sword.

A burst of golden light flashed, and the Poluan swordsmanship was upgraded to the top grade of the mysterious rank.

After teasing Heizi for a while, Lin Yuan lay down and fell asleep.

Opening his eyes the next day, Lin Yuan checked the time, it was already past eight o'clock.

After taking a shower, he walked out of the room.

In the hall, everyone looked solemn.

There were still fierce collisions outside, and the loud mosquitoes made one's scalp tingle.

Lin Yuan's face was solemn, it seemed that he was really hit by his words.

The ground squirrel looked at Lin Yuan, and said sarcastically, "You really hit the spot, those mosquitoes didn't retreat, should I call you Crow's Mouth?"

Lin Yuan said in a cold voice: "Where is the time to gossip, you should think about what we should do?"

Li Yusi burst into tears immediately: "My husband and I were leaving last night, but you refused to let me, so don't you have to find a way to leave now?
Why bother to hurt my husband? "

The ground squirrel said coldly: "You husband and wife are able to live until now, you should be grateful to the man surnamed Lin, and not blame him for hurting your husband! If it weren't for him, you should have died last night."

Zhou Zi looked at the chinchilla angrily, and said, "You..."

"What are you? Wastes like you, living in this world is a waste of food!"


Fang Kui interrupted their quarrel: "When is it? Don't you take a look at the current situation?"

Zhou Zi turned his head away angrily, not saying a word.

This is Chen Yang who was sitting in front of the computer monitor and exclaimed: "Oh my god! Come and see!"

Everyone rushed over, and saw on the surveillance screen, an extremely huge mosquito hovering high in the sky with its wings vibrating.

It's too big, those ordinary mosquitoes, like him, a rabbit meets an elephant!

Lin Yuan asked in surprise, "Is this the king of mosquitoes?"

Li Yusi suddenly burst into tears: "It's over! It's over! It's really over now, such a big mosquito must be controlling the mosquito army! We are really doomed!"

 Brothers, I have been recommended on the Internet, I need a recommendation ticket, I beg you big brothers, big brothers, please give me a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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