Chapter 42
Everyone looked at Lin Yuan in puzzlement, didn't he kill someone?
Lin Yuan continued: "Everyone, think about it carefully. If it were you, under what circumstances would you kill someone and then take his head?"

What Lin Yuan said makes sense, why do ordinary people kill people?Killing for money!

For the resources in his hands, or to see him being arrogant during the day, he wanted to kill him!
But no matter what the reason is, there is no need to cut off the head after killing someone, right?

Moreover, the people who survived after the doomsday have all evolved and have various abilities, and the dead man is quite powerful!
If a master like this is killed by a single blow, then the murderer is more powerful. Why does such a person take off his head after killing someone?
And not to mention using such a brutal way of taking the head!

A well-mannered middle-aged man said: "Maybe that person has a head collection habit!"

Chen Yang laughed and said: "This brother has a good idea, he must have such a habit, right?"

The man gave a strange laugh: "Ha! I didn't."

After finishing speaking, he continued: "If it is true, then what kind of thing likes to take off the head? Does anyone know?"

An old man said: "I know a little about this thing, and I have seen two kinds of it."

It was the father of the father and daughter who spoke.

"I once met a legless crocodile the size of a palm!
This kind of crocodile is designed to hit people's heads. As long as it is stained with it, it will drill a hole in it, and then eat up the brains in the skull!
There is another kind that I heard from others, it is a strange bird with an unusually piercing cry!This strange bird has no feathers, a pair of fleshy wings, a long beak like a knife, and a tongue in its mouth like a straw.

I don't know the name of this thing, but what it likes most is to lift the cover of the human spirit!Then suck the brains out with its tongue!
But these two things don't seem to be able to cut off the head! "

Everyone was shocked. There is such a terrifying thing in this world?

After the old man finished speaking, everyone felt a chill in their backs, and all the dark shadows in the distance looked like such terrifying things.

Lin Yuan said: "Old man, you still missed one thing."

besides?Everyone was shocked.

Just two of them are scary enough, but there are more?
Lin Yuan said: "It's that mutant devil!"

Someone suddenly said, "That's right! This thing really evolved by eating brains! I know that there is a high-level demon in the No. 22 giant city in the east!
That thing is no different from a human, except that its eyes are red, it can speak human words, and its thinking is quick, its strength is extremely terrifying!
That huge city is now ruled by that high-level demon! "

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "I once fought with a low-level demon who evolved. That guy is very smart, strong in physique, great in strength, and fast in speed!"

Chen Yang frowned and said, "So you suspect that these devils who have undergone two or three evolutions did it?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

The woman who seduced Lin Yuan during the day was called Qin Yao. She screamed and said, "If that's the case, wouldn't we be in danger? No wonder I feel chills on my back! Now that I think about it, I survived a catastrophe and escaped." One life!"

At this time, another scream sounded.

Everyone was shocked, the voice was not far from here.

Everyone rushed to that place in a hurry.

It was decapitated again, and it was still such a cruel method!

"Damn it! If it weren't for the severe cold weather, we would have been able to find that thing along the bloodstains."

The weather was dozens of degrees below zero, and after the head was cut off, the blood was frozen into ice almost instantly!Where will blood flow.

Some people shouted in horror: "This is too scary! I can't stay here anymore! I want to get out of here! I want to take a detour!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Lin Yuan sneered, leaving at this time?After breaking away from the crowd, people in the wilderness die faster!
Chen Yang stepped forward to stop the man, saying: "You are crazy! If you leave at this time, aren't you courting death?"

The man pushed Chen Yang away and said, "Go away! You don't need to worry about it."


Lin Yuan said to Chen Yang: "What do you care about him? It's his own choice if he wants to commit suicide."

Chen Yang frowned and said, "But..."

The man turned back and sneered, "Waiting here will only kill you faster! I advise you to make plans early!"

After finishing speaking, he sank into the darkness without looking back!

Some people may start to ponder, should they continue to wait here for the so-called strong man to kill that terrifying big bug?Or leave now.

Others have already stepped forward to follow the man.

But at this moment, a black shadow disappeared in a flash, and the black shadow rode on the shoulder of the departing person in an instant, inserted its sharp fingers into the neck of the person, twisted the head of the person and instantly took it off!

A tragic cry sounded, and the man's body fell straight down!

Horrified! ! !

Everyone was surprised!
Qin Yao screamed and wanted to jump on Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan's eyes were like lightning, that black shadow was...

"Chase! Don't let him run away!"

In an instant, Lin Yuan, Chen Yang, and another man and woman who looked like brothers and sisters rushed out of the crowd and chased after the shadow.

The black figure was extremely fast, and its figure kept flickering. His fingers pried open the man's head, and he reached out to grab the brain and eat it.

Lin Yuan roared angrily, and his feet shifted to the extreme.

Like a ray of light, Lin Yuan quickly approached the shadow.

The Yitian sword is out of its sheath, and the way of the sword is broken!

Lin Yuan unleashed Ling Tian's sword!
The sword qi slashed at the black shadow.

The black shadow quickly dodged, Lin Yuan took this opportunity to get in front of the black shadow, and kicked the black shadow.

The black shadow flew out, Lin Yuan finally saw the black shadow clearly!

That is indeed a mutant devil, or a low-level devil after evolution!

It was the low-level demon who fought Lin Yuan in the city where Lin Yuan was hiding.

But the low-level demons at this moment are stronger than that time!

He's probably on the verge of evolution again.

"It really is you!" Lin Yuan Yitian Sword pointed at the low-level demon.

The pair of brothers and sisters and Chen Yang also arrived, and they surrounded the low-level demon.

In that pair of brothers and sisters, the elder brother was called Su Wen, and the younger sister was called Su Ying.

Su Wen said: "Brother, do you know this guy?"

Su Ying also stared at Lin Yuan with big beautiful eyes.

Lin Yuan said coldly: "I met this guy in the city where I was hiding, and even had a fight! The evolved low-level demon I just mentioned is this guy! Unexpectedly, this guy also to here!"

Su Wen said coldly: "Hey! It's just a mutated demon, just kill it!"

Looking at Lin Yuan and Chen Yang, Su Wen smiled and said, "Do you dare to compete?"

Chen Yang smiled and said, "Who will kill this guy first? Haha! This is good!"

But at this moment Lin Yuan couldn't laugh!

Because he suddenly felt a strong sense of terror!

This sense of terror made Lin Yuan feel palpitations.

The low-level demon suddenly began to howl in horror, and rushed out like crazy.

Su Wen and Chen Yang sneered, "Are you still running?"

After that, he wanted to chase that low-level demon.

But the palpitations are getting stronger and stronger!Not only that, but there is a feeling of death lingering in my heart.

Lin Yuan was sweating profusely at this moment, he felt something even more terrifying was staring at him.

"Wait! I feel a peerless horror! It's here!"

Chen Yang and Su Wen were startled, peerless horror?
"It... is coming! Run!"

Lin Yuan let out a cry.


The ground suddenly shattered, and a snake head as big as a hundred square meters rushed out of the ground!
It shattered the ground, and the huge body didn't know how long it was!
It's buried deep in the ground!
The giant snake raised its body, and its huge snake head opened its bloody mouth!He rushed towards Lin Yuan and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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